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My city: the tragedy of one family. Дмитрий Георгиевич БоррониЧитать онлайн книгу.

My city: the tragedy of one family - Дмитрий Георгиевич Боррони

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Unless? – I thought. – I already had pleasure to speak with Vera and I will tell you that she is adjusted to divorce. – Also I added: − I, of course, understand your situation. The wife cannot give birth to you to the successor. What? – I heaved a deep sigh, – eventually, this your business, I do not intend to interfere with it and not my this business. I just want to understand whether it is possible to keep to you marriage or everything is over?

      Second having thought, he told.

      − Larisa understands me, she will never betray me. – Then he told: − And Vera, she wanted the child. She will understand me.

      These words were pronounced by it as if he was sorry about something. He could not tell that he wanted to explain with these words, but it was visible that he regrets for made. It needed the successor, and he will receive it soon, will receive at the price of the marriage. The belief will never forgive him and though it consoled itself(himself) in the return, he knew that it is only illusion: he lost family, destroyed it own hands.

      I at it took an interest:

      − And you are sure that your child, but not someone?

      These words set him thinking. He never assumed that Larisa could deceive him. He was absolutely sure, and to it there was a confirmation − blood on a sheet after their proximity. Yes she also said that it was its the first. Here the thought from which he nearly went crazy came to Roman to mind. What if I really was at it the first, and then she with somebody was and became pregnant? And, having decided to choose between the father of the child and me, she chose him? It, of course, was flattered that she chose it, and there is nobody another. But it thereby destroyed his family! And in this case he could not forgive her. It is good that he is not married to it, and that should be paid at a divorce alimony to foreign child. Roman answered.

      − I am sure that I at it was the first.

      − Why?

      − She was a virgin, – he told, – to it there is a proof.

      I smiled.

      −Мы, women, we will always find a way to become virgins; if it is necessary for us, we will convince men of it.

      Roman thought. He never assumed and in his thoughts it was not that the woman can forge the virginity. However, history knows the facts of a similar lie from a female. But generally it were people from society, so-called women of fashion. They were forced to resort to similar cunnings that their future husbands did not assure themselves that they are cuckolds.

      I asked the following question:

      − you after the birth of the child awake to do paternity test? – then I added. – Your wife claims that she is not present?

      The novel was in confusion. It could not even present that his Larisa is capable of it. He always considered her an innocent lamb. In love with it to unconsciousness the girl, but not there some bitch capable of any meanness. What he was a fool!? It destroyed the happiness and now, perhaps, it will never find it. His belief will not forgive. And will correctly make.

      With feeling of a deep regret he asked me.

      − What you will advise me?

      − I do not even know, – I answered and heaved a deep sigh. – I have no right to you anything to advise, address the psychologist on family questions. It can something will prompt to you what to do in the circumstances. And if it does not help? – I shrugged shoulders. – Well, you come to me, I you will part.

      − it is good, I and will arrive, – Roman answered. It was not in itself(himself), appear, that it just about and will fall to a floor, and it will need medical care. – Though, – it threw a hand, – it is absolutely impossible. The belief will never forgive me for what I changed it.

      He felt ill at ease. It seemed, he wanted to return back everything, to change everything, to modify everything in the life. But it was impossible: what is made, made, and there is no way back. He got up because of a table and went to an exit. There was it quietly as if unwillingly. It seemed that he does not want to leave this office, does not want to return to reality. In that reality which he to himself created and which simply destroyed its marriage.

      − Yes, – I advised it when he approached to the entrance door, – after all, make the analysis of DNA on paternity.

      That turned back and only shook the head in agreement. Then it left my office and closed behind itself(himself) a door.

      Having remained one, I long thought over what men after all fools. We, women, give them everything. Caress, heat, we care for them. Obstiryvay them, we prepare. And they do not appreciate it. They should satisfy only the male vanity, to prove to other man that it is better than it, and for this purpose they remove prostitutes or bring mistresses. Than just to stay at home and enjoy life? And then at a divorce still are indignant why we take away from them everything? Yes for it all will be a little! Cables. You will not find other word.

      The novel, having left an office, thought that, perhaps, this woman is right, Larisa, perhaps, wants to zakhomutat it and to attach to herself this child.

      − Bough. What it bough, – he thought. – A bough, a bough also is.


      Larisa's history

      It is time to get acquainted closer with Larisa. Who such this woman? Roman saw it the kind and loving woman. Even virgin. But who such actually Larisa? Now we learn it. So?

      Larisa. She lived with the old grandma in the village of settlement type. Why in the village of settlement type? You ask, and will not keep itself to wait for the answer. In it, as well as in the village, all knew everything about all. Secrets were not. Rumors turned into gossips, and gossips − in the history which could not be disproved. As they say, prove that you not a donkey − a donkey all the same will remain, and it at best.

      Her parents died in plane crash, and since its birth about school years it was under supervision of the grandma. Then her grandma got sick. At it legs refused, and then paralysis of its right side came. She could not move a hand and a leg, now she did not get up, and behind her special leaving was required.

      Then there were services of guardianship at their place. They wanted to take away little Larisa in orphanage, and to attach her grandma in a clinic. It was so favorable to all, but not Larisa. She did not want to go to orphanage and the more so did not want to leave the grandma. She wanted to live here, in the house. To go every day to school and to look after the only thing in the life the only native person close to it. But it was impossible. For the girl who just passed into the second class this there were only dreams. So it got to orphanage, her grandma was placed in clinic where in a week died. Their house was taken by the state, and Larisa remained one. It had neither a house, nor relatives, nor means of livelihood. She had to spend eleven long years in orphanage until she was adopted. Upon termination of institute as to the young specialist nevertheless provided it a separate living space. It was the house with the site in a solitude of one of settlements of Ramensky district. What settlement? Perhaps, I will refrain from comments not to be unfair to other villages of settlement type.

      So, Larisa was a well-educated girl. She lived by rules as it was always taught in orphanage. But nevertheless something from its biography should be told in more detail. Somehow time when Nina Mikhaelovna Lopukhova sat on a bench and, watching for children, with pleasure dragged on cigarette smoke, Larisa saw how other girl who was called Alice sat one somewhere aside on a bench. She with anybody did not communicate and did not look at anybody. Only drew something on the earth a small stick. Larisa approached her.

      − Hello, my name is Larisa, and you?

      The girl, drawing on the earth something a stick and not tearing off the look from it, answered.

      − Alice.

      Larisa sat down nearby, asked:

      − Why you do not play with all girls?

      What that answered:

      − I love loneliness.

      − What the loneliness means? – Larisa was surprised. –

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