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50 Masterpieces you have to read before you die vol: 2 (Book Center). Джек ЛондонЧитать онлайн книгу.

50 Masterpieces you have to read before you die vol: 2 (Book Center) - Джек Лондон

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first step to success is to find out the thing you love to do, then do it. Success is in loving your work. Although, if a man is a psychiatrist, it is not adequate for him to get a diploma and place it on the wall; he must keep up with the times, attend conventions, and continue studying the mind and its workings. The successful psychiatrist visits clinics and reads the latest scientific articles. In other words, he is informed in the most advanced methods of alleviating human suffering. The successful psychiatrist or doctor must have the interest of his patients at heart.

      Someone may say, “How can I put the first step into operation? I do not know what I should do.” In such a case, pray for guidance as follows: “The Infinite Intelligence of my subconscious mind reveals to me my true place in life.” Repeat this prayer quietly, positively and lovingly to your deeper mind. As you persist with faith and confidence, the answer will come to you as a feeling, a hunch or a tendency in a certain direction. It will come to you clearly and in peace, and as an inner silent awareness.

       Second Step

      The second step to success is to specialize in some particular branch of work and know more about it than anyone else. For example, if a young man chooses chemistry as his profession, he should concentrate on one of the many branches in this field. He should give all of his time and attention to his chosen specialty. He should become sufficiently enthusiastic to try to know all there is available about his field; if possible, he should know more than anyone else. The young man should become ardently interested in his work and should desire to serve the world.

      He that is great among you, let him become your servant. There is a great contrast in this attitude of mind in comparison to that of the man who only wants to make a living or just “get by.” “Getting by” is not true success. Man's motive must be great, nobler and more altruistic. He must serve others, thereby casting his bread upon the waters.

       Third Step

      The third step is the most important one. You must be sure that the thing you want to do does not redound to your success only. Your desire must not be selfish; it must benefit humanity. The path of a complete circuit must be formed. In other words, your idea must go forth with the purpose of blessing or serving the world. It will then come back to you pressed down, shaken together and running over. If it is to benefit yourself exclusively, the circle or complete circuit is not formed, and you may experience a short circuit in your life which may consist of limitation or sickness.

       The Measure Of True Success

      Some people may say, “But Mr James made a fortune in selling fraudulent oil stock.” A man may seem to succeed for a while, but the money he obtained by fraud usually takes wings and flies away.

      When we rob from another, we rob from ourselves, because we are in a mood of lack and limitation which may manifest itself in our body, home life and affairs. What we think and feel, we create. We create what we believe. Even though a man may have accumulated a fortune fraudulently, he is not successful. There is no success without peace of mind. What good is man's accumulated wealth if he cannot sleep nights, is sick or has a guilt complex?

      I knew a man in London who told me of his exploits. He had been a professional pickpocket and had amassed a large amount of money. He had a summer home in France and lived in a royal fashion in England. His story was that he was in constant dread of being arrested by Scotland Yard. He had many inner disorders which were undoubtedly caused by his constant fear and deep-seated guilt complex. He knew he had done wrong. This deep sense of guilt attracted all kinds of trouble to him. Subsequently, he voluntarily surrendered to the police and served a prison sentence. After his release from prison, he sought psychological and spiritual counsel and became transformed. He went to work and became an honest, law-abiding citizen. He found what he loved to do and was happy.

      A successful person loves his work and expresses himself fully. Success is contingent upon a higher ideal than the mere accumulation of riches. The man of success is the man who possesses great psychological and spiritual understanding. Many of the great industrialists today depend upon the correct use of the subconscious minds for their success.

      There was an article published some years ago about Flagler, an oil magnate. He admitted that the secret of his success was his ability to see a project in its completion. For instance, in his case, he closed his eyes, imagined a big oil industry, saw trains running on tracks, heard whistles blowing and saw smoke. Having seen and felt the fulfillment of his prayer, his subconscious mind brought about its realization. If you imagine an objective clearly, you will be provided with the necessities, in ways you know not of, through the wonder-working power of your subconscious mind.

      In considering the three steps to success you must never forget the underlying power of the creative forces of your subconscious mind. This is the energy in back of all steps in any plan of success. Your thought is creative. Thought fused with feeling becomes a subjective faith or belief, and according to your belief it is done unto you. Matthew 9:29.

      A knowledge of a mighty force in you which is capable of bringing to pass all your desires gives you confidence and a sense of peace. Whatever your field of action may be, you should learn the laws of your subconscious mind. When you know how to apply the powers of your mind, and when you are expressing yourself fully and giving of your talents to others, you are on the sure path to true success. If you are about God's business, or any part of it, God, by His very nature, is for you, so who can be against you? With this understanding there is no power in heaven or on earth to withhold success from you.

       How He Made His Dream Come True

      A movie actor told me that he had very little education, but he had a dream as a boy of becoming a successful movie actor. Out in the field mowing hay, driving the cows home or even when milking them he said, “I would constantly imagine I saw my name in big lights at a large theater. I kept this up for years until finally I ran away from home. I got extra jobs in the motion picture field and the day finally came when I saw my name in great, big lights as I did when I was a boy!” Then he added, “I know the power of sustained imagination to bring success.”

       His Dream Pharmacy Became A Reality

      Thirty years ago I knew a young pharmacist who was receiving forty dollars a week plus commission on sales, “After twenty-five years,” he said to me, “I will get a pension and retire.”

      I said to this young man, “Why don't you own your own store? Get out of this place. Raise your sights! Have a dream for your children. Maybe your son wants to be a doctor, perhaps your daughter desires to be a great musician.”

      His answer was that he had no money! He began to awaken to the fact that whatever he could conceive as true, he could give conception.

      The first step toward his goal was his awakening to the powers of his subconscious mind which I briefly elaborated on for his benefit. His second step was his realization that if he could succeed in conveying an idea to his subconscious mind, the latter would somehow bring it to pass.

      He began to imagine that he was in his own store. He mentally arranged the bottles, dispensed prescriptions and imagined several clerks in the store waiting on customers. He also visualized a big bank balance. Mentally he worked in that imaginary store. Like a good actor he lived the role. Act as though I am, and I will be. This pharmacist put himself wholeheartedly into the act, living, moving and acting on the assumption that he owned the store.

      The sequel was interesting. He was discharged from his position. He found new employment with a large chain store, became manager, and later on, district manager. He saved enough money in four years to provide a down payment on a drugstore of his own. He called it his “Dream Pharmacy.”

      “It was,” he said, “exactly the store I saw in my imagination.” He became a recognized success in his chosen field and was happy doing what he loved to do.

       Using The Subconscious Mind In Business

      Some years ago I gave

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