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Autocracy vs. fake. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Autocracy vs. fake - Almaz Braev

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Sensation, emergency. Only passion and knowledge turn them into marginals. These are the kind of people who fill the official airwaves. And as politicians, these people are funny, not serious at all. Rather, they imitate someone.

      But they, we know, will immediately disappear, who appeared out of nowhere. And losers called his exit politics. This exit is more of a marginal position than opposition to the government. It is oppositional only by an extraordinary turn. All those who are outside of Shukur are marginals, not oppositionists. If they were oppositionists, they would be prepared. From year to year, they would prepare. We prepared seriously. And what do we see? Calculation on emotions. For the support of a desperate crowd? More like a display advertising effect.

      If meteorite politicians don’t belong to the elite, then they are closer to the people? In any case. Here, Shukur really rests on the people. On the traditions of the people. On paternalism. But we know that all those who are not conditionally included in the elite, are looking for and finding not justice, not freedom, not truth. All traditional people don’t need these categories. Everything that does not feed the family, that does not feed the relatives, about all the relatives I do not say, is not significant. Justice, freedom, and truth are all important to the marginalized. Traditional people in the eternal search for a patron. This patron will do as each Shukur wants with his Shukur.

      But what was the response?

      The meteors that appeared with their meager speech, weak energy, and cliched words gave hope for a new roof, a new patron to the second group of two. Even down among the blacks or common people, in other words, there is a fierce struggle and squeezing out the weak. In a traditional environment, this is the case everywhere. The market only increased the cruelty of natural people. There is no natural sentimentality here. Meteors appeared, screamed, threw glare, and ran to them outcasts who have no or very weak patrons. They lost out on the market for natural cruelty. But they want to take revenge on the elite. Who are the lucky ones? At exactly the same steppe people, but successful, with a successful roof, a successful business, a successful all-powerful patron.

      What did they say?

      Do we deserve to live in different conditions? Do we have all the possibilities for this? That only a handful of corrupt officials live well here. This camarilla gathered around the feeder led by the main Shukur?

      What else can they say? Except for these stamps. What system, what is the path to this system? I assure you, they don’t know it themselves. They don’t know where they’re really going. Because in the state of two camps, two subjects, two colors, they must be either there or there. And these upstarts only want to be elite, they don’t want to be ordinary people. And the crowd, accustomed to two camps, subjectivity from the elite of the rabble, sees in them only patrons see the roof, but not the rulers in fact.

      But what am I talking about? They disappeared quickly – they are disappearing. It always happens with all upstarts. They are out of shukura’s game. Because Shukur is our ancient steppe, reliable ideology. Whoever sticks to it will not lose.

      Chapter VIII

      People of shukur 2

      It is known that the market economy comes out of the crisis healthier, adapted to the new challenge. Outdated technologies and wrong firms will go bankrupt, and in their place will come more technological and advanced. No private owner will keep a loss-making enterprise. He will ruin it, create something new in a new place. These are the laws of the market that oblige and dictate. What’s on the other end?

      At the other end, we see familiar faces and optional businesses led by the same executives. If you look at the accompaniment, the old editors keep the old journalists, and they tell the old stories. Similarly, analysts broadcast crude Analytics, political scientists continue a rotten lecture, philosophers philosophize duets about the beauty and grandeur of course local antiquity. It may be the other way around, of course, that very old officials or very old editors call for a new generation, and then very young Ministers and young journalists appear. But they will also shukurs. Despite his youth. In fact, in the system of paternalism, the older brother always has, makes the younger ones work. And the younger ones, knowing that they are the younger ones, will do the same as the older brothers before them. But it will be the same wearing old clothes, which was in many children Soviet families. In the same way, young officials and their young staff will carry on the old fate of senior officials. And the traditional system will take and select for itself not just anyone, not people from the street, even if they are young, in order to make their youth an advertisement for progress, but people who are docile and docile, smiling and submissive. Even better, if they are direct sons or nephews, or other young people from relatives. It looks from the outside like family contracts from top to bottom of the state family. That’s right!

      A traditional state.

      If it is based on conservatism and the customs of the people, must be a family. And in this family there is a father or fathers and there are brothers and uncles. This is how the older ones select the younger ones. If the company or firm is large and there are few relatives, managers and officials select a loyal contingent. Where are the most loyal and traditional people? Of course – in the provinces. It is in villages and auls that the recruitment of «young people» is going at the fastest pace. The firm and the state are not waiting for. Thus, the selection criteria for positions are completely unprofessional and not even economically logical. After all a lot of relatives will not do anything, but will wait for payday. After all they are also elite like their uncles. If the uncle refuses the services of relatives for this reason, then he recruits helpful and hard-working relatives. Any conditional Junior in the conservative system and firm tradition is a pack silent donkey. No matter, a young Minister can also be a conditional donkey. If there are a lot of young Ministers, it means that the company’s elder has a lot of work to do. And the young can be well run over and they will be silent. But more senior Ministers, if they have saved up money, can go into opposition from resentment. Here, the opposition gathers just those who have become rich and forgotten their place in the ranks. But that at first they all mowed down under the younger ones, there is no doubt. In such a system, a family firm is recruited just for full loyalty. Everyone agrees to be donkeys for the sake of profit and family interests.

      This is how the management staff is recruited at all levels. This is how marketing agents are recruited in the local market. Although marketing agents still need to have professional skills, otherwise they are not any agents, but freeloaders. Well, in general, more or less young people are going to administrative positions after their former colleagues. But it is recruited., once again, from the province and is selected from the pile of applicants for clear features and suitability, namely for a distinct complaisance and a smile (although it is not necessary to smile, it gives out that it is necessary). Who should not lead by nature, timidity, and shyness, gets priorities)? Falls into the group of potential akims (officials). Never mind, they tell him, you’ll learn to lead people after a while. There is a kind of anti-evolutionary choice. The one who can’t do any harm, challenge openly, compete professionally, is the best. Although in a quiet pool something is found. But it is not for nothing that Eastern politics is conducted not in the light, but at night and under the carpet. Similarly, the habit of speaking openly is a sign of degeneration. These are anti-conservative elements. Nomad will never speak openly, just as the Ministry’s employees will never compete openly. By profession, by skills. But to unseat each other as sukurs and all kinds of the wizards. As if the brothers were telling their father in his ear what their brother was doing something bad and the father will not hesitate to punish this unfortunate of all the brothers. So all the people carefully selected for specific qualities gossip about each other to take the right place, which will be released after the wrath of their boss.

      And if we talk about the existence of two pillars of subjectivity in the conservative world – the elite and the common people, there is a void between them, there is nothing. There shouldn’t be anything at all.

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