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Pupil of magicians of a rainbow. Vadim PoperekovЧитать онлайн книгу.

Pupil of magicians of a rainbow - Vadim Poperekov

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you at least as the guest of honor, it means now you have an access to guest rooms and as I guess to the room of negotiations. Here the others are not available to you yet. – explained me the ghost.

      Having opened the first door, I found behind it not remarkable berths / beds with bedside tables calculated on four persons. In the bedroom there were two doors conducting in a toilet and the swimming bath. Having returned back to the hall of a teleport Vladimir surveyed the second room which appeared quite big hall of negotiations with a round table in the middle of the room and chairs oak by sight with high carved backs. Except an entrance door to the hall of negotiations green two more doors shone, having opened first of which, Vova, having caught pleasant aroma of fried meat nearly choked with saliva and having let out joyful cry began to observe as the food is magically cooked.

      – Do not stand the idol, go mine hands and sit down be supported – Siuris murmured.

      I long did not force itself to ask and already through two-three of minutes sat at a table in the hall of negotiations, observing as by air food in plates moved directly to a table where I sat.

      Having sated I understood that I terribly want to sleep and without remembering, how exactly limped to guest rooms, fell heavily on a bed.

      It was the strange dream, it was very real. I ran somewhere in the woods in the dark, and after me on the heels of a gloomy laugh didn’t even run, and as if I was floating through the air some monster in the form of a big eye with a thousand eyes on creepy processes. Here having turned back, I stumbled and head over heels departed down. Having painfully hit a forehead against some snag, I regained consciousness on a bed in a citadel and with surprise groped at myself on a forehead a fresh cone. Having told Siuris about the dream and the real cone received in it, Volodya understood that the spiteful demon Lyutoglaz tried to kill him through a dream and that it is even worse to take control of his soul.

      – Vladimir if you undergo dedication in novices of guild, then the demon will not be able so just to get you through dreams. And I suspect that it spent a lot of dark energy for this failed attempt and will be able to repeat it not soon. You should learn to put protection on the mind. Plus the citadel will actively protect you after dedication.

      – Siuris, by the way you can call me Vova or Volodya, tell me to what idea serves your Guild of the Magicians of the Rainbow? What gods patronize it? Tell about this world, I almost do not know anything. I cannot blindly make the decision.

      – Centroniya is the Central World! It is some kind of intersection of the worlds to which in immemorial times came to this day there live people, orks, goblins, pangolins of snakes, dark and light elves, gnomes, centaurs, trolls, fairies, dragons and also kinds of magic experiments of mad magicians of ancient times. Three continents wash oceans, which are inhabited by mermaids and different types monsters who eating magic energy grew to the huge sizes. The benefit these monsters mutating due to the magic energy absorbed by them without measure cannot give posterity, however, as well as the experiments of mad magicians created for war.

      According to an ancient legend the continent initially was one. At that time all people lived in peace. But after the volcanic eruption which entailed global cataclysms millions years ago the earth broke up in the center of the continent into three parts. And in the center there was a big island with a big extinct volcano inhabited by dangerous magic beings. The mountain itself is surrounded by a ring of small islands dissected with water from the North and South. Since the split and began irreconcilable enmity. Even the Gods, who failed to prevent this scourge, began to blame each other for this and eventually split into two camps.

      Kingdoms of people, light elves, centaurs, fairies and gnomes are on the western continent washed by three oceans. On east continent dark elves, trolls, goblins, a pangolin of snakes, orks, necromancers and cultist (servants of demons) live. In the north there are dragon islands, which are from far away the habitation of dragons. And the Southern Mainland, divided by a chain of mountains into two parts, is inhabited in the northern part by skeletons, dead, foxes and other uncontrolled births of death. In the southern part of the Southern Mainland there are so-called damned lands inhabited by the fruits of experiments of crazy magicians, storing artifacts and knowledge for which ordinary mortals are ready to pay mountains of gold. Many adventurers are missing in damned lands, so dangerous. Only the most powerful magicians, not blinded by the thirst for knowledge and riches, returned with tiny of knowledge and artifacts extracted from these lands.

      – Siuris, tell me more about human kingdoms and from where you are?

      – My ancestral Stongblaind Castle is in the Grand Principality, located in the southeastern part of the western mainland. The Grand Prince rules there, transferring his power by inheritance. At the head of the feudal state is the grand prince himself. It is directly subject to the graphs that own their own feuds, which are inherited. Then there are the nobles, usually having no more than one village in possession. The main force of the principality is represented by its own team and magicians trained in the Guild of Rainbow Magicians.

      The southwest friendly neighbor of the principality the Sultanate inhabited by tribes of steppe soldiers, which is famous for the military traditions and a strong steppe cavalry. Also presents sultanate force to guild of magicians of Transformation. Their werewolves are very fast and strong in infighting. In their state the polygamy is authorized. The sultan, as a rule, has a big harem of very beautiful girls.

      To the west of the Sultanate in the Radiant kingdom there lives the mixed population headed by the priests worshipping the light god Luchezar giving to the followers strength for fight against the evil. The radiant kingdom is strong the priests and paladins.

      To the north of the grand duchy the rich Trade kingdom which does not have own regular army was located. Instead of own army they have on service mercenaries from different other kingdoms. Governs council of merchants led by the chairman of trade guild elected for short term in five years there. They live craft and trade with other kingdoms. Support this force Guild of Spontaneous magicians. The population consists generally of people, gnomes and elves half-blooded. Have the strongest merchant marine fleet.

      In the North of the Western continent there is a northern kingdom inhabited by barbaric tribes of the people-worshipping god of Svetozar’s light – to Luchezar’s brother. Priests and Svetozar’s paladins astride the tamed griffins are the terrible force with which even the dragons who are occasionally making raids on the cattle and living creatures of a northeast part of the Northern kingdom reckon.

      In a mountain isthmus, stretched from northern tribes to the Sultanate in the south there live gnomes. These the hardworking race was famous for the armored infantry in fight. They traded with all races on the Western continent though they disliked elves, fairly including them too arrogant.

      To the west of a mountain isthmus of gnomes the woods of light elves, surprising on the beauty, stretch. They live in a neighborhood with fairies and Ent’s. As a rule, they do not let people to the territory.

      On East continent in its southern part there is a kingdom of necromancers, headed by the king necromancer Grobindus the second living thanks to the force not the first hundred years. Force of the kingdom is represented by guild of necromancers, and their ordinary soldiers are the raised skeletons, the called spirits and not the privates operated by necromancers skeletons dragons, received from remains of dragons at all. Their altars darkened from blood of the sacrificed light beings in glory of god of darkness or Gloom, so it was called too by some tribes.

      To the west of necromancers, their allies cultist led by the called demons from the other world freely settled down. The mixed population consists generally of people, pangolins of snakes, succubus’s and the lowest demons. Exactly there is Lyutoglaz, one of the highest demons called by these, the dark fanatics who sold soul.

      Apart from human races there are far north dragon islands, a chain of mountains towering over water. Dragons nest in mountains on these islands.

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