Mountain Biking on the South Downs. Peter EdwardsЧитать онлайн книгу.
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rel="nofollow" href="#fb3_img_img_32a3c827-5382-5d9a-9cd8-0aa551c71cb6.jpg" alt="Image"/> over a . Continue along the ridge for another 2km before descending fairly steeply over another – beware loose asphalt – to arrive at a minor road. Turn and cross the road and follow the bridleway next to the LH side of the road for 800m, keeping over a . Turn through a gate and descend fairly steeply across a field on a narrow path, before climbing a little then passing through a gate to continue on a narrow path, which eventually merges with a track through arable fields. The track bends right, descends steeply, bends left through a gate and continues along a wooded lane before emerging onto a minor road. Turn and descend along a winding road through Botolphs. Leave the road on a bridleway, which forks left just before the bend by the Church of St Botolph.
7 Continue to the river bank and follow it along to a bridge. Cross the bridge and continue before turning sharp after 200m to emerge at a layby on the A283. Continue along to the end of the layby and cross the road – beware fast-moving traffic – and turn along a path next to the road before turning onto a bridleway. Climb very steeply on a narrow track, eventually arriving at a gate. Go through and continue climbing gradually across a field around the flank of Beeding Hill. Go through a gate and continue across a small parking area to a .
8 Turn onto a minor road and climb steadily along the ridge to Truleigh Hill. The road gives way to a rutted track and passes the YHA, houses, a farm and the communications masts at the top of Truleigh Hill, before descending steeply on a chalk track to a on a saddle. Continue through a gate and climb steeply around Edburton Hill before descending steeply again to another saddle. Go through a gate and climb steeply up and over Perching Hill, then Fulking Hill. Continue through a gate and head across the middle of a field on a trodden path, arriving at a gate after 600m. Go through, cross Devil’s Dyke Road, go through another gate and continue on a slight descent along Summer Down. After 1km, the descent becomes ever steeper – watch out for walkers and horse riders – and bends sharply left before passing through a gate and levelling out to cross a road.
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