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Vengeance Weapon. Макс ГлебовЧитать онлайн книгу.

Vengeance Weapon - Макс Глебов

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could not do it. I didn’t know what their top brass were counting on globally, but in this particular star system they had already lost anyway. Sooner or later, one way or another, the orbital fortresses would be knocked out, that was no doubt in my mind or, I’m sure, in the minds of the «frogs» themselves. But they could stall long enough, and it made no sense to ask them to give up now. I, on the other hand, had no desire to waste any more time.

      If you don’t count all the sparsely populated small planets, the toads had 18 star systems. The «frogs» didn’t seem to be able to build a powerful fleet quickly, and the ships they were capable of building, let’s face it, were not very impressive. Our Black Dragons, especially with the support of the ‘Invisibles’ with the new torpedoes, could well eat them for breakfast. But what to do with these ancient weapons of theirs, I did not yet understand. I firmly knew only one thing: I want to get an undamaged sample of this gun, let’s call it that for now, for simplicity. But so far it’s only been my wishful thinking, and the fact that the toads’ weapons prevented us from getting close to the planet to attack the orbital fortresses without great losses, was a fact that had to be dealt with.

      I went over the problem in my head this way and that way, but the solution never came. Of course, it was possible to use the tactics we used during the attack on the toads’ portal. Yes, the crews of the ships do not die, but the ships themselves die in packs, which, to put it mildly, is not very good, you can’t get enough of them. On the other hand, only a massive torpedo salvo could pierce a hole in such a dense network of fortresses, which means that it would still be necessary to deliver torpedoes to the launch line. Therefore, it will be necessary to expose ourselves to the fire of the ancient weapons of toads, and none of our ships can withstand at least one volley of these weapons. And since we can’t defend against a strike, we have to put ships that we don’t feel sorry for under it. And what ship is not a pity to lose? What properties should it have? Correct! It must be extremely simple and cheap to produce and, necessarily, not require a crew. And who here is the best expert on huge fleets of cheap ships? I know this man!

      I can’t say that General of the Army Barrington was pleased that I distracted him from expropriating another autonomous space plant in our favor, but he listened to me carefully.

      “Igor, your idea isn’t bad, but it needs some work,” he said after pondering my words for a while, “The construction of cheap ships I can really arrange. A barrel without cannons, armor, and protective fields, with primitive intra-system engines incapable of a normal hyperjump, can’t be worth much. We’ve been over this with the evacuation transports. But you want to fill this barrel with torpedoes with plasma warheads. And how much does one such torpedo cost, do you remember?”

      I remembered. And under Barrington’s sad stare, my idea was beginning to seem less and less viable. Although…

      “Mr. Barrington, the barrel doesn’t have to be big. The important thing is to have lots of them. Then the toads’ super-powered weapons will hit mosquitoes. Their rate of fire is extremely low, and the deaths of a few dozen small plasma torpedo carriers will not change anything in the overall situation.”

      “Small ships will cost more,” said Barrington thoughtfully, figuring something out in his mind, “Engines, computer, control and navigation systems will still be needed on each carrier. But I like the idea. How quickly do you need such ships? However, what am I asking Fleet Admiral Lavroff? As always, already yesterday, this young man simply does not know any other terms.”

      “You know me pretty well,” I grinned back.

      “I think I’ll talk to the lizards. No one in this world can build ships faster than they can. For a long time I wanted to take a look at their technologies for use in my household, but never got around to it, and now there’s a nice opportunity…”

      “Why put it off? Let’s contact Admiral Lit-ta now. I think this issue is within her competence. And as for the torpedoes, of which we will need a great many, I will talk to the Headman of the quargs. These guys would strain every nerve to play a dirty trick on the toads.”

      “Igor,” said the General, “let’s assume for a second that everything worked out and we managed to punch a hole in the toads’ orbital shield. And then what? We have no idea what awaits us on the surface. Given the level of electronic warfare that the toads have at their disposal, no unmanned robots controlled from orbit can operate on the surface. And knowing you, I’m sure you won’t throw your landing party into the unknown… ”

      “It depends on what kind of landing party, Mr. Barrington,” I smiled at the corner of my lips, “But you’re right, that’s something to think about, too. It looks like we’re going to need even more small carrier ships than I imagined.”

* * *

      We never left the toads’ star system, not after six days or a month. When it became clear that help from the outside was not rushing to the blocked planets, I made the decision not to leave, but instead to build up forces in the system for the coming assault.

      General Barrington didn’t skimp, and his men deployed five mobile hyperportals throughout the system, through which combat and transport ships were now arriving in a steady stream. The quargs were so insistent on taking the most active part in the assault on their former masters’ planets, that I could not refuse them, and the system was now literally crammed with Swords of Justice, huge aircraft carriers and landing transports of our recent enemies. However, I had already seen enough of the suicidal attacks of the quargs in the battle of Delta Trianguli, and it wasn’t in my plans to let them smash their heads into the orbital fortresses of the toads.

      Nevertheless, I quickly found tasks for their ships, forming five cover squadrons consisting of the quarg battleships, which stayed close to our transport rings and were ready, if necessary, to stall an enemy attack before the main fleet forces approached. I also had quite specific plans for their landing force, which had arrived in the system in unprecedented numbers.

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