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Vengeance Weapon. Макс ГлебовЧитать онлайн книгу.

Vengeance Weapon - Макс Глебов

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ones built for transporting prisoners from the Kappa Ceti system. It seemed that our genius of logistics was seriously determined to take out of the enemy star system everything his grasping hands could reach.

      “Commander, Sir,” Barrington, after reviewing the list of the captured objects, addressed to me with a slight smile, “I’m afraid your squadron will have to stay here for at least six days. It would be just criminal to leave such trophies here or to destroy them.”

      I started thinking. Such a delay was not part of my plan. It seems that a large fleet of toads could not appear in the system. If they had it, they would have brought it here through the portal a long time ago and not let us take over their space with impunity. But the risk was still quite high. We had already encountered one surprise that had cost us quite a bit. Who knows how many more of these trump cards the enemy has up his sleeve? But Barrington was also understandable. The Federation was desperate for new technologies, and here they were practically lying around to pick up.

      “All right, General of the Army, Sir, you will have six days, but I need your men to deploy three more transport rings in different parts of the system. In the event of a sudden change in the situation, this will allow transports to quickly evacuate through the nearest portal. I will send you the coordinates of the gate installation points.”

      “I’ll give the order,” Barrington nodded and plunged into the process of organizing a professional looting of the enemy industrial infrastructure.

      Chapter 3

      “Why are we still working on this old stuff, Fléa?” Silk asked in a tired voice, turning away from the programmer of the medical capsule and sinking heavily into a chair, “As far as I remember, we were promised new equipment a week ago. I mean, these promises are two weeks old, and they were supposed to arrive here a week ago! I spend three times as much time using this junk as I could on one patient. What do they think they’re doing there in the capital?!”

      “You’re completely out of touch, doctor," the older nurse shook her head, “When was the last time you watched the network news?”

      “What news? Don’t you see what’s going on? Rescue workers are constantly opening up new blocked entrances to the underground levels of cities, and you know what follows.”

      Fléa knew this. Every time the heavy repair robots managed to reach another blocked off neighborhood, the flood of wounded was literally overwhelming the hastily deployed Civil Defense Department hospitals. It was just a miracle that engineer Colweg, who came out of nowhere, turned out to be both a qualified doctor and a specialist in medical equipment. Only through his efforts was it possible to bring the old med pods and diagnostic equipment out of mothballs so quickly that the hospital was able to receive almost twice as many wounded. But now Colweg was so busy with work that he fell asleep on the job, so it was no wonder he couldn’t think about anything else.

      “In the last ten days, the toads have attacked five more of our systems,” Fléa answered softly, “All in all, almost 30 planets are now under simultaneous attack. Many of them have surface battles going on. The news reports say that the fleet and army have mobilized all their reserves and soon the situation will be back under control, but frankly, I find it hard to believe. The portal network is practically paralyzed. If they’ve tried to send us new med pods and other equipment, the transports must have gotten hopelessly stuck somewhere. And most likely, all of it has already been dispersed to other places for the needs of the army. There’s so much carnage over there now that no one will remember our Kappa Gyan anytime soon.”

      “Okay, Fléa, I got it. I’m just grouchy, don’t mind me. Who’s next?”

      The nurse didn’t have time to answer. A junior technician peeked into the cubicle, saw Silk and waved to someone in the hospital corridor, “Engineer Colweg is here, Colonel! Come in.”

      “Service Engineer Colweg?” The question was posed by an energetic military man in a medical colonel’s uniform, who entered the room after the technician.

      “I’m listening to you,” Silk said, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

      “Colonel Egen," the unexpected visitor introduced himself, “Mr. Engineer, do you have a few minutes to spare?” At that, Egen glanced expressively at Fléa.

      “I think I’ll make you some tea and cookies, Doctor,” the nurse smiled and left the room, beckoning the technician to follow her and shutting the door tightly.

      “Hello, Dr. Silk. General Las, Ministry of Defense Security Service.”

      “So you found me after all,” Silk grinned mirthlessly, “Why am I surprised? Why the Ministry of Defense Security Service, General? I thought people from the Imperial Security were coming for me. And the General… Isn’t that a bit much?”

      “You’ve been rather imprudent, Doctor,” Las replied, glancing around the cubicle filled with equipment, “It wasn’t that hard to figure you out.”

      “I couldn’t have it any other way,” Silk answered grimly, “You don’t want to answer any questions, do you? Shall I pack?”

      “I’ll answer, but not here. I don’t think my colleagues in the Imperial Security Service are any stupider than I am. Staying in the hospital is extremely dangerous for you. There’s a fly-car waiting for me at the special-vehicle yard. It would be better if we left here immediately and under some plausible pretext.”

      “Why should I believe you?” asked Silk, looking into the General’s eyes.

      “Because if I just turn around and leave now,” Las squinted, “then in a few hours, 24 hours at the most, there will be people from the Security Service of the Empire here. And they will talk to you in a completely different way. General Clay is now sitting in their detention center, and they’re dreaming to get another member of the operation to send Brigadier General Dean’s consciousness to another galaxy. And I want to get to the bottom of what’s going on, and to do that I need an opportunity to meet or at least to talk to Admiral Lavroff via hypercomms.”

      “What do you suggest?” asked the Doctor in a slightly calmer tone.

      “First of all, to get out of here as soon as possible and as far away as possible. I’ll cover you as much as I can, but I’m not ready to come into direct conflict with the Imperial Security Service, you should know that. So are you coming, Doctor?”

      Las’s fly-car lifted off into the pale sky of Giyan-3. Strictly speaking, the hospital should have been thoroughly mopped up, but Dr. Silk would definitely refuse any cooperation after that, and Las was not ready for such harsh actions. He must have gone soft in his general’s job. In the end, Las could only hope that his field agent, who had recently taken a job at the hospital as a junior technician, could intelligently explain the disappearance of service engineer Colweg and, at least for a while, slow down or misdirect the Imperial Security Service.

      The flight was about 20 minutes long. The medium recon ship that took Las to the planet was waiting for his return at the local Ministry of Defense Security base. But even before the General’s fly-car descended onto the runway, Las’s communicator beeped an emergency call.

      “General, Sir," Las heard the voice of the base commander, "I’m afraid your ship’s takeoff will have to be postponed indefinitely. Fixed scanners have just detected a strike fleet of the toads one jump away from Kappa Giyan.”

      “On the contrary, I need to take off immediately. Maybe we can still make it to the third portal in time.”

      “There is no third portal anymore. The enemy appeared from that side, and, I suspect, not by accident. The only thing left is the hypergate in the system itself, but it would be completely impossible to get through there now, unless you’re going to show your emergency powers.”

      Las wasn’t going to show anything to anyone. He had already exposed himself while jumping into the system in the hold of an evacuation transport, and trying to exercise his emergency powers now would inevitably attract the attention of the Imperial Security Service. And it’s not a fact that it would have worked. The fleet should have started moving warships into the system to repel the toads’

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