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Sir Thomas Malory's Morte Darthur. Sir Thomas MaloryЧитать онлайн книгу.

Sir Thomas Malory's Morte Darthur - Sir Thomas Malory

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was Called Beaumains

      V. The Book of Sir Tristram de Lyones

      1. Isode the Fair

      2. Lamorak de Galys

      3. La Cote Mal Taille

      4. Tristram’s Madness and Exile

      5. The Castle of Maidens

      6. The Round Table

      7. King Mark

      8. Alexander the Orphan

      9. The Tournament at Surluse

      10. Joyous Gard

      11. The Red City

      12. The Tournament at Lonezep

      13. Sir Palomides

      14. Lancelot and Elaine

      15. Conclusion

      VI. The Tale of the Sankgreal Briefly Drawn Out of French Which is a Tale Chronicled for one of the Truest and one of the Holiest That is in This World

      1. The Departure

      2. The Miracles

      3. Sir Perceval

      4. Sir Lancelot

      5. Sir Gawain

      6. Sir Bors

      7. Sir Galahad

      8. The Castle of Corbenic

      9. The Miracle of Galahad

      VII. The Book of Sir Lancelot and Queen Guenevere

      1. The Poisoned Apple

      2. The Fair Maid of Astolat

      3. The Great Tournament

      4. The Knight of the Cart

      5. The Healing of Sir Urry

      VIII. The Most Piteous Tale of the Morte Arthur Saunz Guerdon

      1. Slander and Strife

      2. The Vengeance of Sir Gawain

      3. The Siege of Benwick

      4. The Day of Destiny

      5. The Dolorous Death and Departing out of this world of

      Sir Lancelot and Queen Guenevere

      Contents Corresponding to William Caxton’s Edition

      Book I

      1 How Uther Pendragon sent for the Duke of Cornwall and his wife Igraine, and of their sudden departure

      2 How Uther Pendragon made war on the Duke of Cornwall, and how with the help of Merlin he lay by the Duchess and Arthur was conceived

      3 Of King Arthur’s birth and upbringing

      4 Of the death of King Uther Pendragon

      5 How Arthur became king and the marvel of the sword in the stone

      6 How King Arthur pulled out the sword many times

      7 How King Arthur was crowned and named his officers

      8 How King Arthur held a great feast at Pentecost, which many kings and lords attended

      9 Of the first war that Arthur had and how he won the field

      10 How Merlin counseled Arthur to send for King Ban and King Bors, and of their counsel concerning war

      11 Of a great tournament made by King Arthur and King Ban and King Bors, and how they went over the sea

      12 How the eleven kings gathered a great host against King Arthur

      13 Of a dream of the King with the Hundred Knights

      14 How the eleven kings with their host fought against Arthur and his host and many great feats of the war

      15 Yet of the same battle

      16 More of the same battle

      17 Yet more of the same battle, and how Merlin ended it

      18 How King Arthur, King Ban, and King Bors rescued King, Leodegranz and other incidents

      19 How Arthur rode to Caerleon, had a dream, and saw the Questing Beast

      20 How King Pellinore took Arthur’s horse and followed the Questing Beast, and how Merlin met with Arthur

      21 How Ulphius accused Queen Igraine of treason, and how a knight came desiring to avenge the death of his master

      22 How Grifflet was knighted and jousted with a knight

      23 How twelve knights came from Rome and asked Arthur for tribute for his lands, and how Arthur fought with a knight

      24 How Merlin saved Arthur’s life and threw an enchantment on King Pellinore that caused him to sleep

      25 How by Merlin’s means Arthur got his sword Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake

      26 How tidings came to Arthur that King Rience had overcome eleven kings, and how he desired Arthur’s beard to decorate his mantle

      27 How all the children were sent for that were born on May-day, and how Mordred was saved

      Book II

      1 Of a damsel who came girt with a sword to find a man of such virtue he could pull it out of the scabbard

      2 How Balin, arrayed like a poor knight, pulled out the sword, which afterward was the cause of his death

      3 How the Lady of the Lake demanded the knight’s head who had won the sword, or the maiden’s head

      4 How Merlin told the adventure of a damsel

      5 How Balin was pursued by Sir Lanceor, a knight of Ireland, and how he jousted and slew him

      6 How a damsel, who was Lanceor’s lover, killed herself for love, and how Balin met with his brother Balan

      7 How a dwarf reproved Balin for the death of Lanceor, and how King Mark of Cornwall found them, and made a tomb over them

      8 How Merlin prophesied that two of the best knights of the world would fight there: Sir Lancelot and Sir Tristram

      9 How Balin and his brother, by the counsel of Merlin, took King Rience and brought him to King Arthur

      10 How King Arthur had a battle against King Nero and King Lot of Orkney, and how King Lot was deceived by Merlin, and how twelve kings were slain

      11 Of the interment of twelve kings, and of the prophecy of Merlin how Balin should give the Dolorous Stroke

      12 How a sorrowful knight came before Arthur, and how Balin fetched him, and how that knight was slain by a knight invisible

      13 How Balin and the damsel met with a knight who was likewise slain, and how the damsel bled for the custom of the castle

      14 How Balin met that knight named Garlon at a feast, and there he slew him to have his blood to heal the son of his host

      15 How Balin fought with King Pellam, and how his sword broke, and how he got a spear wherewith he smote the Dolorous Stroke

      16 How Balin was delivered by Merlin, and saved a knight who would have slain himself for love

      17 How that knight slew his love and a knight lying by her, and after, how he slew himself with his own sword, and how Balin rode toward a castle where he lost his life

      18 How Balin met with his brother Balan, and how each of them slew the other unknown, till they were wounded to death

      19 How Merlin buried them both in one tomb, and of Balin’s sword

      Book III

      1 How King Arthur took a wife, and wedded Guenevere, daughter to King Leodegranz, king of the land of Camelard, from whom he had the Round Table

      2 How the knights of the Round Table were ordained and their

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