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Struggling Upward, or Luke Larkin's Luck. Alger Horatio Jr.Читать онлайн книгу.

Struggling Upward, or Luke Larkin's Luck - Alger Horatio Jr.

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is also evident," continued Mr. Hooper, "that he would not have succeeded but for the unfortunate collision between Luke Larkin and Tom Harper."

      Here some of Luke's friends brightened up.

      "I don't know about that," said Randolph. "At any rate, I came in first."

      "I watched the race closely," said the teacher, "and I have no doubt on the subject. Luke had so great a lead that he would surely have won the race."

      "But he didn't," persisted Randolph, doggedly.

      "He did not, as we all know. It is also clear that had he not stopped to ascertain the extent of Tom's injuries he still might have won."

      "That's so!" said half a dozen boys.

      "Therefore I cannot accept the result as indicating the superiority of the successful contestant."

      "I think I am entitled to the prize," said Randolph.

      "I concede that; but, under the circumstances, I suggest to you that it would be graceful and proper to waive your claim and try the race over again."

      The boys applauded, with one or two exceptions.

      "I won't consent to that, Mr. Hooper," said Randolph, frowning.

      "I've won the prize fairly and I want it."

      "I am quite willing Randolph should have it, sir," said Luke. "I think I should have won it if I had not stopped with Tom, but that doesn't affect the matter one way or the other. Randolph came in first, as he says, and I think he is entitled to the watch."

      "Then," said Mr. Hooper, gravely, "there is nothing more to be said.

      Randolph, come forward and receive the prize."

      Randolph obeyed with alacrity, and received the Waterbury watch from the hands of Mr. Hooper. The boys stood in silence and offered no congratulations.

      "Now, let me say," said the teacher, "that I cannot understand why there was any collision at all. Tom Harper, why did you get in Luke's way?"

      "Because I was a fool, sir," answered Tom, smarting from his injuries, and the evident indifference of Randolph, in whose cause he had incurred them.

      "That doesn't answer my question. Why did you act like a fool, as you expressed it?"

      "I thought I could get out of the way in time," stammered Tom, who did not dare to tell the truth.

      "You had no other reason?" asked the teacher, searchingly.

      "No, sir. What other reason could I have?" said Tom, but his manner betrayed confusion.

      "Indeed, I don't know," returned the teacher, quietly. "Your action, however, spoiled Luke's chances and insured the success of Randolph."

      "And got me a broken head," muttered Tom, placing his hand upon the swelling at the back of his head.

      "Yes, you got the worst of it. I advise you to go home and apply cold water or any other remedy your mother may suggest."

      Randolph had already turned away, meaning to return home. Tom joined him. Randolph would gladly have dispensed with his company, but had no decent excuse, as Tom's home lay in the same direction as his.

      "Well, Randolph, you've won the watch," said Tom, when they were out of hearing of the other boys.

      "Yes," answered Randolph, indifferently. "I don't care so much for that as for the ten dollars my father is going to give me."

      "That's what I thought. You've got another watch, you know—more valuable."

      "Well, what of it?" said Randolph, suspiciously.

      "I think you might give me the Waterbury. I haven't got any."

      "Why should I give it to you?" answered Randolph, coldly.

      "Because but for me you wouldn't have won it, nor the ten dollars, neither."

      "How do you make that out?"

      "The teacher said so himself."

      "I don't agree to it."

      "You can't deny it. Luke was seven or eight rods ahead when I got in his way."

      "Then it was lucky for me."

      "It isn't lucky for me. My head hurts awfully."

      "I'm very sorry, of course."

      "That won't do me any good. Come, Randolph, give me the watch, like a good fellow."

      "Well, you've got cheek, I must say. I want the watch myself."

      "And is that all the satisfaction I am to get for my broken head?" exclaimed Tom, indignantly.

      Randolph was a thoroughly mean boy, who, if he had had a dozen watches, would have wished to keep them all for himself.

      "I've a great mind to tell Luke and the teacher of the arrangement between us."

      "There wasn't any arrangement," said Randolph, sharply. "However, as I'm really sorry for you, I am willing to give you a quarter. There, now, don't let me hear any more about the matter."

      He drew a silver quarter from his vest pocket and tendered it to Tom.

      Tom Harper was not a sensitive boy, but his face flushed with indignation and shame, and he made no offer to take the money.

      "Keep your quarter, Randolph Duncan," he said scornfully. "I think you're the meanest specimen of a boy that I ever came across. Any boy is a fool to be your friend. I don't care to keep company with you any longer."

      "This to me!" exclaimed Randolph, angrily. "This is the pay I get for condescending to let you go with me."

      "You needn't condescend any longer," said Tom, curtly, and he crossed to the other side of the street.

      Randolph looked after him rather uneasily. After all, he was sorry to lose his humble follower.

      "He'll be coming round in a day or two to ask me to take him back," he reflected. "I would be willing to give him ten cents more, but as for giving him the watch, he must think me a fool to part with that."



      "I am sorry you have lost the watch, Luke," said the teacher, after Randolph's departure. "You will have to be satisfied with deserving it."

      "I am reconciled to the disappointment, sir," answered Luke. "I can get along for the present without a watch."

      Nevertheless, Luke did feel disappointed. He had fully expected to have the watch to carry home and display to his mother. As it was, he was in no hurry to go home, but remained for two hours skating with the other boys. He used his friend Linton's skates, Linton having an engagement which prevented his remaining.

      It was five o'clock when Luke entered the little cottage which he called home. His mother, a pleasant woman of middle age, was spreading the cloth for supper. She looked up as he entered.

      "Well, Luke?" she said inquiringly.

      "I haven't brought home the watch, mother," he said. "Randolph Duncan won it by accident. I will tell you about it."

      After he had done so, Mrs. Larkin asked thoughtfully. "Isn't it a little singular that Tom should have got in your way?"

      "Yes; I thought so at the time."

      "Do you think there was any arrangement between him and Randolph?"

      "As you ask me, mother, I am obliged to say that I do."

      "It was a very mean trick!" said Mrs. Larkin, resentfully.

      "Yes, it was; but poor Tom was well punished for it. Why, he's got a bunch on the back of his head almost as large as a hen's egg."

      "I don't pity him," said Mrs. Larkin.

      "I pity him, mother, for I don't believe Randolph will repay him for the service done him. If Randolph had met with the same accident I am not prepared to say that I should have pitied him much."

      "You might have been seriously injured yourself, Luke."

      "I might, but I wasn't, so I won't

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