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Orange vs. Brown. Fascisms. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Orange vs. Brown. Fascisms - Almaz Braev

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ange vs Brown


      Almaz Braev

      © Almaz Braev, 2024

      ISBN 978-5-0059-5243-1

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Chapter 1

      Why Nazism and fascism?

      Nazism is the most understandable and convenient defense. Hundreds of thousands of people find themselves in the unfriendly environment of modern megacities where no one needs them. Therefore, they are forced to unite, even conditionally disliking and despising each other. And who loves whom in a modern city? Citizens poisoned by consumer psychology live in a modern city. These citizens compete for a prestigious place, for profit, and for money. They don’t need anyone. They get married for image, have children for appearance, and often get divorced; they don’t need anyone. The urban environment itself is a factory of egoists. In fact, the psychology of urban loners harmonizes with the liberal canons of freedom. While people do not know what freedom is. All previous theories taught that freedom is independence from tsars, feudal lords, imperialists, occupiers, etc. The enemies of freedom came and took away products, then minerals, and forced them to speak the occupiers’ language. But at first, the monarchy and its vassals did not recognize ordinary people as people. That’s what freedom is; that’s what it was when there were no monarchs and occupiers.

      In fact, freedom is not stereotypical freedom imposed by old American stencils. Freedom is not at all what millions of dummies buying a company are babbling about.

      In fact, freedom is when you don’t have a family and children. That’s what true absolute freedom is! Yes, absolute solitude is freedom.

      Everyone thinks freedom begins with overthrowing the monarchy, just as the ancient Greeks thought when they overthrew the tyrant. In Europe, monarchs have been overthrown on the “Greek” principle. Now, on the periphery, too, imitating the experience of all revolutionaries, they overthrow some dictator. After that, when they overthrow, these fools do not feel freedom for some reason. At first, there was absolute anarchy. History recorded mass pogroms, chaos, as well as a civil war between everyone, festivities, theft, and total corruption, even worse than during the reign of the tyrant and his vassals. Then, a new dictator came. Everyone forgot, and why then overthrow the old dictator? But freedom remained!

      Let’s look in order.

      Hungry peasants from large traditional families fled to the cities. We’ve already said that. They always remembered where they had escaped from because not much time had passed since their escape, even if they took dirty work: they were hired at the bazaar as porters, were domestic servants, and even engaged in prostitution all their lives. Nothing has changed so far. Until now, people are fleeing from destroyed villages, backward farms, auls. Today, migrants find themselves in the same situation; only modern migrants are not so dirty, they are well-dressed, and the streets of cities are not so scary; on the contrary, these streets are beautiful and bright. They also want to live beautifully. So much worse for migrants.

      In the same way, all future Nazis of fascist Germany wanted to live beautifully. Everyone who escapes to cities hates cities and arrogant citizens in the first place. All the townspeople do not behave quite like the really common people. To make the base of Nazism clear, it seems to all migrants that not only do they live in the city not like in the village, but they also speak not like on a farm. If “strangers” not only “live not according to conscience” and speak another language, but also people of another ethnicity and another religion, then woe to “strangers”. The separation of the hostile core occurs sequentially. Migrants need an enemy to calm themselves down. The fact of widespread migration is not enough to understand the nature of Nazism. The basis of fascism is in monoculture, ancestral religion, in the search for relatives, that is, in kindred feelings and blood. The most important thing that distinguishes all traditional peoples is stratification and hierarchy. An army of migrants invades cities, sees a semi-feudal city laid out on shelves and professions, looks at each other, and finds a universal weapon against all citizens. Religion and culture recede into the background for the army of the future of Nazism. They are all squeezed by their status. That’s why they start talking more than shouting. Whoever does not speak like them is their enemy.

      (If millions of peasants had not fled to the cities during collectivization, Stalin would not have been able to organize his Moscow trials. The radicalism of the class struggle persisted in Bolshevism. Stalin pointed his finger at the elite, the red intelligentsia, and the generals, who were doomed. But how so? You may ask, where is the innate peasant nationalism here? After all, all the peasants who run away from the village, and today all the provincials, are innate nationalists. Yes, it is. But Bolshevism violated the old hierarchy, exterminated and expelled the nobility – the objects of hatred. Therefore, the provincials could meet the same former peasants in Soviet cities. These fresh townspeople still went home to the village to visit. They spoke the same language and wore almost the same poor clothes. Only the red bosses stood out against this background. All those destroyed by Stalin were cultured and literate. Pol Pot also used hatred of “scientists” in Kampuchea. All traditional peoples are brought up in a hierarchy. Therefore, any coup among such people will accompany mass violence when changing roles. In addition, without influencing the mood of migrant peasants in the form of Marxism, as happened in Russia, Nazism is inevitable. Nazism is a natural evolution of suffering and grief, not necessarily material. The peasant mass meets hostile people, not relatives at all. The strangers would have been beaten if such a meeting had occurred in a village or a village. Nazism, the so-called fascism, is the beating of strangers in the city.

      The fascist leaders knew their people well because all these leaders themselves were evil, ambitious provincials. However, all bright Nazis are evil, ambitious provincials. The paternal cultural core, the father – leader, the elder brothers, and the people of their farm are closer, and it turns among related provincials into slogans uber ales – your people and your nation are the best. Your mom is the best, and your dad is the best, but it turns into a superiority over other Untermensch. This old tribal slogan seems childish to us today. But don’t we consider primitive people such as cute savages from distant centuries? In fact, the childish, virgin world, recycled and turned into a Nazi one, works well and inspires. If you repeat and drum superiority into young people for several years, a whole army of aggressive young people appears.


      For a new Führer to appear, broad migration and cities populated by “outsiders” are needed to remove migrant complexes.

      But all over again.

      For a Nazi to appear, he must see a liberal.

      And a real liberal has no relatives and horses. Liberals and Democrats can be only those who do not remember the names of their great-grandfathers, who have no connection with their small homeland for at least one generation, as well as all sorts of different bachelors and other old maidens. Bachelors and spinsters are the highest standards according to the liberal canons of freedom because they don’t owe anyone; they have no family and no children.

      Chapter 2

      Old fascism and hybrid fascism

      Despite the presence of a charismatic leader, fascism means a collective dictatorship. Like Roman Caesar, such a leader appeals to every member of the Reich. The fate of the nation depends on everyone! Instead of representatives of noble families, the state bureaucracy rules in the Reich. The parties of the Roman dictators – Sulla, Maria, Caesar, and even the rebel Katelina could quickly call themselves fascist. But after modern, the ancient aristocracy degraded and withdrew from the scene (although the European aristocrats who survived are still credited with a secret {suggestion} influence on modern politics). Ideological statesmen patriots replaced the arrogant aristocracy, originating from the urban lower classes, and their leaders were born in the province (As the son of provincial teacher Benito Mussolini).

      It could not be otherwise.

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