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Orange vs. Brown. Fascisms. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Orange vs. Brown. Fascisms - Almaz Braev

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culture of the Asian dictatorship. Nothing can knock out this age-old culture – neither the power of the West, primarily the influence and fear of Asian plutocrats, nor the hopes for their enlightenment and improvement of government. Asians will never improve themselves. And they won’t stop stealing. Only under pressure and fear of losing power is it possible. For Asian persons, power is more important in itself. Therefore, for Asians, the best scheme is a dictatorship. I use the definition of “Asia” consciously so that everything about the old fascism is clear.

      The old classical fascism originated in Italy and Germany in the 20th century; what kind of “Asia” is this? But Italy, Germany, in general, and Europe in the 30s of the 20th century showed where the modern periphery of civilization – the post-Soviet states of the former USSR – would go. After all, the USSR has turned into a factory of the petty bourgeoisie, and the petty bourgeoisie dreams and learns only to steal – the ideologists of Marxism and old communism, in general, did not know about this, and the USSR was the standard of peasant communism and the standard of old communism as a whole. The scheme of old communism has now been abandoned all over the world, except for China and North Korea. (Do you want to know the true reason for public executions of corrupt officials in China? It is all the same greed of the petty bourgeoisie, who soared in their dreams to get rich at the expense of the state and the rest of the Chinese. All cases are in the same notorious Asian hierarchy. No unhappy Chinese corrupt official will understand why he is publicly executed in such a primitive way because he forgot where he lives. And he lives in Asia – in a truly traditional place. Where no money is valid, but the traditional hierarchy is valid).

      I am telling this Asian and Chinese story so that it is clear which sign is chosen by the new fascism as a weapon of superiority. In the traditional world, money is meaningless if it is not backed up by a social status – a paternal force of social authority.

      But all the young Refags are caught up in the temptations that this is not the case. That money now raises them in the eyes of their native tribe. Hence the sudden aggrandizement of the ethnos after the next economic crisis because all the humiliated and insulted local feudal lords immediately wanted a lot of gold so that it was like the local gentlemen so that everything was like the former officials of the Soviet regime – the personal ca the Volga GAZ-24 car and the dacha because Soviet officials were like “Chinese” mandarins in the eyes of Soviet philistines.

      You will be surprised, but the super-rich world oligarchs are very similar to young Refags as well!

      They are completely unsure of their superiority over the world and people and act secretly. They wear exactly the same complexes as the entire petty bourgeoisie during their youth and poverty. Apparently, these complexes are transmitted to oligarchs by upbringing and by genes. It is the main reason why all plutocrats do not stop stealing or robbing any particular state and the entire planet. But financiers act through an intermediate link of their local copies – local oligarchs, through the national plutocracy. That is, a sign, and a shy “shameful” sign of superiority, become money, billions and trillions of dollars, through which local plutocrats move and rob their tribes. Isn’t this the main reason to hate traditional peoples who still have national ideals, national shrines, heroes, and history (money not first)?

      For all the world’s plutocrats, the main enemies are strong nations, which means strong leaders who receive the people’s trust. The world Refags can’t tell the whole world – we are the elite of the world! Only popular billionaires dare to appear in the air. But these billionaires do not speak directly – we want to destroy the extra stomachs of the extra people. They speak obliquely, by hints, casually of the chosen topic. They say our planet is heavily polluted and overpopulated: the air is poisoned with various gases, the ocean is overflowing with plastic dishes, laboratories need to be opened to prevent a future pandemic, and so on. New fascism does not directly say what fate it has prepared for humanity. No one knows which virus will appear after the coronavirus, but everyone knows that the next virus will definitely accidentally escape from the military laboratory. Because all the media belong to them, all banks, the entire financial system, the entire state apparatus, all officials, even in the most developed country belong to them, all state leaders, all military, all employees, and all funds belong to them – and in general, they act totally organized. Such power and influence did not dream of the old Nazism.

      And this is even though the New fascism has a shameful sign of domination – only the money. Money! They don’t say we will buy any one of their world leaders. In fact, they can buy anyone. They implemented these puppets in the Soviet Union of Europe if anything. No candidate who deviates from the line of the global financial mafia will be able to pass to the elite of Soviet Europe. If any government resists, there are always many different mechanisms at hand – from financial cuts and pressure on the economy through sanctions to organized Maidan and military aggression.

      The new fascism inevitably attacks the first empire that comes along, a traditional people with a glorious history, because the elite, even half consisting of plutocracy, of local oligarchs, begins to make an imperial appearance so that it is not suspected of betrayal. Here, you need to understand the clash of principles if you don’t want to notice the big money of discord at the heart. Who will choose what side? It is clear that the plutocracy will always betray. Plutocrats have no ideals. When an empire collapses, the whole apparatus is filled with plutocrats. It is the universal strength of SF, and it has allies everywhere.

      “No names” elite need to choose support.

      Suppose the main instrument of superiority over the world, over countries, over peoples is money – the power and influence of the richest and most influential multi-billionaires. In that case, this leads to a conflict with the imperial elite of the no-name men. “No names” officials need to choose what to rely on. Whether to rely on your people or choose money is the main criterion for selection to the world elite. No one could offer Hitler – the same no-name man in terms of historical fame – any place in the world hierarchy at the time, and he would have refused. The iconic figure of old fascism did not need a place among financiers, and he hated them. Thanks to technological progress and total control over all finances and monetary transactions, such a choice is inevitable today. Any power means fame is under the microscope today. Therefore, it is easier for a no-name man to bargain for an honorable place in the new world elite than to rest on the laurels of the old design. What is a person from the position of a rich upstart? Noname man has to choose where to lead yourself and the people.

      Chapter 7

      Why there will be no democracy

      Military democracy and commercial democracy.

      Theoretical educational explanation in order to avoid a tragedy.

      These are two different democracies. Military democracy was at a time of constant war between tribes. At this time, it was of permanent war, hence the actual name – military democracy emphasizing the first-word “war”.

      Human warriors create military democracy. During a war, no nation can choose a weak leader. Then, such a people will end if neighbors come and cut the tribe out – the same tribe of warriors. Genghis Khan, or Attila, was tired of military steppe democracy, and they defeated all his enemies. Therefore, they were chosen by the military council. It is a military democracy.

      Merchants create trade democracy. People disliked persons engaged in trade at all times. The Japanese, for example, considered them a low caste. No aristocrat was engaged in commerce. Rootless people did trading; that is, people were disrespected by the people. So, to change the situation, merchants united and bought everyone because there have been periods of long peace, and nations have not always been at war with each other. All aristocrats needed money in the name of status and luxury. The merchants made a part of the opposition aristocracy dependent; in other words, they bribed them. The aristocracy gave them positions to thank their money. Some rootless people thus gained power. It was always advantageous for merchants to have a puppet on the throne; behind

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