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Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5. Вадим ЗеландЧитать онлайн книгу.

Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5 - Вадим Зеланд

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takes the main quality to be the wave then the model of the atom will look like a blurry dot. Both models work reflecting different manifestations of reality. In this case too, one could say that the scientists get what they choose.

      Any manifestation of reality can serve as a postulate, or the basis for an argument which will undoubtedly make sense and have its place. In search of truth people have always striven to understand the nature of the world, studying its individual parts. Bodies of scientific knowledge were created to describe and explain the various phenomenon of nature and often they contradict each other.

      The nature of the world is one but it reveals itself to us in many guises. As soon as one face has been studied and explained another appears that does not fully correspond to the first. Scientists have attempted to overcome these contradictions by encompassing the diverse manifestations of reality in a single model of the universe, but this is no easy task. There is one irrefutable fact that unites and reconciles all branches of knowledge and that is the diverse and multifaceted nature of reality. Variability is the world’s most fundamental quality.

      For some reason, the defenders of different fields of knowledge disregard this fact in their attempts to describe individual phenomenon, despite the fact that there is so much that could be learned from it. Variability is a key reference point, just like zero is the main reference point on a coordinate grid. Any starting point for a particular area of knowledge is secondary in relation to this key reference point of variability and yet it is bypassed as if it held no information. Nonetheless, it does carry information and information of quite an extraordinary nature.

      To solve the Guardian’s riddle we will take the quality of variability as a starting point. In other words, we will take as a postulate the fact that reality manifests itself in an infinite variety of forms. Despite the very general nature of this postulate it reveals quite fascinating knowledge.

      We start with the idea that all diverse manifestations of reality originate in a common source. The world manifests itself as movement of matter through time and space and this movement is subject to certain laws. As you know, points are plotted on a graph in accordance with mathematical formula. You could say that the function which determines how points are plotted on a graph is also a law. So where are the laws of the universe ‘written’? Formulae like laws are but an abstract product of the human mind created for the convenience of expressing concepts. It is highly unlikely that the laws of nature are recorded anywhere.

      Could a graph be created that marked the position of all points of matter? Of course, one could theoretically mark the coordinates of the infinite number of all existing points in the universe but the capacity of the human memory is too limited to cope with such a massive volume of data. Nature on the other hand has no difficulty with eternity. Nature has no need of a formula to generalize the position and movement of points on a graph. If the graph line were to be broken up into infinitely small points then every point could be seen as a cause and the next point as the consequent effect, whereby any movement of a point of matter through time and space could be perceived as an infinite chain of infinitesimal examples of cause and effect.

      In science, we describe the movement of matter in terms of laws but in nature this movement exists in its natural form as the infinite flow of cause and effect. Generally speaking, information concerning all possible points along the path of moving matter is stored in an information field which we refer to here as the alternatives space. The field contains information about everything that ever has been, is, and ever will be.

      The alternatives space is a material information structure. It is an infinite field containing information on all possible scenarios of any event that could ever possibly take place. One could say that the alternatives space contains absolutely everything. We can hardly guess the form this information takes and yet our purpose here does not require us to know this. The important thing is to establish that the alternatives space serves as a template or coordinate grid for the movement of all matter in time and space.

      Every point in space contains its own version of a given event. For the ease of understanding let us say that each variation or version has a script and scenery. The scenery is the external form of a phenomenon, whereas the script is the path that matter moves along. For the sake of convenience the alternatives space can be said to have different sectors. The greater the distance between the sectors, the more the script and scenery will differ. A person’s destiny also has numerous alternatives.

      Theoretically speaking, there are no limits to the scripts and sceneries of human existence because the alternatives space is infinite. Any seemingly insignificant event can affect a twist of fate. A person’s life, just like any other movement of matter represents a chain of cause and effect events. In the alternatives space the effect is always located in close proximity to its cause. One follows the other and so the sectors of a person’s destiny create a life line. The scripts and settings of the sectors on one line are more or less uniform. A person’s life flows evenly in one direction, until such time as an event occurs that changes the scripts and sceneries. When this happens destiny takes a turn and shifts to another life line.

      Experiencing life lines placed very close together is like watching a play and then the next day going to the theatre again to see the same play but this time the stage scenery is different. If during the next theatre season you saw the play with the same actors but there had been significant changes to the script this would be like experiencing a life line situated slightly further away in the alternatives space. Finally, if you watched the same production in a different theatre you would see a totally different interpretation of the play and this would be like experiencing a life line that exists a significant distance from the first.

      Reality has such diversity of form because the number of alternatives for its manifestation is limitless. Any starting point for one or another form of manifestation results in a chain of cause and effect relationships. One could say that reality unfolds through life depending on the selection of the original reference point and so ultimately, everyone gets what they choose. You have the right to choose precisely because an eternal number of alternatives already exist. No-one is preventing you from choosing the destiny you would feel comfortable having. Managing your own destiny comes down to one single thing – making the choice. Transurfing shows you how to make that choice.

      So, an information structure exists that contains an infinite number of potential alternatives each with its own unique script and scenery. The process of transformation into physical reality corresponds to that laid down in the information structure. How matter moves through the alternatives space can be demonstrated by the following metaphor.

      Imagine a water pipe with a cooling ring that moves slowly along the pipe causing the water inside it to freeze. The effect of the cooling ring makes it look as if a crystal of ice is moving through the water. Water molecules tend to remain in roughly the same place in a relatively free state. At the moment that the cooling ring passes through a given section of water the molecules inside the ring are solidified into a frozen crystal. As the ring moves further down the pipe, the frozen water in the area behind the ring melts again and the molecules are freed up. It is not the crystal itself that moves. In other words, it is not a single chunk of ice that floats through the water, but the potential to create the structure of ice, i.e. the frozen state.

      The water in the pipe serves as an analogy for the alternatives space and the crystal of ice as an analogy for the material manifestation of a particular alternative. The water molecules are like people and their position in the crystal structure is like a manifestation in physical reality of one possible fate. There is no single answer to the question of what the cooling ring symbolises. In other words, how and why the information structure transforms into physical matter, no-one can say. In a microcosm, matter can behave as a bundle of energy. We know that in a vacuum for example, micro particles undergo a continual process of birth and annihilation suggesting that matter is present and yet does not represent a physical substance. The one thing that is clear is that the things we can touch have an intangible energetic foundation to them.

      I hope I have not overwhelmed the reader with too much physics, particularly as we are just at the very beginning of Transurfing. The things you learn in this book may come as a bit of a surprise, so naturally, I offer some theoretical substantiation just to help the mind keep a firm

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