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Struggling Upward, or Luke Larkin's Luck. Alger Horatio Jr.Читать онлайн книгу.

Struggling Upward, or Luke Larkin's Luck - Alger Horatio Jr.

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Harper and Sam Noble were not wholly disinterested in their championship of Randolph. They were very ordinary skaters, and stood no chance of winning the match themselves. They wished Randolph to win, for each hoped, as he had a silver watch himself already, he might give the Waterbury to his faithful friend and follower. Nothing in Randolph's character granted such a hope, for he was by no means generous or open-handed, but each thought that he might open his heart on this occasion. Indeed, Tom ventured to hint as much.

      "I suppose, Randolph," he said, "if you win the watch you will give it to me?"

      "Why should I?" asked Randolph, surveying Tom with a cold glance.

      "You've got a nice silver watch yourself, you know."

      "I might like to have two watches."

      "You'll have the ten dollars your father promised you."

      "What if I have? What claim have you on me?"

      Tom drew near and whispered something in Randolph's ear.

      "I'll see about it," said Randolph, nodding.

      "Are you ready?" asked the teacher, once more.

      "Aye, aye!" responded the boys.


      The boys darted off like arrows from a bow. Luke made a late start, but before they were half across the pond he was even with Randolph, and both were leading. Randolph looked sidewise, and shut his mouth tight as he saw his hated rival on equal terms with him and threatening to pass him. It would be humiliating in the extreme, he thought, to be beaten by such a boy.

      But beaten he seemed likely to be, for Luke was soon a rod in advance and slowly gaining. Slowly, for Randolph was really a fine skater and had no rival except Luke. But Luke was his superior, as seemed likely to be proved.

      Though only these two stood any chance of final success, all the boys kept up the contest.

      A branch of a tree had been placed at the western end of the pond, and this was the mark around which the boys were to skate. Luke made the circuit first, Randolph being about half a dozen rods behind. After him came the rest of the boys in procession, with one exception. This exception was Tom Harper, who apparently gave up the contest when half-way across, and began skating about, here and there, apparently waiting for his companions to return.

      "Tom Harper has given up his chance," said Linton to the teacher.

      "So it seems," replied Mr. Hooper, "but he probably had no expectation of succeeding."

      "I should think he would have kept on with the rest. I would have done so, though my chance would have been no better than his."

      Indeed, it seemed strange that Tom should have given up so quickly. It soon appeared that it was not caprice, but that he had an object in view, and that a very discreditable one.

      He waited till the boys were on their way back. By this time Luke was some eight rods in advance of his leading competitor. Then Tom began to be on the alert. As Luke came swinging on to victory he suddenly placed himself in his way. Luke's speed was so great that he could not check himself. He came into collision with Tom, and in an instant both were prostrate. Tom, however, got the worst of it. He was thrown violently backward, falling on the back of his head, and lay stunned and motionless on the ice. Luke fell over him, but was scarcely hurt at all. He was up again in an instant, and might still have kept the lead, but instead he got down on his knees beside Tom and asked anxiously: "Are you much hurt, Tom?"

      Tom didn't immediately answer, but lay breathing heavily, with his eyes still closed.

      Meanwhile, Randolph, with a smile of triumph, swept on to his now assured victory. Most of the boys, however, stopped and gathered round Luke and Tom.

      This accident had been watched with interest and surprise from the starting-point.

      "Tom must be a good deal hurt," said Linton. "What could possibly have made him get in Luke's way?"

      "I don't know," said the teacher, slowly; "it looks strange."

      "It almost seemed as if he got in the way on purpose," Linton continued.

      "He is a friend of Randolph Duncan, is he not?" asked the teacher, abruptly.

      "They are together about all the time."

      "Ha!" commented the teacher, as if struck by an idea. He didn't, however, give expression to the thought in his mind.

      A minute more, and Randolph swept into the presence of the teacher.

      "I believe I have won?" he said, with a smile of gratification on his countenance.

      "You have come in first," said the teacher coldly.

      "Luke was considerably ahead when he ran into Tom," suggested Linton.

      "That's not my lookout," said Randolph, shrugging his shoulders.

      "The point is that I have come in first."

      "Tom Harper is a friend of yours, is he not?" asked the teacher.

      "Oh, yes!" answered Randolph, indifferently.

      "He seems to be a good deal hurt. It was very strange that he got in Luke's way."

      "So it was," said Randolph, without betraying much interest.

      "Will you lend me your skates, Randolph?" asked Linton.

      "I should like to go out and see if I can help Tom in any way."

      If any other boy than Linton had made the request, Randolph would have declined, but he wished, if possible, to add Linton to his list of friends, and graciously consented.

      Before Linton could reach the spot, Tom had been assisted to his feet, and, with a dazed expression, assisted on either side by Luke and Edmund Blake, was on his way back to the starting-point.

      "What made you get in my way, Tom?" asked Luke, puzzled.

      "I don't know," answered Tom, sullenly.

      "Are you much hurt?"

      "I think my skull must be fractured," moaned Tom.

      "Oh, not so bad as that," said Luke, cheerfully. "I've fallen on my head myself, but I got over it."

      "You didn't fall as hard as I did," groaned Tom.

      "No, I presume not; but heads are hard, and I guess you'll be all right in a few days."

      Tom had certainly been severely hurt. There was a swelling on the back of his head almost as large as a hen's egg.

      "You've lost the watch, Luke," said Frank Acken. "Randolph has got in first."

      "Yes, I supposed he would," answered Luke, quietly.

      "And there is Linton Tomkins coming to meet us on Randolph's skates."

      "Randolph is sitting down on a log taking it easy. What is your loss, Luke, is his gain."


      "I think he might have come back to inquire after you, Tom, as you are a friend of his."

      Tom looked resentfully at Randolph, and marked his complacent look, and it occurred to him also that the friend he had risked so much to serve was very ungrateful. But he hoped now, at any rate, to get the watch, and thought it prudent to say nothing.

      The boys had now reached the shore.

      "Hope you're not much hurt, Tom?" said Randolph, in a tone of mild interest.

      "I don't know but my skull is fractured," responded Tom, bitterly.

      "Oh, I guess not. It's the fortune of war. Well, I got in first."

      Randolph waited for congratulations, but none came. All the boys looked serious, and more than one suspected that there had been foul play. They waited for the teacher to speak.



      "It is true," said the teacher, slowly. "Randolph has won the race."

      Randolph's face lighted up with exultation.


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