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The Essential Edward Stratemeyer Collection. Stratemeyer EdwardЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Essential Edward Stratemeyer Collection - Stratemeyer Edward

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were bubbling over with good humor, but they could become very stern when the occasion demanded it. Laura had become well acquainted with him during her former visit to the ranch, and knew that the Endicotts trusted him implicitly. While he had taught her how to ride, cowgirl fashion, she had taken a number of snapshot photographs for him, to be sent to some relative in the South, and for these he had been very grateful.

      "We want to do a lot of riding, and a lot of hunting and fishing, too," said the senator's son. "Do you think we'll have a chance for much sport?"

      "I dunno," answered Sid Todd, dryly. "Might be the game will hear of your coming and move on to the next State," and his eyes twinkled over his little joke.

      "I'd like to see some kind of a round-up," said Phil. "Will there be one while we are here?"

      "Might be, Mr.--I didn't quite catch your handle."

      "Phil Lawrence. Just call me Phil."

      "I will if you'll call me Todd, or Sid. I can't git used to this mister business nohow. Besides, the boys would have the laugh on me, if they heard you a-mistering me all the time."

      "All right, Sid it is," said Dave. "And I'm Dave."

      "And I am Roger," added the senator's son.

      "About that round-up," continued the cowboy. "Might see something of the sort, for Mr. Endicott is goin' to sell some cattle the end of the month, and they'll be driven off to another range. But you'll see enough of cattle anyway, before you go home, if you are going to stay a month or six weeks."

      "Any fishing?" queried the shipowner's son.

      "Yes, plenty of fishing, back in the mountains. One place there you can catch a barrel or two of fish in ten minutes--if you've got lines enough," and once more Sid Todd chuckled at his joke.

      It was a three hours' run to Bramley, for the train stopped at many little stations and at some crossings where there were no stations at all. At one point they came to a halt where there was a large corral, and the boys and girls watched the efforts of several cowboys to lasso a bronco that was untrained. The bronco eluded the rope with apparent ease.

      "Some of 'em are mighty tricky," explained Sid Todd. "I remember two years ago, we had one bronco nobody at the Star could touch. I reckon he was sure mad, for finally he bit Hank Snogger, and Hank had to treat him to a dose of lead."

      "Is Hank Snogger still with Mr. Endicott?" questioned Laura.

      "No, he ain't," answered Sid Todd, shortly. "He left two months ago. A good job done, too," added the cowboy.

      "Who was this Hank Snogger?" asked Dave, in a low voice of his sister, for he saw that the subject was distasteful to Todd.

      "He was one of the cowboys working for Mr. Endicott," answered Laura. "He was rather a queer kind of a man."

      "Bramley's just ahead," announced Sid Todd, presently. "Maybe you can catch sight of somebody you know," he added to Laura, as the train rounded the curve of a small hill.

      "I see a young lady on horseback, and a man!" cried Dave's sister a few minutes later. "It's Belle, and her father! They came to meet us! Oh, I must signal to them!" And she waved her handkerchief from the car window. Soon Belle Endicott saw it, and waved her big straw hat in return.

      "Welcome to the West!" she cried, merrily, as she dashed up on her pony beside the railroad tracks. "Oh, I was so afraid you wouldn't come!"

      "And I was so afraid you'd miss our telegram and wouldn't meet us," returned Laura.

      As soon as the train came to a stop the boys hopped down and assisted the girls to alight. Sid Todd followed, with the hand baggage, and the whole party gathered in a group, while Mr. Endicott and Belle dismounted to greet them.

      "Very glad to know you," said the railroad president, with a genial smile overspreading his features. "I feel as if I knew Morr already. I have met his father and mother several times in Washington."

      "Yes, so dad wrote," answered the senator's son.

      "And I feel as if I knew you, and Miss Belle," said Dave. "I've heard so much about you from Laura."

      "And we've heard so much about you!" cried Belle. "Oh, wasn't it simply wonderful how you found your folks! Why, it's almost like a page out of a fairy book!"

      "Not quite," put in Phil. "Fairy stories aren't true, while this really happened."

      "Some day Dave has got to tell me the whole story from beginning to end," said Belle. "You see, I'm going to call you Dave, and you must call me Belle."

      "Well, we can't stop for stories just now," said Mr. Endicott. "It's a long ride to the ranch, and they'll be more than hungry by the time we get there. Todd, bring up the horses, and tell Jerry to dump all the baggage in the wagon. Do you all want to ride horseback, or does somebody prefer a seat in the wagon?"

      "Oh, let us ride horseback, if you have animals enough!" cried Laura. "You're willing, aren't you, Jessie?"

      "I--I guess so," said Jessie, rather timidly. "That is, if you don't ride too fast."

      "We'll take it easy," said Belle. "And if you get tired you can wait for the wagon."

      A number of sturdy-looking animals were brought up, and the entire party proceeded to mount, the boys assisting Laura and Jessie. In the meantime Sid Todd went off, to return with a ranch wagon, driven by an old man smoking a corncob pipe.

      "Hello, Uncle Jerry!" cried Laura, pleasantly, and the others soon learned that the old man was known by that name and no other. He had been attached to the ranch when Mr. Endicott purchased the place, and knew no other home. He and Todd placed the baggage in the wagon, and then the cowboy swung himself into the saddle of his own steed, that had been brought to the station for him.

      Just as the party was about to leave, a tall, thin, and well-dressed man dashed up, riding a coal-black steed. As he came closer Laura gave a start and motioned for Dave to come closer.

      "Who is it?" asked Dave, in a low voice.

      "That is Mr. Merwell," answered his sister.



      Mr. Felix Merwell bowed stiffly to Mr. Endicott, and, on seeing Laura, raised his hat slightly. Both of the others bowed in return. Then the eyes of the newcomer swept the vicinity of the little railroad station.

      "See anything of my son, Link?" he asked, of Sid Todd.

      "No, sir," was the short reply. It was quite evident that the cowboy and the ranch owner were not on very friendly terms.

      "Humph! I thought sure he'd be on this train," muttered Mr. Merwell, to no one in particular. He looked at the boys. "You came in on the train that just left, I suppose," he said.

      "We did," answered Dave.

      "See anything of a boy about your own age in Helena, at the depot? He was coming on the eastern train."

      "Your son wasn't on the train," answered Dave.

      "Ah! you know him?"


      "Who are you, may I ask? I do not remember seeing you before."

      "I am Dave Porter. Link and I went to Oak Hall together."

      "Ah, I see!" Mr. Merwell drew a long breath and nodded his head knowingly. "Dave Porter, you said. And who are these young men?"

      "My school chums, Roger Morr and Phil Lawrence."

      "Indeed! Then you are the young men who caused my son so much

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