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Orange vs. Brown. Fascisms. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Orange vs. Brown. Fascisms - Almaz Braev

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born. The process of maturing nationalism will manifest among the former peasants, even if they managed to be citizens for a while. It is dissatisfaction with humiliation and the so-called human rights rooted even in the province because the traditional people (Zerefs) perceive everything at face value. At the same time, all the townspeople have long learned to lie totally, giving rise to fascism. In this sense, fascism owes post-modernism for its total lies. Market competition has left no place for moral truth because an honest path is always a long way to success (while a lie shows a universal rejection, in fact, not of truth, but of tradition: truth is only a part, albeit the main, of traditional morality). Fascism could not but lead to the total lie of civilized citizens and added provincial aggression to the lie because it is the peasants, embittered by crop failure and need, who are extremely aggressive; it is in the peasant nature that aggression is always present. Lies and aggression combined, then turn into the ideology of superiority among the fascists. It is the peasants who are the suppliers of unnatural superiority. This super artificial superiority always lies in the almost childish protest of all the lower classes; otherwise, these inside-out complexes cannot be called. To see fascism, you must first see a strange, poorly dressed, and therefore sullen crowd. Does this crowd remind you of someone? If you have poor relatives, you will find out they are ashamed of their irreverence among all the other guests invited to the wedding. All the provincial Zerefs resemble these most humiliated, killed by their complexes under the oblique glances of relatives. All the provincials also hate the townspeople, considering them too cultured parasites. Currently, in crisis, every ruler must do something to occupy this gloomy crowd, and of course, war is the best means of distracting the provincials.

      To see the evolution of fascist affairs and fascist history, you must understand that the modern crowd will not be pushed into the world of slaughter, just like in the 20th century. However, the traditionally large number of European rural families gave the rulers a whole army of soldiers. Throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Europe was sick of nationalism. However, the proletarians also appeared together with their ideologue, Karl Marx. The workers’ internationalism could not oppose anything to petty-bourgeois nationalism or ignorant and aggressive peasants who had been looking for the guilty all their medieval history. We have already heard about the unfortunate women sentenced to death by the mob for crop failures. The merchants and bureaucrats of the government learned how to manage popular aggression and did not suspect they were managing the traditions or habits of all the Zerefs. Why is fascism aggressive? We also told you about it. He would never have been so aggressive if he had not fed on the primeval juices of humanity. Although, simultaneously, the militarization of provincial complexes and the anger of the provincials, propagandists emphasized that this was a battle in the state’s interests.

      I apologize for such a long introduction. For fascism, one crisis is not enough; an army of complex provincials is needed. Traditional nations with many children could afford such an army of soldiers. (Modern Europe is completely unsuitable for the old fascism of the 20th century because Europeans have almost no children; migrants give birth to them. These people have known private property and consumption for many generations and have been living in a world of illusions for a long time like drug addicts: they think the bread rolls grow on trees, and sausage itself crawls into the supermarket window. The world of Europe is a world of potential drug addicts. Only the most marginalized people use drugs in Europe; in fact, the whole of Europe is ready for illusions – the slightest worries cause stress in Europeans. Living in comfort and abundance has created requests and needless family psychologists. When the propagandists showed Europeans the scam in Bucha, they fell into a trance. Like children, Europeans were ready to receive vaccines several times a year. Teenagers cry when they are shown violence on screens. The modern new fascism is well aware of this)

      So. The old fascism is refracting provincial mass complexes into nationalist aggression. If the population is sufficiently urbanized, there are few children in families; in this case, the old fascism is impossible. The old fascism had no people to assemble an army to attack. For the old fascism, the mere presence of an army of unemployed is not enough. The old fascism needed a crowd of humiliated intellectuals to simulate national superiority. It is the national intelligentsia that invents the myth of superiority. Complexed provincials are now languishing from complexes and are ready to beat anyone. Humiliated by poverty, the Remids indicate to the Zerefs the direction in which direction to run to punish inferior peoples. Fascism needs a great history of the people to have words for its anthem and bricks for its big building.

      There is hybrid fascism.

      When there is a crowd of unemployed provincials, there is a crowd of calculating intellectuals, and there are market temptations, pictures of the beautiful life of oligarchs and corrupt officials, and at the same time, there is no great story. Only in the mode of total surrounding lies of post-modernity, when there is no time for truth and tradition, when noble and honest people cause laughter, as the righteous would cause ridicule among the inhabitants of Sodom and Gamorra, a hybrid option is possible. It is still a traditional society, radicalized quickly by the state’s and the elite’s moral decay. These are not savages from the islands and not naive Indians of the time of Columbus; these are people who were totally literate after modernization. After modernization, people understand everything. They are educated. All the events taking place are evaluated well. They consciously choose the side of lies and consciously lie because of market competition to reach the finish line – to success, to wealth among winners. But the temptations are before their eyes! Life inspires them that everything around them is a lottery. Everyone is not lucky. (In Europe, aggressive National Socialism originated in a Protestant environment. Catholic Italy remained within its territory. A strong tradition behaves differently when colliding with the market. Any fundamental tradition does not welcome lies. Conservative circles and the aristocracy rejected barbarism. If there is no aristocracy but a village tradition, the Maidan cannot be avoided in this case. Russian Orthodoxy does not welcome happiness falling on its head through a lottery of luck. Therefore, exclusively liberal bohemians, oligarchs, artists, singers, and showmen in Russia fell ill with pacifism almost instantly, like European parliamentarians. Show business persons in Russia portrayed that they were also used to luxury and, as Europeans, had never seen violence in their lives. Although these people are all provincial, they did not want to lose their money because of sanctions; that is, they are ordinary hypocrites)

      Chapter 3

      Different fascisms and different communisms

      Fascism as a system emerged in the first quarter of the 20th century. The history of communism and its principles are more ancient. Even European scientific communism is a hundred years older than fascism in the sense of involving the ruling regime of the masses of the petty bourgeoisie in its goals.

      Fascism differs from previous empires in patriotism. The regime maintains the inferiority complex of the petty bourgeoisie under the old fascism and turns into a means, into a battering ram, to the imperial seizures. It is inconceivable that any aristocracy would seek an alliance with the lower classes, with the rabble. Fascism pushed aside the internal caste hierarchy and moved it outside – to external aggression because people from the beginning of human history wanted to organize and dominate (since the time of monkeys to show superiority).

      The old fascism, aka fascism of the 20th century, is organized nationalism (there was no nationalism before that). So fascism is organized nationalism. Ethnically, there have been skirmishes at all times, but only an organized market has simultaneously organized ethnic groups that have now become nations – armies against other nations and subhumans.

      It so happened that the old fascism was formed later than the official Russian communism.

      Russian Revolution of 1917. The Russian world did not have enough development, capitalism, or organization. Russian peasants lived in the village as a community. But there was no cult of money in Russian culture. From this, the bourgeois nation was replaced by a new Russian community. The Russian nobility did not see the need to organize the bourgeoisie

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