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Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5. Вадим ЗеландЧитать онлайн книгу.

Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5 - Вадим Зеланд

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wave is another analogy for the process of physical manifestation in which the sea is the alternatives space and the wave the material manifestation of a given alternative. Take a wave that forms in the sea after an earthquake. It looks like the wave moves across the surface of the sea in a hump, but in fact, the water remains in the same place. It is not a mass of water that is moving across the sea so much as the energetic potential for transformation into physical reality. It is only when the accumulation of water finally reaches the shore that it breaks on the ground. Any other wave behaves in the same manner.

      Does this mean that material manifestation moves through time and space while the potential alternatives remain in one place for eternity in the space of everything that was, is, and will be? Why not? Time of itself is as static as space. The passing of time is only felt when it turns like film footage, one shot following another. If you unroll the film and look at all the frames put together, there is no time because all the frames exist simultaneously. Time is static until we start looking at each frame in sequence. It is the same in life, which is why the idea that everything comes and goes is so deeply rooted in our minds.

      Everything that is recorded in the field of information has always been there and will always be there. Life lines exist like a reel of film. Things that have happened in the past do not just disappear and what has yet to be in the future is already present here in the now. The current section of a person’s life is a material manifestation of the alternatives space in this section of their life line.

      This idea might be slightly perturbing and you may be asking yourself how it is possible for countless alternatives of your own fate to exist simultaneously in stasis. Who is responsible for this, God or the laws of Nature perhaps? Imagine a point on a coordinate grid. In school we are taught that any point on the grid can have any x and y coordinate from minus to plus infinity and yet it does not occur to anyone to ask why a point can have absolutely any coordinate. Imagine if the point that moves along the function line were surprised and asked: “How can this be that the path I have travelled so far has always existed and always will and how can it be that the path I am about to travel has already been outlined in advance?” It would seem strange to the point but not to you because you are observing its path from above able to see things from a different perspective.

      The alternatives space serves as a template that determines how physical reality can show itself. Imagine a person walking through a dark forest with a torch. In the dark the person holding the torch lights up a small area around themselves. The entire forest is like the alternatives space while the area which is lit up is like the physical manifestation of the alternative in that area. The question remains as to what provides the light; in other words, what ‘ignites’, i.e. materializes a particular alternative within the template.

      To answer this question we need to take a different starting point. Nowadays most people agree that thoughts are material. There is also evidence that reality takes two forms: on the one hand material existence defines consciousness and on the other hand there is clear evidence to the contrary indicating that consciousness also defines physical existence. Therefore, thoughts not only provide the motivation for human action, they also have a direct influence on our reality. For example, our worst expectations generally tend to come true. Of course one could argue that this is not because our thoughts were materialized but rather that our thoughts were a premonition of impending misfortune that would have occurred anyway. There is undoubtedly much that is unclear and ambiguous about paranormal phenomena. However, that does not mean that one should ignore or negate the relationship between thought and the process of material realization. Much evidence exists to indicate the direct impact of thought on reality.

      One way or another, individual consciousness shapes a person’s destiny. This book focuses specifically on how this is possible. Thought energy transforms possible alternatives into physical reality. This statement is correct because reality can be manifested in any form defined by consciousness. Evidence of this hypothesis can be found not only in everyday life but also in the experiments of quantum physics. For our purposes, the specific mechanism by which thought energy interacts with the alternatives space is of no great consequence. It is not yet clear by what means the transfer of information takes place, whether on an energetic level or by some other means. For convenience sake we will simply work with the idea that thought energy ‘lights up’ a certain sector of the alternatives space, as a result of which, one alternative is transformed into physical reality. Waves of thought energy find the sector in the alternatives space that corresponds in quality. The alterative of that sector is then made manifest on the physical level, marking the process of how consciousness creates reality.

      You should bear in mind that this is only one way of manifesting reality. Generally speaking it is not possible to create the reality you desire simply by sitting in one place and contemplating it. Although people do exist who are capable of materializing objects literally out of air, they are very few in number and as a rule do not advertise their abilities. Nonetheless, thoughts have as much impact on a person’s destiny as concrete actions do. People are used to the idea that there is a visible and clearly comprehensible connection between their actions and the consequences of them. By contrast, the impact of one’s thoughts manifests imperceptibly and so appears inexplicable and unpredictable. It might seem difficult to determine a causal relationship between one’s thoughts and subsequent events, but soon you will see that the connection is quite direct. A person gets what they choose.

      Some may conclude that I seem to be saying that the seas, mountains, planets and the galaxy are all just a product of their personal thought energy. This is because people have a tendency to consider themselves the centre of the universe, whereas in actual fact they are just a tiny dot in infinite space. The world is inhabited by millions of living organisms and every single one of them contributes to the creation of reality. Every living being has its own characteristic thought energy. If you are not comfortable viewing plants as capable of ‘thought’, then you can refer to the process differently; it does not change the nature of the phenomenon. Nobody can say with certainty that inert objects do not have a quality similar to the thought energy emanated by living beings, to say nothing of the One Spirit, permeating all things, which we call God. Every being has consciousness and forms the layer which makes up its own world. One could say that everything in this world carries a particle of God and this is how he governs the whole world.

      We all live in the same world and yet every individual moves along their own life line. The qualities of the material world are the same for everybody; it is just that its concrete realization is unique within the context of a person’s life. For example, imagine that you are a tourist walking around a beautiful city. You admire the sites and the architecture. You take in the flower beds, the fountains, the park avenues and the smiling faces of the city’s prosperous inhabitants. Then as you pass by a rubbish bin you see a homeless person. He is in the same city as you, and the same dimension but he does not see what you see. He sees an empty bottle in the bin, a dirty wall, his competitor who wanted the bottle too and a policeman eyeing him with suspicion. You live on one life line and the homeless man on another. Your life lines intersected at a point in the alternatives space, bringing you together into the same world in the dimension of physical reality.

      All manifestation of a material nature has an energetic foundation. The energy field is primary and all physical manifestation is secondary. Scientists attempt to unite different manifestations of energy within the context of a single theory and soon they will achieve good results. However, they will find that they have to keep adding many more things to the theory because reality takes an infinite number of forms. Without going into too much detail we will take energy to be an abstract force which is invisible but nonetheless exists. For our purposes it is enough to accept the fact that the energy of human thought is material. Thought energy does not just spin round inside a person’s head; it flows out into the space beyond the head and interacts with the wider energy field around us. Few would dispute this fact now.

      For convenience sake we can talk about the parameter of thought energy that is frequency, just as radio waves have a frequency. Whenever you think about something in particular the frequency of your thoughts becomes attuned to a certain area within the alternatives space. When the thought energy reaches the relevant sector in the alternatives space the potential reality held within that sector begins to materialize. Energy has a highly

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