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Orange vs. Brown. Fascisms. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Orange vs. Brown. Fascisms - Almaz Braev

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at this stage. Every person is a person, no matter what moral qualities he developed in himself while he lived. Let him be a scoundrel and an immoral type, but he is a person from birth and has the presumption of innocence. In order to become individuals, all nations must trade and give birth to great merchants, businessmen, and oligarchs. No warrior-hero is needed in the world of merchants, only in entertainment films.

      And now, did nomads trade in the great steppe, or did they roam with their cattle? Did they roam or trade?

      If you answer this question, you will immediately find answers to why nomads cannot build a democracy of “personalities”.

      In the tribal world, there were relatives, brothers, sisters, uncles, and aunts, but no personalities. If the clan decided to punish a loafer or a criminal, he banished him to the steppe to certain death because one cannot survive in the steppe; one can survive only with a collective of relatives. All modern descendants of merchants are outcasts, individualists, and egoists who have not known their relatives for centuries. They don’t need relatives. They are used to buying all the amenities. How can a people who did not practice the market and did not know about money, and we, nomads, belong to such peoples (traditions), be instantly selfish, not remembering their kinship with brothers and sisters? It explains our problems with the so-called democracy and why we cannot turn into Democrats on command.

      We turn into democrats almost on command; this is decided by the government, which talks about democracy all the time, and they enrich themselves in their family circle; that is, they use power according to the good old steppe laws.

      What else does steppe democracy represent now besides the notorious corruption?

      It is obvious that Kazakh petty bourgeois wants to see or have steppe democracy; in any case, this is what market traders are called according to the classics: owners of beauty salons, pharmacies, and other small and even medium-sized businesses. These people have raised their businesses and, consequently, have risen in their own eyes. They want democracy, believing that the era of democracy will come when Putin leaves, not even local Elbasy. They don’t like Putin, to put it mildly, the most. However, these democrats immediately merged with Kazakh nationalists, Kazakh nationalism. And nothing is surprising in this. All traditional peoples, having received property, turn into nationalists. They are probably afraid that they will take goods away from them.

      What is steppe democracy on average?

      At the meeting of the traditional world and world trade, steppe democracy is when people without relatives are invited to the same table (they are nothing in terms of weight in the traditional system, the traditional hierarchy) with the elite together with the oligarchs. The aristocracy has not been here for a long time. And the whole aristocracy was killed in the world because money and the market won. Former party leadership (former Communists) which declared independence is not an aristocracy in general, but still the elite; they played the role of the poor Greek aristocracy, combined liberation from the metropolis (from Moscow) at one time, that is, combined independence with democracy, and itself with all state property. Today, there is a second series after the first. If, in the first series, the party and economic elite privatized all the property and created quite a traditional regime where the official is everything, the boss and the oligarch in one person, and the commoner outside the official buildings is a commoner, zero and rabble – so it was, so it will always be in the traditional world, even without warriors and heroes now – this is a traditional world and a traditional people. Today, those with small capitals want equal rights with those with large capitals, and both sides immediately speak their native language well (because nationalism really rules, not democracy). But it is not immediately clear who has what if the conditional former beggars of the bourgeoisie “sharua” – owners of boutiques sit on a par with the bais – owners of industries. From the point of view of the traditional academy, this is a real mess, utter perspective chaos, a madhouse in general, and the end of the world. It is unknown who is sitting higher than whom. It is not clear who the elite is and by what criterion it is higher. This puts you into a stupor, changes the age-old paradigm of communication, and strengthens private despotism and private slavery at certain moments, but in general, it is, of course, psychosis and stress.

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