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Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5. Вадим ЗеландЧитать онлайн книгу.

Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5 - Вадим Зеланд

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love them not because you have been coerced into doing so. This is a completely different matter. If you have a tendency to justify yourself, start letting go of it; once manipulative individuals realize they no longer have a way of hooking into your energy they will leave you alone.

      Guilt goes hand in hand with an inferiority complex. If you feel inferior in any way it is because you have compared yourself to others. It is as if you create trials where you play the role of judge over yourself. In reality, it only feels as if you are the judge. The true dynamic works out slightly differently. If you have a natural predisposition to take blame upon yourself irrespective of what the blame is about it follows that you can also be found guilty and punished. By comparing yourself with others you place them in a superior position of authority. In so doing you are enabling others to suppose that they are somehow better than you. The likelihood is that other people do not actually believe that they are better than you but if you have come to this conclusion yourself you end up playing the role of judge in their name. By assuming the role of the guilty party, willingly giving yourself to the court you are effectively inviting other people to judge you.

      Appropriate action is to stand up from the accused bench and reclaim the right to be yourself. No-one will dare judge you if you do not consider yourself guilty. Only you can give others the privilege of being your judge. This might all seem like empty rhetoric because if someone has a real flaw we all know that there will always be someone willing to point it out. This only happens though, if they sense that you are predisposed to accepting the blame for your shortcomings. If you consider yourself guilty of being worse than others, even for a second, it will most certainly be used against you. The opposite is also true. If you are free of the feeling of guilt, it will never occur to anyone to assert themselves over you. Here, excess potential has a very subtle influence on the surrounding energetic environment. These ideas are difficult to accept and the technique cannot be proven in words. Do not just take my word for it, try it!

      Power and courage also represent aspects of the guilt dynamic. People who have a tendency to feel guilty only subject their will to a person who is immune to the same tendency. If a person is in principle willing to admit guilt for anything at all, subconsciously, they are willing to endure punishment and subordinate themselves to others. If a person is not plagued by feelings of guilt but has a need to assert themselves then they can easily become a manipulator. I am not trying to say that the world is divided into manipulators and string puppets; I am just inviting you to observe a pattern. Rulers and leaders have a very poorly developed sense of guilt, or do not experience feelings of guilt at all. Feeling guilty is a foreign concept to cynics and other types who have no conscience. Their way of progressing in life is to wade through the slaughter and walk over other people. It is not surprising that it is often the unscrupulous that come to power. This does not mean that power of itself is bad or that any person in a position of power is bad. Who can say, perhaps your happiness also lies in becoming a pendulum’s favourite. Every individual must decide for themselves how they wish to keep their conscience clear. No-one else has the right to tell you what to do; one thing is clear, indulging in feelings of guilt can only undermine your position.

      Boldness indicates the absence of guilt. Fear lies in the subconscious and is evoked not only by the unknown but also by the dread of punishment. A person who is “guilty,” theoretically agrees to bear punishment, and therefore experiences fear. Brave people are never tormented by pangs of conscience and they suffer not the slightest feeling of guilt. They have nothing to fear because their inner judge has declared that they are in the right. Quite the opposite position is true of the timid victim who is uncertain of whether they are behaving correctly or not. The victim fears being declared guilty, giving everyone the right to administer punishment. Even the faintest, most deeply hidden feeling of guilt can open the gates to punishment in the subconscious mind. A person, who feels guilty, theoretically agrees that robbers and bandits have the right to attack them as a form of punishment and so they are afraid.

      People have learned that asking for forgiveness dissolves the excess potential of guilt and it really works. When a person carries feelings of guilt they hold on to negative energy which culminates as excess potential. In asking for forgiveness a person lets go of the energy allowing it to dissipate. Asking for forgiveness, admitting your mistakes, praying for forgiveness and confession are all ways of eliminating the excess potential of guilt. When a person allows themselves to be forgiven they can let go of the accusation they originally created and then feel better for it. The only thing to be careful of is indulging in remorse. If a person goes too far in their remorseful attitude they risk becoming dependent on manipulators who are just waiting for the next victim. When you ask for forgiveness, admit your mistake and release the potential. Manipulators will remind you of your mistake on more than one occasion trying to reawaken your feelings of guilt. Do not react to the provocation. Everyone has the right to ask for forgiveness once and once only.

      Releasing feelings of guilt is the most effective way of surviving in an aggressive environment such as a prison, a gang, the army or street. It is with good reason that the unspoken rule: “Trust no one, fear nothing, and ask for nothing” exists in the criminal world. The rule warns against creating excess potential. Guilt lies at the core of all potential that will serve you ill in an aggressive environment. In a world based on the principle of survival of the fittest you can protect yourself by demonstrating your strength but this is sometimes too general an approach. It is much more effective to eliminate the idea of potential punishment from your subconscious. The following situation illustrates what I mean. In the former Soviet Union, political prisoners were intentionally jailed with common criminals as a way of breaking their spirit. What happened was that many political prisoners by virtue of their remarkable qualities not only avoided becoming victims of harassment and abuse; they became chosen authority figures among the harder criminals, demonstrating that personal independence and dignity are valued more highly than physical strength. Many people are strong physically, but strength of character is a rare trait. The key to personal dignity is the absence of guilt. True personal power rests on the ability to remain free of guilt and not on the ability to take someone by the throat.

      The famous Russian writer, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, once said: “Drop by drop I am squeezing the slave out of me.” His phrase highlights his personal dedication to rid the conscience of any feeling of guilt. To get rid of something normally means to fight against it but in the context of Transurfing there is no needle to battle or force yourself to do something. In Transurfing it is considered more preferable to renounce i.e., to choose. You do not have to squeeze the feeling of guilt out of yourself. It is enough to live by your own credo. No one has the right to judge you and you have the right to be yourself. If you allow yourself to be you, the need for self-justification will fall away and the fear of being punished will fade. Then, something truly remarkable will happen: no one will dare insult you.

      Moreover, wherever you happen to be, in prison, in the army, in a gang, at work, on the street or in a bar, you will never again find yourself in a situation where somebody will threaten you with violence. Others may from time to time, be subject to violence in one form or another, but because you have renounced the feeling of guilt and driven it from your subconscious you will reside on life lines where scripts of punishment simply don’t exist.


      It is almost impossible to avoid a dependent relationship on money because it is very hard to love money without wanting more of it. All one can do is attempt to limit the aspect of dependency to a minimum. Be happy if money has come to you but never kill yourself worrying about not having enough money, or spending it, otherwise you will have less and less of it. If a person does not earn much money they probably make the mistake of complaining that they never have enough because the parameters of this type of thought energy correspond to life lines in which there is no wealth.

      It is particularly dangerous to give in to an anxiety that your income is gradually decreasing. Fear represents the most energetically intense emotion a human being can experience and so when a person fears losing money or not earning enough money they activate the most effective method there is for shifting to life lines where they really do have less and less money. Freeing oneself from the money trap is difficult but it can be done. First the cause of the excess potential has to be eliminated, which will either be strong dependency on money, or a very intense desire to have money.


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