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Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5. Вадим ЗеландЧитать онлайн книгу.

Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5 - Вадим Зеланд

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to avoid something, the more likely it is that you will encounter it. To actively fight against what you do not want in your life is to make every effort to ensure that it is present in your life. You do not have to take any specific action to shift onto undesired life lines. It is enough to think negative thoughts and then fertilize them with emotion. When you do not want there to be bad weather you think about how much you dislike rain. Noisy neighbours wear you down and you end up arguing with them all the time or silently hating them. You are afraid of something and the fact greatly concerns you, or you have had enough of your present job and savour your dislike for it.

      Everywhere you are pursued by exactly the very thing you do not want, that you fear, hate or despise. There may be other things that you would also like to avoid, but because you are not investing any negative emotion into them they do not appear in your life. Once you let the thing you do not want into your life, associate feelings of hostility with it, and indulge in those feelings, it will instantly become a physical reality within your life layer.

      The only way to eliminate the things you do not want from your life is to break free from the influence of the pendulum that has seized your thought energy and from then on, avoid responding to its provocation or getting pulled into its game. You can free yourself from a pendulum’s influence in two ways by defeating it or by stopping its sway. We will look more closely at how this can be done below.

      Defeating the Pendulum

      Trying to battle with a pendulum is futile. As was explained above, when you battle with a pendulum you just end up supplying it with energy. The first and most important condition for successfully defeating a pendulum is to refuse to get into conflict with it. Firstly, the more actively you try to fight off pendulums that get you down the more they will pressure you. You can repeat endlessly: “Leave me alone! Get away from me!” and think you are fighting them off, but actually, you are just providing them with energy making them cling to you even more.

      Secondly, you do not have the right to judge or change anything. Everything you see and experience should be accepted as if they were paintings on display, whether you like them or not. There may be many paintings in an exhibition that are not to your taste but it would never occur to you to demand that they be removed from the exhibition room. Once you have recognized the pendulum’s right to exist, you also have the right to leave it behind remaining free of its influence. The main thing is not fight it, judge it, get angry, or loose your self-control because by doing so you agree to play the game. The pendulum should be calmly taken for granted as a necessary evil and left at that. Any position of opposition supplies the pendulum with energy.

      Before you can fully understand what it means to choose, you have to know how to decline. Most people have a vague idea of what they do want but know exactly what they do not want. In an effort to get rid of things or events that they do not want in their life, people act in a manner that has the opposite effect. To decline something you have to first accept its existence. The word “accept” in this context does not mean to embrace something and let it into your personal space. It means simply to recognize its right to existence and then pass by indifferently. To accept and let go of something means to consider the meaning of something and let it pass, waving goodbye as it leaves. This is much more effective than letting something into you personal space, becoming attached to something and then trying to oppose it.

      When you think about the things you do not want, you attract them further into your life. Imagine a person who detests apples. Rather than simply paying them no attention it irritates the person that apples exist at all. On a material level they get annoyed every time they see an apple and openly express their disgust. On an energetic level the person may as well be hungrily pouncing on apples, stuffing their mouth and chomping loudly screaming about how much they hate apples, stuffing their pockets, only to be sick and once again complain about how they just cannot stomach apples. What the person does not realize is that they could simply delete apples from their experience of life.

      It does not matter whether you love or hate. If your thoughts are latched onto the object of your emotions your thought energy will be attuned to a certain frequency and you will end up caught by a pendulum and transferred to a corresponding life line where the object of your fixation is present in abundance.

      If you want to eradicate something from your life all you have to do is stop thinking about it, pass it by with indifference and it will disappear. To eliminate something from your life, ignore it, do not avoid it. There is a difference. When you avoid something it means you have let it into your personal space but are now actively trying to get rid of it. To ‘ignore’ something means not to react to it and consequently not to experience its presence in your space.

      Imagine that you are a radio. If your day to day life is like waking up every day listening to a radio programme that you hate all you have to do is tune in to a different frequency!

      You might think that you can protect yourself from unwanted pendulums by putting up iron boundaries between yourself and the world but this is an illusion. Putting on protective armour is like saying: “I am a blank wall. I see nothing; I hear nothing; I do not know anything. I won’t talk to anyone. I am unavailable.” It requires a huge amount of energy to support this kind of protective field.

      A person who deliberately isolates themselves from the world will find themselves in a constant state of tension. Aside from that, the energy of their protective field will be vibrating at the same frequency as the pendulum against which their defence is directed. This is exactly what the pendulum wants. The pendulum does not care whether you provide it with your energy willingly or not. True protection from a pendulum is to be found in emptiness. If I am empty there is nothing for the pendulum to hook onto. There is no point in playing a game with a pendulum or trying to protect yourself from it if it can simply be ignored. When you can ignore the pendulum its energy will pass by you, dissipating into space without causing you any harm. You pendulum cannot push your buttons or upset you if you are empty in relationship to it.

      The pendulum’s principal objective is to attract as many adherents as possible and reap their energy. If you ignore the pendulum it will leave you alone and switch its focus to others who can be drawn into the game and attuned to the necessary resonance frequency.

      A basic example of this would be a dog that starts following you and barking loudly. If you turn round to face the dog it will bark even louder and yet if you take it seriously and start trying to dodge it or fight it the dog will follow you for a long time just because it wants someone to lock horns with. If you ignore the dog from the outset it will simply switch its attention to someone else and will not be at all offended that you paid it no attention. The dog is too absorbed in its goal of sourcing energy to think about anything else. The dog is a metaphor. It could be a person or trouble maker of some kind. The principle is the same.

      If someone is getting to you, see whether the model of the destructive pendulum fits that person. It will probably be a perfect match. If you cannot deal with the situation choose not to react to provocation. Ignore the person totally because whilst they are getting your energy they will not leave you alone. When you get into a conflict with someone or hate them in passive silence you are directly giving them your energy. To stop giving away your energy means to stop thinking about them altogether; to erase them from your mind. When you can say to yourself: “They’re not worth it!”, and really mean it that person will disappear from your life.

      We often come across situations, however, where it is not that easy to ignore the pendulum. For example, if your boss demands something from you, an outright refusal or open defense of yourself would entail a loss of energy because both approaches amount to fighting the pendulum. You can however, act as if you are willing to play the pendulum’s game as long as you remain aware of the fact that you are just pretending.

      Imagine a heavily built burly man was to come at you with a sledgehammer and take a blow at you. If you react as if you are totally unperturbed, neither going to defend yourself nor to attack him you could calmly step aside and observe the man take his sledgehammer and hack down into the empty space beside you. When you behave in this calm and unperturbed manner the pendulum cannot hook into you and instead falls past you into empty space.

      The same principle is central to certain martial arts like aikido.

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