The Gun Digest Book of Firearms Assembly/Disassembly Part V - Shotguns. J B WoodЧитать онлайн книгу.
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38. Insert a screwdriver in the open center of the magazine spring retainer, and pry the retainer out, moving the screwdriver to raise it equally around its edge. Caution: The magazine spring is under tension, so control the retainer and ease it out. Remove the spring and follower toward the front. Removal of the magazine cut-off spring screw will have freed the magazine tube, and it can be unscrewed from the receiver.These are tightly fitted, though, and are best left in place in normal takedown.
Reassembly Tips:
1. When replacing the pivot pins for the carrier latch, shell stop, and magazine cut-off, drive them in the same direction they were removed, upward. Take care that the parts are properly aligned before driving the pins into place. Insert a drift punch to insure alignment, then hold the parts in place with a fingertip while the pins are inserted. Be sure the pins are not driven too deeply, as their upper ends can enter the bolt track.
2. In the later guns that have the two-piece carrier, the parts may be difficult for the amateur. In this photo, the parts are shown in the proper position.
3. When installing the combination trigger and safety detent spring, use a tool to depress the spring at the cross pin location, and insert a drift punch to hold the spring down while putting in the cross pin. It will be necessary to depress the spring on the other side as the pin is inserted, and the end of the cross pin must also be depressed as it enters the hole on the other side of the tang.
4. When installing the trigger group in the receiver, insert the group as shown, replacing the rear cross screw first. As the group is swung up into position for insertion of the front cross screw, use a tool at the rear to tip safety sear forward, to insure that its upper arm enters the open track in the center of the link bar.
5. When replacing the compression ring (arrow) and friction piece at the front of the recoil spring, these parts should be in the position shown for medium to heavy loads, with the concave inner surface of the ring to ward the front. For light loads, place the reversed ring at the rear of the spring, next to the receiver.
Browning B-2000
Data: | Browning B-2000 |
Origin: | Belgium |
Manufacturer: | Fabrique Nationale, Herstal, for Browning, Morgan, Utah |
Gauges: | 12 and 20 |
Magazine capacity: | 4 rounds |
Overall length: | 46 inches(with 26-inch barrel) |
Barrel length: | 26 to 30 inches |
Weight: | 7 1/2 pounds |
Introduced in 1975, this sleek autoloader was Browning's first entry in the field of gas-operated shotguns. While all guns of this type have operating systems that are somewhat similar, the B-2000 gas mechanism has some different features, including a valve that regulates the ported gas, allowing the use of a wide range of loads. For those who are accustomed to the large and simple parts of the venerable Auto-5, the takedown may have some surprises. There is an inter-dependence of small parts, and the amateur should proceed with caution.
1. Pull back the operating handle to lock the bolt in the open position, and set the safety in the on-safe position. Unscrew the magazine end cap, and remove it. Take off the barrel and forend toward the front, and remove the forend from the barrel toward the rear.
2. Restrain the gas piston at the front of the magazine tube, and push out the gas piston bar toward either side. Caution: The piston is under spring pressure, so control it and ease it out.
3. Slowly release the spring tension, and remove the gas piston assembly and its spring toward the front.
4. Remove the gas cylinder plug from the front shaft of the gas piston valve.
6. Remove the gas pislon valve toward the rear..
7. Restrain the bolt, operate the carrier latch, and ease the bolt forward to the closed position. With a non-marring tool, push out the trigger group retaining cross pin toward either side.
8. Move the bolt about 1-1/2 inches toward the rear, depress the carrier latch, and move the guard unit a short distance toward the front. Tip the front of the trigger group slightly downward, ease the bolt back forward, and remove the trigger group from the bottom of the receiver.
9. Restrain the carrier, and push out the carrier pivot pin.
10. Remove the carrier upward. Note that the carrier dog and its plunger and spring are retained on the rear arm of the carrier by a cross pin that is heavily riveted in place, and removal is not advisable unless necessary for repair.
11. Remove the carrier spring from its recess on the right side of the trigger group.
12. Move the safety to the off-safe position, restrain the hammer, pull the trigger, and ease the hammer down to the fired position. Place a thumb on top