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The Gun Digest Book of Firearms Assembly/Disassembly Part V - Shotguns. J B WoodЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Gun Digest Book of Firearms Assembly/Disassembly Part V - Shotguns - J B Wood

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of the twin hammer springs to restrain them, and push out the hammer pivot pin toward the left.

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      13. Move the hammer upward until its spring base pin climbs over the edge of the front projection of the guard unit, relieving the spring tension. Remove the hammer, springs, and guides upward. The spring system is easily removed from the hammer.


      14. Removal of the hammer pivot pin will have freed the shell stop spring. Insert a small screwdriver to lift it out upward, and remove it.

      15. Remove the cross pin that is the rear base for the twin hammer springs toward either side.


      16. Drift out the small cross pin at the upper front of the trigger group, using a punch of very small diameter. Restrain the carrier latch assembly as the pin is removed.

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      17. Remove the carrier latch assembly, and its spring and plunger, toward the front. The carrier latch trip can be separated from the latch by drifting out its small cross pin.


      18. Removal of the carrier latch will give access to the shell stop pin. Use an angled punch at the front to push out the pin toward the left. The shell stop will not be freed for removal. See the next step.


      20. Remove the shell stop toward the front.

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      21. Drift the trigger shield cross pin toward the right, just far enough to clear the rear of the shield.

      22. Remove the trigger shield upward.


      23. Insert a screwdriver, angled from the rear, to pry the tip of the disconnector spring downward, out of its recess in the underside of the disconnector. Caution: Hold a fingertip on the left side to restrain the spring and plunger as it clears, and ease them off upward.

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      24. Push out the trigger pin, and remove the trigger and disconnector assembly upward. Drifting out the cross pin will allow separation of the disconnector from the trigger, but the pin is riveted in place, and should be removed only for repair.


      25. Drift out the sear pin, and remove the sear upward.

      26. Drift the roll pin at the rear of the housing further toward the right, and insert a small screwdriver from the left to lift the safety spring and its plunger out upward.


      27. Remove the safety button toward either side.

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      28. Grip the action bar assembly, and move it slightly toward the rear. Grasp the operating handle firmly, and pull it straight out toward the right.

      29. Insert a fingertip in the bottom of the receiver to depress the cartridge stop on the underside of the bolt, and slowly release the spring tension, moving the action bar and bolt assembly out to-ward the front.


      30. Even after the bolt is moved out, the recoil spring is still under tension, so control it and ease it off the magazine tube. Detach the bolt from the action bars, tipping it toward the left to disengage it.

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      31. Remove the bolt slide from the underside of the bolt. Drifting out the cross pin in the slide will allow removal of the shell stop and its spring. Note that the spring is a torsion type, and is under tension, so restrain it as the pin is drifted out toward the right. The bolt handle retaining plunger and spring can also be removed by drifting out the cross pin at the front of the slide.

      32. Drift out the cross pin at the upper rear of the bolt, and take out the firing pin bushing, firing pin, and return spring toward the rear.

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      33. After the firing pin assembly is removed, take out the locking block downward.

      34. Insert a small screwdriver between the extractor and its plunger, depress the plunger toward the rear, and lift the extractor out of its recess. Caution: Control the plunger, ease it out, and remove the plunger and spring toward the front.


      35. The carrier release, which is tempered to be its own spring, lies in a recess on the inside of the right receiver wall, and is retained by a vertical pin at the rear. Use a roll pin punch to drift the pin upward (it is replaced in the same direction), and remove the carrier release.

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      36. Insert a tool from the front to restrain the magazine end piece, and push out the vertical pin in the magazine tubs, just behind the gas piston area. Slowly release the spring tension, and remove the end piece, magazine spring, and follower toward the front.

      37. Remove the bultplate, and use a B-Square slock i tool or a long-shanked screwdriver

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