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Homesteading Made Easy (Boxed Set): Self-Sufficiency Guide for Preppers, Homesteading Enthusiasts and Survivalists. Speedy PublishingЧитать онлайн книгу.

Homesteading Made Easy (Boxed Set): Self-Sufficiency Guide for Preppers, Homesteading Enthusiasts and Survivalists - Speedy Publishing

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can be traced to the 1960s in America. It came as a reaction to rabid materialism and the intense “keeping up with the Joneses” mentality. The appeal is a simpler life and existing more in harmony with nature. Obviously the skill set that must be learned and practiced is demanding, however most homesteaders boast a very satisfied, content existence that they feel is not only worth the labor, but in fact the labor is part of the contentment.

      Economically homesteading is viable in several different ways and on different levels. Some homesteaders have actually held high paying jobs for awhile in their lives which has afforded them land and equipment. On the other hand, during the depression President Roosevelt encouraged a homesteading movement in the New Deal. There was an agency within the New Deal entitled Subsistence Homestead Division. It was part of the U.S. Department of Interior. Under this program, approximately 100 subsistence homesteads were built in the U.S.

      The plan included a provision where one family member would hold a part time, low paying job as the family was moved from poverty in an urban area to a small plot of land where they would grow their own food and live safely. This program was also meant to help bolster “stranded workers”, mainly lumber workers whose jobs had declined, and to assist farmers who were struggling. In its own wording the act was to encourage and demonstrate the viability of part time work combined with part time gardening and farming.

      Today, the economy has made this philosophy a little more difficult as the wages at some low paying part time jobs have not kept up with inflation, or even worse, the difficulties during the recent recession. Another problem that current day homesteaders face is zoning laws. Many, but not all, homesteaders raise chickens for eggs, cows and goats for milk, and various animals for meat. As suburban sprawl increases, many areas have local zoning laws that forbid animals on private property. The best way to learn about the laws in an area is to start at the County planning department, as regulations vary county to county.

      Homesteading is synonymous with self-reliant living. However, it is not necessarily the same thing as minimalist living or part of the simple living movement, though it certainly can include the philosophies and tenets of these movements. The other element that homesteading may or may not include is living in smaller quarters. These philosophies can all overlap and be tied together. If a family or group is going to live in smaller dwellings, the need to declutter will be necessary to make it livable.

      Decluttering is a significant part of minimalist and simple living. All of these different levels of sparseness certainly reject the popular or general way of life in America today which seems to be a progression for most people to larger and larger homes and more and more toys, equipment, and electronic devices. It must be reiterated at this point, though, that the internet has certainly aided modern homesteaders.

      Ingenuity and creativity are also necessary for self sufficient living. Homesteaders can include people who have a lot of modern, expensive equipment to make their lives easier. More often, though, it is a populace who fixes rather than buys, use hand tools to mend, build, re-use items, and make their own. This can cover a wide range from those who weave their own textiles, to those who may make a dress from old ties or remake drapes into any needed cloth item. Many become skillful and adept at trades that are then sellable to the general population, and this can help sustain a small farm.

      This movement also overlaps with the greening of America movement, as one of the homesteaders’ goals usually is to decrease their carbon imprint and not contribute more to landfills. Many homesteaders generally know a lot about composting and recycling, and these practices are adhered to intensely by many of them. Many are bee-keepers also, as that can be part of sustainable living. First, there is the honey itself to use, the bees help pollinate crops, and again, this can be a source of income.

      It should be mentioned here that there is also a rather large Christian Homesteaders movement. They find that living close to the land is very compatible with scripture and spiritual lessons. Again, there is much information shared on the web and person to person between these communities.

      Chapter 3- How to Live Frugally

      With the ever-changing state of the economy, it’s always important to stretch your dollar as far as you can. Luckily, there are many ways to live frugally and save money in everything you do. However, this does not mean that you have to pass up on the great things in life. There are actually many ways to go about living frugally and still experience the same things that people who are less concerned with their financial well being. Here are some tips on how to live frugally and make your money go as far as it can.

       Around the Home

      You may be wasting money on things around your home that you didn’t even notice. There are plenty of ways to save money on little things, that will add up to a lot of savings over a period of time. Here are some tips on how to live frugally around the home.


      A really frugal person would go out of their way to not even wash the dishes in a machine, but instead to do so by hand. However, that isn’t necessarily the only way to save money. You can run your dishwashing machine, and use a home-made detergent to save on money. To do so, you will need a tablespoon of Borax and a tablespoon of baking soda. You simply put these two ingredients together the next time you run the dishes and you are set. Not only is this method inexpensive, but it also has no harsh chemicals and can be more reliable than some detergents.

       Coffee Grounds Cleaner

      If you are a coffee drinker, don’t throw your coffee grounds away after you make yourself a pot. Instead, use the remains to clean a few different surfaces in your home. Used coffee grounds work great as a cleaning agent because of their texture. They can be used on greasy or grimy objects and will leave the surface looking shinny again. You can also put coffee grounds on a cookie sheet and then put them in the freezer or fridge to act as a deodorizer. Lastly, use other coffee grounds to plant things in your garden. You can add nutrients that plants wouldn’t otherwise get without the grounds.

       Stainless Steel Cleaner

      Stainless steel appliances are beautiful. That is, until someone touches them and gets their fingerprints all over them. Buying stainless steel cleaner on a regular basis can add up, especially if you want to keep your kitchen appliances looking great. You can make your own home remedy for stainless steel appliances simply with white vinegar. You just spray the vinegar on the surface and then wipe it away. It’s really that easy because the white vinegar works to dissolve oil left over by fingerprints and other items that come into contact with your appliances.


      As frugal as you may be, you can’t get around the fact that you have to eat and food can be a large part of your monthly expenses. However, if watched carefully, you can assure that you spend only what’s necessary on your monthly food budget to eat well, but not overindulge.


      If you’ve ever seen a show where people cut out dozens of coupons every week to save hundreds of dollars, then you may already think that these individuals are among as frugal as it comes. However, the time and effort that goes into cutting coupons can truly be worth the savings that you’ll earn once you go to the store. If you can save a few hundred dollars on your food budget each month, this money can be used elsewhere or saved for the future. Another tip is to buy in bulk. Buying in bulk may mean more money up front, but you can expect to save a lot of money in the long run if you ration your portions and don’t eat the food simply because you have it in your kitchen.

      Another way that coupons are great is for restaurants. You can often find coupons that are valid during certain times of the day that will make it worthwhile to eat out by yourself or with someone else. Not only will you be saving money, but you can also enjoy your time out and take a break from always having to cook frugal meals for yourself.

       Promotional Periods

      There are many people

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