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Autocracy vs. fake. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Autocracy vs. fake - Almaz Braev

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Do not forget that Stalin led a policy based on state ownership, and Elbasy manages the Kazakh market after the General privatization. It’s easier for him.

      If the people are a child, then the people of the child must have a father.

      Or the father of the people, he is the greatest authority Elbasy. Cult and fame do not arise from scratch. The same phenomenon has been and will continue to be the case for all non-urbanized traditional peoples who are afraid of losing any crumbs that fate and history have measured out.

      Corrupt officials as market participants.

      And no one is in a hurry to repress anyone, because market aggregates are somewhat different from the motives that guided Stalin. For the market needs of the market actors. In order for the market to function even in the form of a demonstration or global show-offs, market participants are needed, which means that corrupt officials are also needed as subjects. So Elbasy can take away everything from competitors, if he wants to, of course (In this sense, it is much more difficult for Putin). But then he would be alone. Or maybe he will try again to raise young people around him?

      The traditional world can’t live without corruption?

      And in this very market, the subjects of corruption feel great. The answer is simple. Because the basis of tradition is family. A traditional person thinks about the family. This is the will or law of the ancestors. There’s no getting away from it.

      Chapter VII

      The «shukur» people

      Who is our support in this swaying world.

      Why only officials and pensioners are invited to local studios and TV shows.

      Old people talk with a gasp and foam at the mouth about the greatness of the old times. So sweet that the viewer believes they lived there. Officials continue making excuses and are accountable. There are also tongue-tied political scientists who talk nonsense with a smart look. And there is also politics… What else?

      Channels would love to see a bigger fish. But the unspoken status, the traditional agreement ahead of the father not to climb into hell, leaves for joy a meeting exclusively with small fish. Officials come to the Studio as very frightened people who would not come here at all, but we must somehow portray unity with the people, time obliges, but rather the authorities force. Only an emergency of any scale guarantees the appearance of a big official by the standards of the system. This is responsible person who should be responsible for the entire system. This official is responsible for his area of work. If he doesn’t give an answer, it will be the end of his career.

      But even very young faces appeared among the Ministers. They also always seem to be scared and clamped down on something. But with talkative pensioners (aksakals) Kazakh channels were lucky. This is pensioners are happy to come to light. And for what? To show yourself on the frontal place, and not your knowledge at all. The more often you are shown, the more authority you have. The list of registered political scientists is also narrow. But most of all, the so-called politicians smell of acid. In the sense of saying the same thing for a long time and not trying to come up with something, but every time it still turns out that something went sour right in the Studio, and this person did not come only yesterday, although he came all the time or walked around the microphone for fifteen years. The same lecturers and speakers, officials, and artists. These people have passed the loyalty test, therefore they almost live in these studios like at home.

      Things aren’t moving.

      But is this the main thing? In the situation of two camps or subjects of activity as the elite and ordinary people, there can be no other. And only the presence of the elite and the rabble well shows the reason for such an eternal two-color cart. Even the same notorious Shukur, which accuses the people of presumptuous activists of Western freedoms and Western democracy, is only explained by this. Only, the question is, where did they come from? People of a different color of mind?


      We come close to the question of where the marginals came from. And not in the sense of marginals like Russophiles («vata») or great-power Imperials. But where did the steppe Democrats come from? When people of a great tradition should be divided into two camps – the elite and subordinates. Forever and ever. Not when the clock of eternity is ticking but constantly.

      So, we came to people who appear in the sky, excite the crowd, excite hopes and quickly disappear like the same celestial meteors. Only from the meteors of heaven a certain bright light pours. And from searchlights and scammers, otherwise our stars for five minutes can not be called, only glare. Why do they appear in the General pile of conditional provocateurs, why do they break the inertia of the herd of conditional rams, when no one allowed them to graze someone? In General, all traditional people believe that if someone came out into the open and shouted a message on the air, then this person is at work. He was required to go out and tell people the news. And today, when one of the incentives was money, someone hired a crier on their own behalf, the money was taken and they need to work out. We need to focus on this point. The mass of the people may be stupid. But at such a moment everyone is a wise man, because everyone judges by himself. And the average worldly wisdom says: do not twitch if you are not given an order. The second part is from humility to calling the boss: do not do anything, but do as everyone does and generally blend in with the crowd so that the wolf does not eat you, be in the center, not on the edge. So we find Shukur man together.

      Be content with little and be silent.

      The traditional man in his matrix is always content with little. Otherwise he will be reprimanded. Otherwise, he is not a traditional person. Consistently from the father, brothers, relatives, uncle, family, in General, the clan society he will be censured and even punished. Do something at any time when no one gave permission it is to make a challenge, consistently to the father, brothers, uncle, and so on.

      So, in this General Shukur fall and officials of all ranks, and politicians that are sour and barely stink of dung, and political scientists, and journalists, in General, everyone who was chosen by the system of father and brothers. Conditional of course father and brothers. But the system is accurate. But the very fact that someone appears on the air of such a tribe means that they are authorized by a higher brother or relatives (that is, officials). These people are exactly the same shukur as calm peaceful, super peaceful even (in the opinion of marginal upstarts) from the ordinary crowd. Official people are official Shukur. The people who are not official, who are not authorized by anyone, are the Shukur people. This is a traditional people. What about our meteorites?

      Where to put the upstart meteors?

      And why do they suddenly disappear on the highest note of their cry?

      Well, first of all, as we just found out, no one is shouting for nothing here. If screaming is a very big head, you might say the leader, the leader may shout. If someone shouts and he’s not the boss, this person or quickly run away after shouting. He will cry again for the money and authorized him to shout the philanthropist George Soros. Here, meteorites are closer to the market discourse.

      In a situation of two camps, two subjects, two colors, the elite, and the grassroots may appear to the people who have lost their place. These are also traditional people because only the steppe people disappear after a sudden departure without an invitation to the podium, but they want to be the elite very much, so they climb the podium. They are infantile, and the passions of fame devour. But since they still have a father and brothers, they disappear of their own accord, rather understand that they’re nobody here anymore – the rabble. Not at all. But for the moment that they had or the short time that their passion aroused them, they wanted to feel like the elite and they did. From now on, they are marginalized. Now they are slaves not to their brothers, but to their passion. These caliphs of local politics

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