Sir Thomas Malory's Morte Darthur. Sir Thomas MaloryЧитать онлайн книгу.
by the Archbishop of Canterbury
3 How a poor man riding upon a lean mare desired of King Arthur to make his son a knight
4 How Sir Tor was known for a son of King Pellinore, and how Gawain was made a knight
5 How at the feast of the wedding of King Arthur to Guenevere, a white hart came into the hall, and thirty pairs of hounds, and how a brachet pinched the hart which was taken away
6 How Sir Gawain rode for to fetch again the hart, and how two brethren fought against each other for the hart
7 How the hart was chased into a castle and there slain, and how Gawain slew a lady
8 How four knights fought against Sir Gawain and Gaheris, and how they were overcome, and their lives saved at the request of four ladies
9 How Sir Tor rode after the knight with the brachet, and of his adventure by the way
10 How Sir Tor found the brachet with a lady, and how a knight assailed him for the said brachet
11 How Sir Tor overcame the knight, and how he lost his head at the request of a lady
12 How King Pellinore rode after the lady and the knight that led her away, and how a lady desired help of him, and how he fought with two knights for that lady, of whom he slew the first one at the first stroke
13 How King Pellinore got the lady and brought her to Camelot to the court of King Arthur
14 How on the way he heard two knights, as he lay in a vale and of other adventures
15 How when he came to Camelot he was sworn upon a book to tell the truth of his quest
Book IV
1 How Merlin was assotted and doted on one of the ladies of the lake, and how he was shut in a rock under a stone and there died
2 How five kings came into this land to war against King Arthur, and what counsel Arthur had against them
3 How King Arthur had ado with them and overthrew them, and and slew the five kings and made the remnant to flee
4 How the battle was finished before he came, and how the king founded an abbey where the battle was
5 How Sir Tor was made a knight of the Round Table, and how Bagdemagus was displeased
6 How King Arthur, King Uriens, and Sir Accolon of Gaul chased a hart, and of their marvelous adventure
7 How Arthur took upon him to fight to be delivered out of prison, and also for to deliver twenty knights that were in prison
8 How Accolon found himself by a well, and he took upon him to do battle against Arthur
9 Of the battle between King Arthur and Accolon
10 How King Arthur’s sword that he fought with broke, and how he recovered from Accolon his own sword Excalibur, and overcame his enemy
11 How Accolon confessed the treason of Morgan le Fay, King Arthur’s sister, and how she would have slain him
12 How Arthur accorded the two brethren, and delivered the twenty knights, and how Sir Accolon died
13 How Morgan would have slain Sir Uriens her husband, and how Sir Uwain her son saved him
14 How Queen Morgan le Fay made great sorrow for the death of Accolon, and how she stole away the scabbard from Arthur
15 How Morgan le Fay saved a knight that should have been drowned, and how King Arthur returned home again
16 How the Damsel of the Lake saved King Arthur from a mantle which should have burnt him
17 How Sir Gawain and Sir Uwain met with twelve fair damsels, and how they complained of Sir Marhalt
18, 19 How Sir Marhalt jousted with Sir Gawain and Sir Uwain and overthrew them both
20 How Sir Marhalt, Sir Gawain, and Sir Uwain met the damsels, and each of them took one
21 How a knight and a dwarf strove for a lady
22 How King Pelleas suffered himself to be taken prisoner because he would have the sight of his lady, and how Sir Gawain promised him for to get to him the love of his lady
23 How Sir Gawain came to the Lady Ettard and lay by her, and how Sir Pelleas found them sleeping
24 How Sir Pelleas loved no more Ettard by means of the Damsel of the Lake, whom he loved ever after
25 How Sir Marhalt rode with the damsel
26 How Sir Marhalt fought with the duke and his six sons and made them yield to him
27 How Sir Uwain rode with the damsel of sixty years of age, and how he got the prize in tourneying
28 How Sir Uwain fought with two knights and overcame them
29 How at the year’s end all three knights with their three damsels met at the fountain
Book V
1 How twelve aged ambassadors of Rome came to King Arthur to demand tribute for Britain
2 How the kings and lords promised to King Arthur aid and help against the Romans
3 How King Arthur held a parliament at York, and how he ordained how the realm should be governed in his absence
4 How King Arthur being shipped and lying in his cabin had a marvelous dream and of the exposition thereof
5 How a man of the country told to him of a marvelous giant, and how he fought and conquered him
6 How King Arthur sent Sir Gawain and others to Lucius, and how they were assaulted and escaped with worship
7 How Lucius sent certain spies in an ambush for to have taken his knights being prisoners, and how they were prevented
8 How a senator told to Lucius of their discomfiture, and also of the great battle between Arthur and Lucius
9 How Arthur, after he had achieved the battle against the Romans, entered into Germany, and so into Italy
10 Of a battle done by Gawain against a Saracen, which after yielded and became a Christian
11 How the Saracens came out of a wood for to rescue their beasts, and of a great battle
12 How Sir Gawain returned to King Arthur with his prisoners, and how the king won a city, and how he was crowned emperor
Book VI
1 How Sir Lancelot and Sir Lionel departed from the court for to seek adventures, and how Sir Lionel left him sleeping and was taken
2 How Sir Ector followed for to seek Sir Lancelot, and how he was taken by Sir Tarquin
3 How four queens found Lancelot sleeping, and how by enchantment he was taken and led into a castle
4 How Sir Lancelot was delivered by the means of a damsel
5 How a knight found Sir Lancelot lying in his lover’s bed, and how Sir Lancelot fought the knight
6 How Sir Lancelot was received of King Bagdemagus’ daughter, and he made his complaint to her father
7 How Sir Lancelot behaved in a tournament, and how he met Sir Tarquin leading Sir Gaheris
8 How Sir Lancelot and Sir Tarquin fought together
9 How Sir Tarquin was slain and how Sir Lancelot asked Sir Gaheris to free all the prisoners
10 How Sir Lancelot rode with the damsel and slew a knight who distressed all ladies, and also a villain who guarded a bridge
11 How Sir Lancelot slew two giants and made a castle free
12 How Sir Lancelot rode disguised in Sir Kay’s armor, and how he smote down a knight
13 How Sir Lancelot jousted against four knights of the Round Table and overthrew them
14 How Sir Lancelot followed a brachet into a castle, where he found