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Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5. Вадим ЗеландЧитать онлайн книгу.

Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5 - Вадим Зеланд

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by accepting and enjoying what you already have. Remember that things could always be worse. You do not have to stop wanting money entirely but you can relax about the fact that it is not rolling in with the force of a gushing river. Take the position of the gambler who could at any moment just as easily hit the jackpot as lose everything.

      For pendulums, money is a universal means of rewarding their adherents. It is the activity of pendulums that has led to the widespread idolization of money. Money helps us to provide a good life for ourselves in the material world. Almost anything can be bought and sold. All pendulums use money as payment and there is a hidden danger in this. Having taken the falsely glittering bait it is easy to switch to a life line that lies far away from your true happiness.

      In pursuing their own interests, pendulums have created the myth that in order to achieve your goals you have to have money. As a result, people replace their original goal with the artificial substitute of money. Money can be gained from different pendulums and so people shift their focus from the goal to money and come under the influence of a pendulum that is alien to them. People then lose a sense of what they really want from life and focus on the fruitless search for money.

      This state of affairs is very profitable for the pendulum but not so profitable for the individual who becomes dependent and loses their way. No-one will ever make a lot of money working for a pendulum that functions outside of the context of their true purpose because they just end up serving someone else’s objective. A lot of people live in exactly this position. This is how the myth arose that wealth is the privilege of the minority. In actual fact anyone can become rich if they serve their own goals.

      Money is not the goal nor is it really even the means to reaching the goal. It is simply an accompanying attribute. The goal is what a person really wants in life such as to have their own house and grow roses; travel the world and visit faraway places; catch trout in Alaska; go skiing in the Alps; raise horses on their own farm; enjoy life on their own oceanic island; become a movie star or an artist.

      It is true that certain goals can be achieved if you have a sack of money so this is what the majority of people do; they go after that sack. By focusing on the money they put the goal itself on the back burner. According to the principles of Transurfing, this is like trying to get onto a life line where a sack of money awaits but you find it almost impossible to get there because you are working for someone else’s pendulum. In the end, the person loses out both on the money and their own goal because their thought energy is focused on a substitute for their true purpose.

      We will return to this issue in the chapter “Goals and Doors”. For now we can draw one general conclusion which is that if you have placed the likelihood of achieving your goal on the condition of getting rich first, drop the condition fast. Let us take an example. If your dream is to travel round the world then obviously this requires a lot of money. To fulfil you dream do not think about the money; keep your thoughts on the original goal. The money will come to you because it is an accompanying attribute to the goal. It is really very simple. It sounds unlikely I know but this is really how things work and soon you will realise that for yourself. In pursuing their own end, pendulums have turned everything upside down. It is not that the goal is achieved with the help of money but rather the money that follows on as you create the path to your goal.

      Now you can see just what a powerful influence pendulums have and how many seeds have been sewn for myths and misunderstandings. Reading these lines you may object that it is obvious that first a person becomes a large industrialist or a banker or a film star and then they become a millionaire. It is true that those who become millionaires are those who think not of wealth but of following their own goal. The majority of people think and do the opposite. They either serve someone else’s goal, replacing their own with an artificial substitute, or renounce their own dream entirely because the condition of having to be rich first seems unachievable.

      In actual fact there are no limitations to wealth. You can desire anything you want. If it is truly yours to have you will receive it. If the goal has been imposed upon you by a pendulum you will not get anywhere. We will talk about goals in more detail later. I am rushing ahead a little but that is unavoidable because there is not anything else to be said about money. Money is nothing more than an accompanying attribute on the path to your goal. Do not worry about money and it will come to you of its own accord. The most important thing now is to reduce the importance of capital to a minimum so that you do not create excess potential. Think only of the thing you wish to achieve.

      At the same time, you should be attentive to money and treat it carefully. If you see a small coin on the street and are too lazy to pick it up, it suggests that you do not respect money at all. The money pendulum will hardly be well disposed towards you if you treat its attributes carelessly.

      Neither should you worry about spending money because this is a necessary part of fulfilling your mission. If you have made the decision to spend money on something have no regrets. When you try to save up a handsome sum and spend as little as possible you create strong excess potential because energy has been built up in one place. In this case it is highly likely that you could lose everything. Money should be spent wisely to keep a flow going as potential appears where there is no flow of energy. Wealthy people support charities with good reason as it reduces the excess potential of their accumulated wealth.


      Finally, we look at the most ambiguous and paradoxical way in which balance is compromised. Things that start small can turn out to have the severest of consequences. Usually, we are taught from childhood to do things carefully; to be thorough and always do our best. We are taught to be responsible and are instilled with a sense of what is right and what is wrong. Undoubtedly, this is how things should be; otherwise the next generation would turn into an entire army of slobs and slackers. The down side to this kind of upbringing is that in some of the pendulum’s adherents the striving for perfection is so deeply instilled that it becomes part of their persona.

      Some people become obsessed with perfection as a result of which their life becomes a constant battle. You can guess what they are battling with of course: balanced forces. The need to achieve perfection in everything creates complications on an energetic level because the assessments a perfectionist makes will inevitably be distorted.

      There is nothing wrong with always trying to do your best, but if you attribute perfection too much importance, balanced forces will come in and ruin everything. In addition, a kind of vicious circle is created making the person even more immersed in their obsession. The person desires perfection but they get the opposite. Then they try desperately to right everything but that just makes things worse. In the end, striving for perfection becomes a habit, and can even develop into a mania. The idealist has a tendency not only to place high demands on themselves but to expect high standards of others too, which can poison the life of those they are close to. Their high expectations manifest as an intolerance towards other people’s habits and tastes, which often causes small conflicts that easily escalate into bigger ones.

      From the outside it is easy to see how ridiculous it is to seek perfection in everything at the same time as tyrannizing everyone else around you. The perfectionist, however, is deeply involved in their role and seduced by the thought that they are impeccable, infallible, in short, perfect. They think that because they strive to meet perfect standards they must be a model for those standards and yet they will not admit this to themselves because generally speaking most perfectionists are too clever not to realize that enjoying a sense of one’s own supremacy does not quite fit with generally accepted notions of perfection. Nonetheless, in a person with these traits, the feeling of being right about everything is deeply rooted in the subconscious.

      At this point the perfectionist risks succumbing to the temptation of placing themselves in the position of supreme judge over the rest of humanity and deciding how and what all other lost souls should be doing. Naturally, the perfectionist easily gives in to the temptation because they are motivated by the righteous desire to set everybody on the right path and they have no difficulty in justifying their behaviour because they know that they are always right.

      From then onwards, having wrapped themselves in the mantle of “arbiter of fate” they assume the right to judge and condemn other people. In reality, of course, the trial does not go beyond everyday accusations

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