Учись учить английскому: упражнения. Олег Владимирович БелоусовЧитать онлайн книгу.
does she swim?
10. Он водит свою машину. He drives his car.
He doesn’t drive his car.
Does he drive his car?
Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.
Does he drive or fly (walk…go…)?
Does he drive his car or go on foot (fly…crawl…)?
What does he do?
What does he drive?
11. Он сидит на скамейке. He sits on the bench.
He doesn’t sit on the bench.
Does he sit on the bench?
Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.
Does he sit or stand (lie…jump…)?
Does he sit on the bench or on the chair (sofa…stool…)?
What does he do?
Where does he sit? (What does he sit on?)
12. Он бегает по утрам. He jogs in the morning.
He doesn’t jog in the morning.
Does he jog in the morning?
Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.
Does he run or jump (read…write…)?
Does he jog in the morning or in the evening (at night…at day time…)?
What does he do?
When does he jog?
13. Мы моем посуду. We wash dishes.
We don’t wash dishes.
Do we wash dishes?
Yes, we do. No, we don’t.
Do we wash or dry (clean…read…)?
Do we wash dishes or clothes (boots…trousers…)?
What do we do?
What do we wash?
14. Мы решаем вопросы. We solve problems.
We don’t solve problems.
Do we solve problems?
Yes, we do. No, we don’t.
Do we solve or drink (catch…look…)?
Do we solve problems or tasks (matters…questions…)?
What do we do?
What do we solve?
15. Мы обедаем в ресторане. We have lunch in the restaurant.
We don’t have lunch in the restaurant.
Do we have lunch in the restaurant?
Yes, we do. No, we don’t.
Do we have lunch or dinner (breakfast…shower…)?
Do we have lunch in the restaurant or in the bar (cafe…at home…)?
What do we do?
Where do we have lunch?
16. Они ужинают дома. They have supper at home.
They don’t have supper at home.
Do they have supper at home?
Yes, they do. No, they don’t.
Do they have supper or dinner (breakfast…lunch…)?
Do they have supper at home or in the restaurant (bar…on the hill…)?
What do they do?
Where do they have supper?
17. Они делают домашнюю работу каждый день. They do homework everyday.
They don’t do homework everyday.
Do they do homework everyday?
Yes, they do. No, they don’t.
Do they do homework or morning exercises (play computer games…swim…)?
Do they do homework everyday or every night (every morning…every evening…)?
What do they do?
When do they do their homework?
18. Они делают утреннюю зарядку каждое утро. They do morning exercises every morning.
They don’t do morning exercises every morning.
Do they do morning exercises every morning?
Yes, they do. No, they don’t.
Do they morning exercises or homework (play hockey…make snowballs…)?
Do they do morning exercises every morning or every evening (every hour…every afternoon…)?
What do they do?
When do they do morning exercises?
Exercise 3
1. Я работаю в офисе пять дней в неделю. I work in the office five days of the week.
I don’t work in the office five days of the week.
Do I work in the office five days of the week?
Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
Do I work or play football (sleep…drink…)?
Do I work in the office or at school (sleep…drink…)?
Do I work in the office five or six days of the week?
What do I do?
Where do I work?
How many days of the week do I work in the office?
2. Я играю в футбол каждую субботу. I play football every Saturday.
I don’t play football every Saturday.
Do I play football every Saturday?
Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
Do I play or work (eat…drink…)?
Do I play football or basketball (volleyball…handball…)?
Do I play football every Saturday or Sunday (Monday…Friday…)?
What do I do?
What do I play? (What game do I play?)
When do I play football?
3. Я думаю о тебе очень часто. I think about you very often.
I don’t think about you very often.
Do I think about you very often?
Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
Do I think or do (eat cucumbers…smell bananas…)?
Do I think about you or her (my plans…the project…)?
Do I think about you very often or seldom (always…usually…)?
What do I do?
Who do I think about?
When do I think about you?
4. Ты пьешь молоко каждый день. You drink milk every day.
You don’t drink milk every day.
Do you drink milk every day?