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Case No. 666: case of murder. Дмитрий Георгиевич БоррониЧитать онлайн книгу.

Case No. 666: case of murder - Дмитрий Георгиевич Боррони

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      The investigator wrote down the indication in the protocol and asked Krapin.

      − you know this person?

      − Yes. This Kozlov Ivan Fedorovich.

      − From where you know it?

      − He wanted to kill me.

      − Explain.

      − called my door Recently, I opened. This Kozlov was on the threshold. He told that the friend transfers to me hi, and, having pulled out a gun, aimed and ordered to enter the apartment. It is good that I can stand for myself, and that … we would not talk to you.

      − Kozlov, you confirm Krapin's testimony?

      − Yes, I confirm.

      − Korystolyubov, you confirm that you employed Kozlov to kill Krapin?

      − Is not present. It is slander. False and insubstantial accusations in my address. Where proofs, do I ask you?

      The investigator stared at Korystolyubov. From outside it seemed that he studies it. Estimates its adequate condition.

      − there Will be also proofs. − He addressed Kozlov. − your full name?

      − Kozlov Ivan Fedorovich.

      − What do you do?

      − I carry out orders of my chief.

      − Who your chief?

      − It, Korystolyubov Eduard Velyaminovich.

      Kozlov immediately said:

      − I for the first time see this person.

      The investigator noticed:

      − you already told it, Eduard Velyaminovich. −И having again addressed Kozlov, he asked. − What instructions Korystolyubov charged you?

      − Different.

      − More precisely?

      − He charged me so-called dirty work.

      − That for work?

      − Different.

      − More precisely?

      Kozlov hissed through clenched teeth with undisguised contempt:

      − He charged to me to kill it.

      Shura said:

      − I Ask me not to offend, and that I also can file a lawsuit.

      The investigator supported Shura.

      − I Ask not to offend each other. To you, Kozlov, I issue a warning, and if you still afford it, I will bring you to administrative responsibility. Did you understand me?

      − Yes, I understood you.

      − So, we will continue. − the Investigator asked a question to Kozlov again. − with What Korystolyubov motivated the order?

      − As I already spoke, he told me: this person blackmails my friend, and it is necessary to get rid of him.

      − That is?

      − to Kill.

      − you agreed?

      − Yes, agreed.

      − Korystolyubov, you confirm Kozlov's testimony?

      − Is not present.

      The investigator asked Shura again:

      − As you think, Shura for what he wanted to kill you?

      − For the fact that his mistress killed Zhenya with my participation.

      − Who such Zhenya and how call Korystolyubov's mistress?

      − Her name is Pikun Maria Sergeyevna. And the killed Zhenya, I do not know by whom she happens to her.

      − I Protest, − declared the Horn. − All these charges are not proved by anything, except her words.

      The investigator told:

      − Everything is good in its season. − He addressed Shura again. − Tell in more detail.

      − Everything began when Korystolyubov attended our show. He approached me and offered work.

      − That for work?

      − to Gain the confidence in family and to learn, there is jewelry there Lozan nobody. I agreed.

      − you then were already a woman or still remained the man?

      − Then I was still a man.

      − you agreed to this request of Korystolyubov.

      − Yes, agreed.

      − Why?

      − He to me promised to pay operation.

      − What operation?

      − On sex change.

      −, What's next?

      − I got acquainted with Zhenya's father, Victor. He was the amusing person.

      − What means amusing? − the investigator did not understand. − Explain.

      − We loved each other.

      − That is?

      Shura confirmed.

      − Yes, in that.

      − you satisfied Eduard Velyaminovich's request.

      − Yes, − Shura told. − Victor showed me them, this jewelry of Lozan, and I wanted to seize this jewelry.

      − They what, are so fine?

      − About! Yes. Are magnificent.

      − And what occurred further?

      − Further I met Maria Pikun.

      − As she seemed to you, is attractive?

      − Yes, if I am a hetero, then surely would call her in marriage.

      − But you not the hetero?

      − As you can see, no.

      − So, we will continue. Maria Pikun Vam suggested to kill Zhenya or not?

      − She seemed me the cruel man and …

      − Postoyte, − the investigator interrupted her, − you just told that if you were a hetero, then would fall in love with her?

      − It so, − was confirmed by Shura and added: − I spoke about her appearance.

      − it is clear. Continue.

      … − it seemed to me that it not that person for whom gives itself.

      − Why so it seemed to you?

      − She was cruel and ambitious. She always said that it is beautiful, but is unfortunate, and happiness it lies in this jewelry. She asked me as the woman the woman that I helped it to find her happiness.

      − And you agreed?

      − Yes, agreed.

      − you told that she asked you as the woman the woman.

      − Yes.

      − She knew that you …?

      − I told it that I do not love women, and I prefer men.

      − What occurred that fatal night when there was a murder?

      − Murder? − Shura grinned. – Well, − she told, − I will tell that I know. I was on the street when Zhenya went along the street with Nastya. They about something talked, laughed. But here Nastya stopped at a tent, and Zhenya went further. It turned for a corner, and at this moment of Jeunet put a knife to a throat and leaned against a wall. I heard how Zhenya shouted. − What it is necessary to you? Mother! − And she with the embittered smile told. − You. And at this time from darkness I approached. I hit Zhenya in a stomach, and that spat blood. Maria then asked me: where Lozan ornament? I looked at Zhenya, and then at Maria. In Maria's look I saw nothing: in it there was nothing human. It was heartless. In her look she saw hungry emptiness. She ordered that I searched it, and I made it.

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