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Mountain Biking on the South Downs. Peter EdwardsЧитать онлайн книгу.

Mountain Biking on the South Downs - Peter Edwards

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users – slow down and give way.

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      The tough climb to Amberley Mount


      1 From Hilltop car park, cross the road – beware fast-moving traffic – and continue Image along Hillbarn Lane before beginning to climb steeply up Manorfarm Down. When the gradient eventually eases, continue Image along the ridge, gaining and losing a little height as the SDW gently rolls along and enters woodlands. The track emerges from woods near Graffham Down and continues gently rolling along before climbing a little across the flank of Crown Tegleaze and entering woodland.


      Passing Crown Tegleaze along Graffham Down (photo: Andy Dodd)

      2 Emerge from the woods, go through a gate and descend SE (steadily at first becoming steeper) diagonally across fields along Littleton Down. Go through a gate and continue descending steeply to a Image. Descend Image on a farm road, passing Littleton Farm to arrive at the A285. Turn Image onto the road then dogleg Image onto a track road and continue Image. The track bends sharp left then right and begins to climb steeply, entering woods. The gradient eases then climbs steadily around the flank of Sutton Down. Continue Image over a Image and go through a gate and along a field edge on the flank of Glatting Beacon. Go through another gate, turn Image then next Image to continue Image past a parking area. Fork Image onto a bridleway and soon begin to climb steadily up and over Bignor Hill.

      3 Pass a memorial stone and descend steeply on a flinty chalk track. When the track bends right, slow down, turn sharp Image at a Image and continue descending steeply. The track bends right near the bottom and arrives at a Image near some livestock sheds. Turn Image then continue Image past the sheds and climb steadily before contouring along the hillside. Continue Image at the next Image and descend to the A29. Turn Image along a track at the edge of the road for 100m, then cross the road to rejoin the bridleway and descend steeply along a chalk track. After 1km, the track swings right then left and descends to Houghton Lane.


      Stane Street Roman road near Bignor Hill

      4 Cross the lane, go through a gate and continue across a field to another gate. Go through, turn Image then Image and continue across a field to a further gate then bear Image along the river bank. Continue around to the bridge, cross over, turn Image then Image through a gate to leave the river bank. Continue along a track, which bends sharp right and crosses a bridge over a railway line to arrive at the B2139. Turn Image on a track along the road edge to a crossing, cross over and continue on a track along the road edge, which turns left onto a minor road. Continue Image to climb steadily along High Titten road. Shortly after the road bends to the right, turn Image onto a bridleway and climb a short sharp slope to a gate. Go through and continue to climb before the track levels and arrives at a Image. Continue Image (Image) to climb very steeply up Amberley Mount on a rutted, grassy chalk track. At the top, go through gates and continue along the ridge on a gradual incline past Rackham Banks and Rackham Hill.

      5 Continue Image along the ridge on a good track crossing Springhead Hill, then lose and gain a little height over Kithurst Hill – watch out for loose gravel on the track – and pass around two gates by Chantry Post car park. Continue over Sullington Hill, go through a gate and fork Image to climb steadily over Barnsfarm Hill before beginning the long descent across Highden Hill. The track descends to a gate and then continues steeply down a lane, bending sharp right at the bottom before arriving at the A24. Turn Image along a path next to the road and cross the northbound and southbound carriageways via the central reservation at the obvious point. Cut Image across a grass bank on a tarmac path and cross a slip road, bearing Image onto a bridleway track, which soon turns right into a car park. Begin climbing at length, steadily at first but becoming much steeper, up a winding flint and chalk track. The track levels and bends left at a Image

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