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World under clowns. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

World under clowns - Almaz Braev

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head, and a huge body falls into the abyss when the dinosaur’s head chews a fern leaf.

      Zerots men are not afraid of death, and they are afraid of shame.

      Like aristocrats from the past, they don’t want to change.

      So why does the traditional elite, the elite of the tribe, or the elite of the feudal lords – the Zerots – not want to change?

      Actually, why should they change if that’s what you want?

      The Zerots are not just unwilling to change; they are simply not trifles on the example of the clowns of democracy, to which everyone is accustomed. Modern people do not think strategically, do not plan, and do not anticipate fate for years before; they would like to live today’s day to the end and have fun, and Zerot is not; they would not. The Zerots don’t care about modern dance. They live like the characters of the Bible. They don’t just live for a few centuries – it doesn’t happen that way. That’s about how all the feudal lords of the nobility think. Zerots rule and change places only when the time is right. When sons grow up, the replacement will mature. And this replacement is their children. If not their sons, then the most worthy of the relatives change the ruler. Everything else is the whim of idiots who are used to living with the main characters all their lives in one movie session. And the crisis also plays on the desire to change the rulers. And again, only the selfishness of consumers generates a desire for the manager to leave. But he’s not leaving. Not because he is waiting for the next election. If he is a Zerot man, he is preparing a replacement for himself because the traditional elite has never consulted with the rabble. Only in very wild times, when anyone could reach the leader, would the leader yield. Well, then, not everyone would dare to take responsibility for the people’s lives. The elite is the elite. While some just live and perform the function of life from birth to old age, others are already waiting for death. Yes, the rabble is afraid of death, but Zerot is preparing for it. Zerot cares what they say about him. The Zerots inherit only their name and honor.

      They behave as if they were born a long time ago.

      And if a crisis has happened, what does it mean for Zerot men? Let’s get rid of our problems a little bit.

      What is a crisis of tradition in general, and how does a crisis of tradition differ from a market one?

      That’s just the mechanism or reasons for the replacement that will show all the differences between traditional thinking and consumer uniform.

      For traditional peoples, a crisis or, more precisely, force majeure is when circumstances threaten life. And what threatens the fate or the prospect of living as always? It is as if some disaster has struck if the people do not get what they need to complete the annual cycle. And what made it possible to complete the annual cycle? These are, of course, edibles. Primitive technology and dependence on nature forced us to narrow it down. And first of all, they do not reproduce. If the farmers could afford to sit still, then the nomads were driven by the lack of food wherever they looked. If all the weak and sick died, would the leader be responsible for these losses?

      Only a modern fool would come up with such an idea. No natural cataclysm would damage his authority. The first thought of primitive people is that it’s a common punishment. Supernatural strength of God. But here, the leader is not responsible for communicating with an unknown force. The time of such a crisis is the appearance of a priest on the stage. In modern terms, let’s say the Prime minister. His servants have not given something to the spirits or God. If we talk about the past, the primitive leaders of the past or leaders were responsible for defense or attack. If he is a farmer and a leader of farmers, then for defense; if he is a nomad, then for the attack. That’s what a traditional force majeure is! Only the failure of a military campaign (foreign policy in modern terms means) or even death causes rotation among the Zerot leaders. One by one, the young replace the old – change the old one or the loser or the deceased. If he loses, he is a coward; if he wins, he is a hero. And glory to him!

      That is, every crisis, in modern economic terms, is the beginning of the movement of the elite in any direction. If the elite was nomadic in the past, it attacked; if it was agricultural, it held the defense. In the modern case of universalism, the crisis is overcome systematically – both by the defense (against sanctions) and attack (by an active foreign policy when much shit is in your camp). And even despite the general system and the surrounding universalism, Zerots are not chosen from the crowd by the so-called democratic elections; such elections cause only a lot of noise and confusion from their environment. Even modern oligarchs, for whom, it would seem, the gods are money, behave as if they were born under ancient feudalism because they were born in a traditional world and to a conservative culture; only after that did they become rich.

      Chapter 3

      The last battle. Smart vs. Traditional

      The whole recent history of the world is the story of the confrontation of the smart against the traditional. Today, this confrontation is most acute and relevant. The clever Refags of the West are gaining the upper hand. Traditional communities will have no choice but crypto fascism, although fascism was not formed everywhere in Asia and did not even have such an opportunity. In Asia, fascism and communism converged in the face of traditional communities that did not clearly understand either the concept of a nation or the concept of communism. According to Marxism, the similarity turned out only in the form of terror of the poor against the rich. But, once again, Marxism or crypto-Marxism prevailed because market relations were poorly developed, nations were not formed, and peoples did not turn into one whole and in one form. Even today, Chinese communism or Korean more closely resemble feudal regimes with their ethnic specifics – an ancient culture based on an industrial revolution. Coups seem to have happened, modernization has taken place, and there has been stagnation in reflection. Reflection remained the same. From the tadpole of the collectivist, a master frog can always appear. The regimes will always be teetering on the brink of restoration according to the type of Russia. Because in Asia, traditional community members have put individuals under control, the Zerefs have prevailed over the smart ones. They prevailed physically – as always – with quantity and traditional morality. But who are the smart ones? How is this confrontation understood through reflection?


      In the manner of Western superiority, today, they are called personalities. Western reformers successfully introduced a culture of tolerance in the fledgling national capitalism. If savages do not appreciate and cannot appreciate talents until they feel the need, then let them learn to endure. Thus, the savages, because of an inferiority complex, learn tolerance and call each other personalities now. Although the traditionalists always have superiority in the first place locally. The new feudal elite and everyone with enough money feels good but are not yet individuals. They repeat that they love democracy and strive for it, but most of all, they are consumers, including words from smart Westerners who are honorary teachers for the Zerefs (for modern traditional people).

      However, this does not mean that the past traditionalists have disappeared somewhere, disappeared among the personalities of corrupt officials, artists, comedians, millionaire athletes, and other propagandists of legislators. All those who did not fall into the categories of personalities held an act of revenge. The Zerefs don’t care what to call the smart ones – the main ones are their next upstarts. In the traditional world, there have never been personalities in the Western manner of sensuality. The traditionalists have all personalities – folk heroes. But the Zerefs still call everyone they don’t love one word – parasites and also “enemies of the people” and other enemies, as it has always been. The Zerefs have never distinguished the political sides of the smart ones. They despise the right under the name of liberals and the left under the name of Trotskyists. But, once again, who is it – a liberal that a Trotskyist does not matter to the Zerefs; for the traditionalists, it is the same thing because both of them –

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