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Pupil of magicians of a rainbow. Vadim PoperekovЧитать онлайн книгу.

Pupil of magicians of a rainbow - Vadim Poperekov

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captive, dear Gadyukers. – The shaman answered unshakably.

      – But we agreed with you? Besides it hardly live, more than twenty gold I for it will not give.

      – Give to my captive waters and to eat, and take away him back. – Spitefully frowningly Gartran looked at the Block why that internally shrank from fear – less than gold I will not sell it to you for full one hundred, I know that it is necessary to you for your Lyutoglaz, a servant demon.

      Here I was taken away, and debaters began to agree about the price for my head.

      When I left I heard such a phrase shaman – It was expensive for me to negotiate secretly with the shaman these green-skinned doodles so that they brought him to me, so ninety-five gold and no copper less.

      There is Gliston, here he probably did a creature and a ceremony that after an oath as the ram itself would come to these servant demon to sacrifice. And as soon as it did not turn out, so quietly and sent with Swift-footed. With these thoughts I was brought back into my camera, the Block allowed to drink what – that musty water with words – On, the Worm, satisfy thirst finally, ha-ha-ha. After roughly kicked while his workmate did not see. Once again burst out laughing disgustingly and having locked a door with the workmate from the outer side, sat down to play in what – that a game on copper coins. It was heard their exclamations and punches which they distributed each other in a rush of passion or rage from loss.

      – Vladimir is time – the ghost’s voice in my head was distributed – look before yourself attentively.

      I lay and vainly tried to see attentively something, but nothing was impossible.

      – Siuris is impossible to me. – Mentally I said.

      – It is impossible to you because you from the world practically without magic also do not trust subconsciously in it. Remember in the childhood you for certain wanted to be the magician that at your desire there were any miracles and even represented them as if in reality. And then you just lost the belief in miracles when matured. Reject physical laws of your world in the head, magic laws prevail here. YOU IN the WORLD of MAGIC!!!

      – And here I remembered as in the childhood really dreamed to become the magician as represented that at me here – the fiery sphere concentrated from energy between hands here will take off and understood, how exactly it is necessary to work.

      – I see a pattern – for joy I cried, having forgotten about care.

      Outside orks that – that was suspected and decided to check the captive, suddenly dies.

      – Vladimir saturate a pattern with the mana rather.

      I presented how energy from my hands (glory to light gods that they were connected before themselves) follows and fills a pattern. Passed seconds five after a pattern gradually getting brightness as if you tighten up brightness on the screen of the TV, it was filled with necessary amount of magic for creation of a spell.

      And here at the same time there were two things: the spell worked and from an astral pocket to me directly in hands the ring with diamond fell and the door was opened by jailers and were stupefied with what was seen.

      – Put on a ring quicker – Siuris hurried me

      – Grab him, he is a magician, – Glyba’s partner said.

      During the last instant I managed to put on a ring and time as if slowed down – I saw how to me two orks – one of them with the brought cudgel rush. The ring was already on a finger, I felt the intoxicating power concluded in this artifact and having seen the pattern shown from a ring as if the hologram from a searchlight intuitively sent this power to this pattern. Instantly filled pattern and flash of the portal absorbed me. The world turned over again, and I lost consciousness again.

      Chapter 3. Citadel of the Guild of the Magicians of the Rainbow

      – Get up the sleepyhead, I see that you already recovered – Siuris in my head told.

      I opened eyes, and saw nothing except the magician’s ghost in outer darkness. Having hardly passed into a sitting position, I felt a dead dead air.

      – Where we Sirius? What should I do? And why I see you? I again in an astral?

      – We are with you in a secret citadel of Guild, and you see me in reality because my ring on your finger, could also guess. Here it is unclear only why the citadel does not meet us.

      – Meets?

      – Yes, the citadel had to activate magic lighting and other functions when the magician from the guild appeared in it, because the portal missed us. Somehow, it does not happen.

      Here saturate this pattern with a mana; you will create magic light.

      I, having saturated with the manna an unpretentious pattern, felt dizziness. Then magic light over my head lit surrounding space. Having almost fainted, I suddenly felt heat wave, which ran on a body. Having felt at the same time that my bruises and grazes disappear, and the health returned to normal.

      – This spell of Healing? But how? Cannot you conjure in an illusive appearance? – in perplexity I took an interest at the ghost.

      – It is one of the properties put in a ring – automatic healing of the carrier of an artifact – Siuris explained – so, and now it is a high time to look round and understand why nobody meets us. Here in a wall the hollow pocket has to be near a crystal of management of a citadel.

      Light moved next to me, following my thought orders. However, without being surprised to anything, I decided to look round. The room appeared meter four in height, a cylindrical form in the diameter of meters of fifteen, judging approximately. From the room conducted five closed identical doors located around and very impressive by sight.

      – More carefully, do not touch doors, on them there have to be security spells if they did not lose the energy yet though there passed so many years. But we will check it later, now it is necessary to find a crystal of management. Well light here, indeed, you see this symbol on a wall in the form of the Iridescent Sphere with a sword inside, the looking edge up. It is a symbol of our award.

      – Vladimir, touch with a ring this symbol. – The ghost indicated the center of a symbol.

      When a square piece of wall at chest level drove deep and sideways, it appeared to hang in the air, a slow rotating, dull glowing crystal in projection as a rhomb, only with many faces that reflected the light from the light very beautifully.

      – Siuris, what should I do further? – For some reason I became scared to touch this crystal.

      – In principle the crystal cannot recognize you and then protection will work. – Thoughtfully the magician said.

      But we all the same have no choice, not to die to you here without water and food.

      – Well, prospect – I thought, weighing everything pros and cons.

      – And can eat other way? – With hope I took an interest at the ghost.

      – Is, for example, members of an award can teleport here and will save you from starvation, but judging by the dust lying around on a floor, to hope for it at least silly.

      Having sat, having reflected on the past life, I understood that I am very hungry and actually I have no choice. Decided not to postpone more and, having risen from a cold stone floor, accurately brought a ring to a crystal.

      Occurred at the beginning of nothing. But later seconds I felt five how – as if me X-ray pass. The crystal started blinking in different flowers as

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