Homesteading Made Easy (Boxed Set): Self-Sufficiency Guide for Preppers, Homesteading Enthusiasts and Survivalists. Speedy PublishingЧитать онлайн книгу.
who see something they want, and immediately purchase it. But if you are trying to live the frugal lifestyle, than its best to find things that you want and then find the perfect time to buy them. This may mean waking up at 3 a.m. on Black Friday to get great deals, but that is sometimes what must be done; by waiting to buy things that you want (rather than that which you need immediately), then you can save a lot of money and still get the great things that make you happy.
Unless you work from home or have someone chauffeuring you around, you are going to need a method of transportation to get places. However, this doesn’t mean buying a gas-guzzling truck that won’t get you more than a handful of miles per tank. When you buy your car, make sure that it’s not only a good price up-front, but also that it will remain a wise investment over the course of its lifespan. Good gas millage, cheap insurance and a reliable car company are all valuable things to consider when purchasing your next vehicle. A bit of an investment up front may play large dividends over the course of 10 or more years.
There are many people who live frugally on a regular basis and get by just fine. In a society where everything seems to be very materialistic, yet job security is a thing of the past, it is important to realize what is truly important in your life. With just a little bit more effort, you can save a few dollars here and there, which will add up to tremendous savings over the course of an extended amount of time. Consider the tips on this list and watch your finances on everything that you spend, and you can make the frugal lifestyle work for you.
Chapter 4- What Is Repurposing and How Does It Work?
Do you like to save everything? Are you someone that is frequently caught saying "I'll need that one day..."? Of course you are! You just have to get a plan together and get the motivation to start.
Repurposing is when you take one thing and use it for something else. It is a great tool to use when trying to recycle, or to simply save money.
I've made a list of 7 things that I have kept hold of to repurpose for other uses. Some of these may surprise you...
Empty Toilet Paper Rolls
I have seen tons and tons of projects online lately using these toilet paper rolls to make beautiful pieces of art. It seemed easy enough.
And so I started to gather the ingredients... I collected up the empty rolls out of the trash can and whenever we cleaned out a roll. I even took some from my mother's house in anticipation of needing extras.
The project that I had in mind included cutting the tube in circles (short cylinders) the short way. At that point the sides could be glued together in flowering patterns, branching off into groups of petals, leaves, and swirls.
It can then be easily hung due to its lightweight It extruded off of the wall, creating an extra dimension to the piece. This is a repurposed object that is sure to be a conversation starter.
Use Foods to Clean
There is so much hype surrounding the safety of both our foods and cleaners. Is organic safer? Will this restaurant kill me? Should I eat this? Will this cleaner give me cancer?
With all of these questions it has brought to light with it an excellent way to repurpose food products into all natural cleaning products that are harmless.
Lemons are a powerful source of acidity, which can help cut through and kill bacteria. White vinegar can clean most anything. It has the ability to relieve odor and cut through grease and mildew. Mix with water and let set on a carpet stain to remove. Use orange peels in the garbage disposal for cleaning and deodorizing.
Old Clothes
There are so many ways that old clothes can be repurposed. One of the easiest ways to repurpose an old piece of clothing is to view it as simply as piece of fabric. Let your mind run wild with any sewing project you would like to attempt. How about a nice tote bag from that old rock band t-shirt? Or turn it into a pillow case?
Instead of looking at the old clothing as fabric, get creative! It can be cut into strips and woven into a rug. Or it can be looped and knotted into an infinity scarf. Scraps can be turned into blanket squares, Raggedy Ann dolls, or diaper covers.
Plastic Bags
What better way to say the world than to recycle? Plastic bags seem to accumulate everywhere in my house... under the sink, on the kitchen table, in the laundry room, etc. That is when I came across the idea of using plastic bags as yarn in crocheting projects! It was simply a brilliant idea that I loved to do. I made several items out of this unusual material, my favorite being a circular rug for my mom for mother's day. She loved it! It was unusual, creative, and easy to clean!
This got me to thinking about other options there are for plastic bag crafts. With just a little bit of research I uncovered a whole can of worms. The most beautiful and innovative use that I have seen so far is how some people use a fusing technique to creative custom sheets of plastic "fabric" that can be used to make rain coats or tote bags.
Of course it doesn't stop there. Plastic bag flowers and pompoms can make cute and free decorations at a party!
Paint Chips
One of my favorite repurposed items is the paint chip sample. Paint chips can be found at most stores that sell paint by the gallon. And the best part; they are free! Now, I'm not suggesting that you go and stuff your pockets with all the paint chips you can find! You may have paint chips already at home, or you may be willing to go grab a couple from your local hardware store.
Paint chips are free and come in just about any color. Why is this so amazing? Think of how much scrapbook paper costs. And card stock. These items don't always come in the right shade of whatever color you want. And it can get pricey!
Paint chips can be used to cut out shapes to use in card making or scrapbooks. They can also be used to make neat gift tags. Fold them into miniature boxes. Use them in artwork.
Plastic Bottles
Don't throw away those plastic bottles! I've got some ideas for you. One year I realized just how many water bottles that I was consuming every day (about 3). This meant that I was wasting well over 1000 empty plastic bottles every year! This astounding me when I think about it; it is also put into motion one of the hardest projects I have ever completed--the water bottle Christmas tree.
I saved up all my water bottles one year, spent hours upon hours gluing them together. When it was finally done, I strung lights down the middle of the column to illuminate it. It was a beautiful and proud moment for me.
Plastic bottles can be used for so many repurposing ideas. Gardening comes to mind. They make great temporary planters. They can be transformed into vases or a miniature greenhouse. Turn them into bird feeders. Cut them into flower shapes and spray paint to make a garden that will never die.
Newspaper is another one of those things that I have trouble throwing out. Of course it can be used for so many things that my hording tendencies take over. Useful things that come in handy: using it for gardening, wrapping paper, or as a drop cloth.
Thinking outside of the box, try using it in some unique crafts. Newspaper is the main ingredient in paper mâche. Why not make a piñata for a birthday party or other celebration? Piñatas are easier made than most would think, so why not give it a try? Usually the materials needed are a newspaper, a balloon, flour/water for paste, tissue paper for decoration, and glue to attach the tissue. Detailed directions can be found on the internet in numerous tutorials.
Another outside of the box idea is to use newspaper clippings as fingernail polish. The neat thing about this is that everyone else will be trying to figure out how you got words scrawled across your nails.
Chapter 5- Best Foods to Grow In Your Vegetable