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World under clowns. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

World under clowns - Almaz Braev

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rld under clowns

      Before the nuclear conflict

      Almaz Braev

      © Almaz Braev, 2024

      ISBN 978-5-0059-0141-5

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      Famous director Ridley Scott very accurately remarked after the box office fiasco of his film The Last Duel: “I think what it boils down to – what we’ve got today [are] the audiences who were brought up on these f***ing cell phones. The millennials never want to be taught anything unless they are told it on the cell phone”.

      Ridley Scott is, of course, a monster of Hollywood directing; well, what do we care about the crisis of American cinema? However, we still have a case. Ignoring and even rejecting any classical, therefore, traditional direction at the same time is already a total crisis of world culture. Where is that audience increasing if the mass show industry loses an audience?

      Previously, the classics of literature owned the minds of the planet. Today, clowns are on the mind of the planet. It is unnecessary to compare how much airtime is spent on all kinds of humorous shows today, and humor is in the price. The planet entertains itself as best it can. In addition, the entertainment world is supported by big business and, therefore, by politicians. Politicians worldwide got so carried away by populism that they became clowns. No, they have not yet appeared all in a row as clowns, although in some places, clowns took power. And this is not the limit of humor possibilities for the future. Literally, all politicians in the world are engaged in the hype, and they want to look like their own among their own. Diplomatic departments are overflowing with all kinds of talkers, although the language of diplomacy has always been specific and conservative. Now, because of technological capabilities, everything has become possible. And already diplomats hype, the highest politicians hype – not lag behind. They say they will push the nuclear button if necessary. When was this possible? Baby, this is democracy! Each politician will then refer to his popularity on social networks.

      This book considers not only democracy as a stage for presidents – future clowns. If world politicians come to power after social networks to entertain and please again for five minutes, then politics will disappear as an activity. Only the politicians – clowns will remain. The planet has such a prospect because of the dominance of populism. In other respects, democracy has always been distinguished by flirting with voters since Ancient Athens. Today, technology allows politicians to make noise and be publicly rowdy so that they are watched more, for they are watched more and chosen faster.

      In addition to the degradation of the profession of politicians, this book will show the degradation of authoritarianism. All monarchies, then the autocracy of the world, have always had and will have a request for stupid executive officials. Moreover, all officials of such regimes have never had leadership qualities; even in the USSR, they were recruited to power not by talents but by inoffensiveness. Empire versus nature? Yes, empires overflowed with weak officials who made careers for minor services to dictators during the decline. All empires inevitably ended because they lacked heroes, but thieves and corrupt officials were always abundant.

      With such a joint degradation, the two main systems of the world have come to this point in time.

      We started talking about cinema in 2006; the American film company 20th Century Fox made the comedy Idiocracy.

      I also advise you to watch this comedy, for there is a joke in every joke. In 2022, the world will be several years closer to its future. However, in 2006, no real clown had power yet. It was just the beginning.

      Chapter 1

      People want to laugh all the time

      “I propose to raise a revolution against the lie that the majority has a monopoly on the truth”.

      Henrik Ibsen

      “We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.”

      – Aesop

      They say that this world appeared thanks to the explosion. In a few billion years, this world will disappear thanks to laughter. The laughter of all humankind will be so strong that the planet will not stand it and will be flooded with nuclear laughter.

      Moreover, humanity will laugh heartily five minutes before the launch of ballistic missiles when the clown rulers jokingly press the button in the last reprise, which can still make people laugh. People will have no more reason to laugh because they will be under the impression of the next planetary news as stoned with marijuana. Nothing will cling to humanity anymore: neither grief, suffering, people’s troubles, nor even pornography as a manifestation of the very interesting instincts. Just laughter. And only laughter. As a forerunner of such a scenario, the appearance of clown presidents worldwide.

      Someone says that clowns are given to people by world mafiosi. It benefits them that nations laugh during the pandemic. In fact, it is. But haven’t people wanted to see a funny freak for all the past ages? It also distracted them from their worries and mental problems. It’s better to see the freak and calm yourself down. Not everything is supposedly so bad. “O.K. Here he is, a freak, making me laugh; he’s funny, pathetic, and wants to make me laugh. And it’s funny to me, I feel good”. Where did all these political puppets come from now? They even declare they are ready to press the nuclear button. Why are they saying this? To make you laugh? No. Bye, to like. Politicians and diplomats of the past centuries are all boring and speak an incomprehensible professional language. And modern politics speak like real clowns. They want to please you and me. Let’s elect such politicians as presidents! It will be fun and pleasant for us.

      I did not draw the appearance of clowns as a conspiracy of world elites who need clowns as presidents. I drew that clowns are the evolutionary need of the crowd of all time and people to laugh and forget their problems by observing a freak. Yes, rulers have used spectacles to distract the crowd from economic problems and political crises since the time of Rome. But what kind of crisis are we talking about with the triumph of democracy? No, there is no crisis. There is a need for people for drugs. And laughter is a very good drug. Presidents clowns want to please the crowd and its passions, so they try. What can there be anything else under a democracy?

      Chapter 2

      There are other situations

      People need heroes only for the pain of death. During a democracy, all of humanity is moving towards the abyss to get smarter through war.

      Does modern humanity resemble a dinosaur?

      The main problem of modern humanity is the fear of leaders. Modern humanity agrees with the official government because it cannot do anything against it. And vice versa, no current government can ban or ignore these social networks. Social networks show a massive choice of buffoons, clowns, comedians, at the very least, dogs and cats, based on which the choice of helpless old men and other inarticulate leaders is made “with the help of democracy” – as we see, the current political bohemia and the world behind the scenes enjoy, and the fear of the crowd in front of real, natural leaders and itself already consists of such people.

      Such a state of fear of the crowd in front of a man with a hard male character, each of whom causes envy and complexity of the electorate itself at the same time (social networks are an excellent slice of envy and complexes), gives an outlet to all sorts of scammers, hypocrites, spineless conformists, that is, populists who even outwardly look miserable, but do not cause envy and complexes at the moment of their screams. Populists, like the flesh and blood of a complex inert crowd, “their guys,” are taking great advantage of the situation. The crowd enjoys the audacity of an active crook, and it turns out to be self-satisfaction, another show of a political clown now.

      Is it possible to blame a crowd of small, squeezed shell people in the current clowning, balancing at the moment on the brink of nuclear war, as the last

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