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World under clowns. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

World under clowns - Almaz Braev

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are unimportant. Smart versus traditional, a new round of confrontation begins.

      Chapter 4

      They will do everything themselves

      But the Zerefs don’t want to tolerate each other. To understand this and the mechanism of manipulation of Zeref weaknesses, you need to go back and see the roots of Zeref intolerance in the past.

      Zerefs, are relatives; relatives are quite tolerant. The Zerefs are intolerant only to strangers, not to their own, who are not relatives to them. For their own, they are more than friendly; they are obliged to help each other to survive, if anything, to stand up for their kind – they are sacrificial. Moreover, they are connected by blood ties with each other.

      But why are the Zerefs suddenly changing?

      Maybe because strangers have penetrated their family circle? Exactly. As soon as the foreigners enter the village, they immediately strain the Zerefs. Nature has made it so that no one can break the bonds of kinship. Strangers can infiltrate or disturb neighbors if only the population has increased, extra people of a neighboring tribe have found themselves on the border, and maybe even the aggressors have come specifically for the purpose of capture. In revcon, overpopulation is called a Zeref loop. Tradition sets the only task for the male half of humanity. Every Zeref is obliged to continue his family. Fulfilling this divine commandment (to be fruitful and multiply), Zeref is the founder of the genus. And when each of his last children does the same, a clash between the increased number of births is inevitable. It won’t happen right away. Maybe it will take centuries. But sooner or later, one tribe will attack another. The most primitive illustration of such a clash is the Great Migration of peoples in the IV century. The overpopulation of traditional population areas is the source of zero tolerance. This intolerance does not depend on time. It is always there as long as there is a tradition. As long as there is at least one traditional person. Of course, technical achievements do not prevent these collisions. If there is no change in morals, the Zerefs remain intolerant pagans; the first thing they will do is attack. If morality is subjected to a decrease in kinship, a decrease in the importance and role of blood, then the Zerefs are subjected to great embarrassment. With the arrival of the prophet of enlightenment, they seem to meet their own mirror. Not all Zerefs accept it, agree, and get down. Most protest and disagree. The fate of all the saints, in this case, is predetermined. Zerefs don’t like to look at themselves in the mirror. The Zerefs love it when someone praises them. (This childhood habit is so tenacious that the traditional upbringing is the key to understanding such a phenomenon of modernity as nationalism). If the attempt at enlightenment or the transition to a new reflection is delayed, then a false prophet, or the most agile group of greedy and cunning populists, necessarily replaces the prophet in the main square. This fanatic does not differ at all from his primitive prototype. Let them be separated by centuries, but before you – all the same, Zeref is a relative. He is, of course, also irreconcilable with outsiders. He certainly says that the precepts of antiquity and the parting words of the ancestors remain the most important for his people. The ancestors also said, listening to real prophets’ notifications, – be fruitful and multiply! If the populist Zeref did not accept the moral precepts of the reformation, he would guide the crowd according to even older precepts. In general, the conflict of morality leads to a collision. And then all the moralists who have met another overpopulation – a zeref loop, are subject to obstruction. If you want to know why the false prophets are directing the crowd at the old moralists (or intellectuals and other clever people), they get rid of competitors. The time of the zeref loop immediately revives the Remid one. What is a remide loop? It is when the simplest one stands out from the group of worthy ones (from the existing, acting elite). This most primitive does not look like either the former aristocracy or the false populist from the square; he is nobody at all. But all likely applicants like him precisely because of his insignificance. The time of the zeref loop or the overflow of borders by the people creates pressure on the elite, and it also degrades along with the people. The elite’s Remids squeeze out a gray mouse from their environment to the surface – the worst of the brilliant ranks, just because it’s time for physical overflow. Highlighting the worst is a reaction and, simultaneously, a signal to attack. The Zeref loop is not only a time of economic crisis but also a time of growth of contenders for power. Because everyone wants to be an elite, to be in the upper strata, the current morality disappears. From this, the worst and the insignificant change places with the best and the noble; the lower ones turn into the upper ones (not all, of course, as this is physically impossible), and the upper ones go down. The philistine, the ordinary philistine, immediately complains that everything human is disappearing. People turn into antipodes. There is no solidarity, former union, or corporatism, only lies, deception, cunningness, adaptability, and even violence – the peak of the Zeref celebration and redistribution. This gives a signal that in a pre-cultural world, a primitive movement is coming. It was as if strangers had come, and all the people had rebelled against this coming. As usual, this phenomenon is called fascism now. Almost the nation welcomes self-praise and the likely seizure of someone else’s territory. But the most important thing is not the overflow of people, not the crisis of extra mouths, and therefore, extra people who cannot be fed – this is the growth in the number of candidates for power. The physical growth of not the people but the applicants. When there are many applicants and the base is old, morality turns from human into hateful; morality turns into anti-morality, and everyone wants to rise at the expense of humiliating others. And these heads, on which all the applicants want to walk, are not necessarily representatives of other ethnic groups (clans). If there are many applicants but few places, a signal is received – the morality does not correspond to the moment, then all the applicants want their people. To untie their hands, the applicants begin to denounce competitors and immediately find enemies, and it is better, of course, to have obvious enemies and, at the same time, praise the crowd, asserting that it should live better. There are always a lot of applicants in chaos and turmoil. People say adventurers want to fish in muddy water. Of course, with the old morality and with the old elite, it is impossible to catch fish in any way. That is why the old elite if not physically destroyed, is completely vulgarized. She sinks to the bottom, beggars. Every bearer of the morality of solidarity and responsibility, or who simply remembers what it is, for example, the same teachers in schools, is subjected to humiliation and direct and indirect ridicule. Suppose the applicant or his philistine ally wants to rise in the new hierarchy of timelessness. In that case, they must trample morality, honor, responsibility, and the memory of when it was. Humiliate anyone who remembers anything at all..

      Thus, it is not a zeref loop or overpopulation that is the cause of the crisis. The cause of the crisis is not necessarily economic; the devastation first occurs in the heads, and then in the economy, it is the old morality. It did not take into account the factor of the new elite. The overflow is not of the population but of new contenders for power and influence.

      The appearance of a large crowd of potential applicants at the gates of the old guard. This moment has been missed. The uprising begins. The new elite is first encroaching on the old morality because it stands guard over the alleged humanity and, in fact, the interests of the old elite. The old elite is overthrown along with the old morality. Among the omitted or deposed carriers of humanity, the layman sees not the humane elitists of the past, who were just hypocritical to come to power in turn, but.. teachers, ordinary schoolteachers, and all others who have the concept of honor and decency. There should be no such people for a crowd of applicants to rule.

      The new contenders are not the creators of a new morality but only the Zeref destroyers (destroyers of traditions). They do not care, as well as primitive barbarians, whether the city, this state or not, will remain after the capture and plunder. This zero-tolerance can unite the people with the new elite of the future. Such an elite needs to give as much freedom as possible. It is destroying old bonds, and they can’t think of anything but solidarity through blood. And what do the relatives of the whole world do? They are waiting for what to take and where to attack. But even to attack,

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