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Weathercocks. Zeremids. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Weathercocks. Zeremids - Almaz Braev

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and prestigious things. Ordinary citizens (zerefs) bought almost the same thing, but cheap and second-hand. But even such cheap relative to the purchases of the elite and second-hand was a success for the bourgeois and provincial. They had never seen anything like it and could not hope to see it, it was a miracle. This explains the mass apolitical nature of the so-called people when the building of the USSR was dismantled into independent bricks. After all, buyers in super, hyper, mega markets really did not care what they understood, not their house in fact. Once again, we are dealing with a traditional population, even if it was called soviet. they have lost not only the remnants of soviet, but traditional elementary morality and you ask, in the name of what? And in the name of what the hero goes to feats, and the elite equips the army in campaigns? For traditional people, their importance in their native society, some name in their own community, is important. The name and meaning could now be had without performing any feats, without performing together with the feudal lords in any campaigns, for trophies from now on you can go hiking in the super, hyper, mega market together with your wives. And the more expensive the wife chooses a dress, the higher her husband’s head rises. That’s how the former Soviet, they are traditional people began to go bullying each other for the next purchase (show off began to mean). Who had never seen a used Japanese Toyota, moreover, could not dream in a residential area or in a village even about Zhiguli, he was incredibly excited, finding this very Toyota of fifteen years of freshness. Who has never lived in a house with amenities, and may have occupied half a house in an urban-type settlement, where there was no hot water or natural gas, and the bathroom was shared, as in a hostel, for example, he was happy to separate housing with amenities, and maybe even a quick cottage (like the first secretary). Not to mention the small pleasures in the form of gift sweets, condensed milk, or just packs of Indian tea. Everything that the Soviet elite had, became available to mere mortals! Well, how can we not be happy for freedom and democracy! Although in fact, for people below above, above below, accustomed to the hierarchy, to feel like first secretaries for a few days, yes, a few days, the rest of your life, is expensive. The zerefs are ready to exchange their future for the prestigious dresses of a feudal nobleman of thirty years ago. That is why it is important to know that the so-called new bourgeoisie in market conditions will also strive to sit higher than its neighbor on a twig. At least one, but higher. This is due to the endless insatiable greed of the elite.

      Why do you think traditional people need this corruption?

      The word is what. Misting that de is a temporary and curable process… In fact, the practice of corruption (or stealing) is a recognized cause. After all, we do not forget that the existing internal policy is not built by decrees, orders, appeals. Which is the general pile and concentration of appeals and orders seems to be empty talk or sound piles of garbage. Everyone who addresses and everyone to whom they address, for a long time and always missed it by ear. Some advanced politicians and hypocrites understood that the fight against corruption was necessary for the sake of form. So that the struggle for the high and low branches of the traditional hierarchy and weight in society does not turn into anarchy and slaughter. All of zeremids and even remids is quite educated people, they all received knowledge and understanding about good and bad. This is one of the positive aspects of the enlightenment, that the people of the former world and the community know what is good and what is bad within the limits of civilization. In short, corruption, although it seems to be a bad thing, will never end here. Until at least everyone is sitting on their branches. Until then, everything will be outwardly peaceful and decent. They will catch you, but it’s a small thing. To frighten the rest of the pile of applicants.

      And as for the intelligentsia, which seemed to know more than anyone else and was the first to make a claim to the secretaries that they had sat there saying that it was enough, let us drive too. Then they moved on to another stage – the stage of law. If all the previous stages were a struggle for status, it is quite a traditional occupation, who is higher and who is lower. Now, according to the bourgeois (the refag) canons, the time of law is coming.

      I’m a trembling creature, or I have the right!

      The liberal intelligentsia turns to the zerefs in the supermarket: Are you trembling creatures or what? Down with autocracy! Those in response look at them not even with the eyes of surprise. They just don’t understand who these shepherds are? If you once addressed traditional people, and they look at you with the eyes of children in response, then be lenient to these people.

      All domestic policy is actually based on the understanding of the majority.

      How this majority understands changes. let them look at you even like sheep. at the zeref level, even the possession of second-hand things of their own and someone else’s elite (supported cars and fashionable jeans are not even things of the western elite) is a great achievement and success. tradition sets before the community simple things that have been repeated for centuries: the creation, then the provision of a family, observance in the name of stability of existing rites. of course, the importance of the elite here is great. the zerefs carry out all the orders of their priests (remids). repeat all the prescribed elements as if all the zerefs are old men from young to old and, most importantly, respect (idolize) their leader. Well, of course, the mind, honor, and conscience for its internal order at the time of capital accumulation could not imagine the best assistants. Hence, the outer shell of such a tandem must necessarily be represented by nationalism and self-determination (elites). Although of course, the zerefs do not understand what nationalism is (they are not a nation). For clarification, the leader’s apparatus recruits interpreters for clarification (the second positive point of enlightenment). But actually, as already mentioned, the best interpreters and translators were super, hyper, mega markets, where all the zerefs were instantly forgotten, surrounded by boxes of goods. They felt an increase in their status from before. They felt it and were happy.

      But of course, the liberals, a few intellectuals, were not happy at all.

      every year there are fewer and fewer such irreconcilables, and more and more reasonable ones. To aboriginal people in the liberals, the mind comes much faster. they are ready to accept the rules, having previously occupied a suitable branch on the tree. this is the most reasonable behavior, at least traditional, native. Not only stolen corrupt officials, and sometimes steal a lot (but not above the standard of course), but also the so-called oppositionists ask for forgiveness from the leader (another moment of enlightenment and inclusion of prudence, rationality). Everyone asks for a selection. And of course, the chief is merciful and condescending to them. Even to tricksters, scammers, and crooks (this is if you include non-tariff rules and definitions, they are crooks, and if you do not include them, just mixed up the branch). If you include the tradition, then everything falls into place. All these corrupt officials and oppositionists who are asking for forgiveness (we still need to understand why they are suddenly oppositionists, it may turn out that they are just competitors) are subjects. subjects and all.

      Chapter V

      The zeremids

      Not yet citizens, but with a great passion to be at the center of the world.

      The zeremids, like the zerefs (people of tradition), need living space. Zeremids ideological, fanatical, and declarative due to financial interest. To seduce the zerefs and zeremids, they have to promise a reward. The traditional elite usually led the traditional people against their immediate neighbors. There they received food, robes, and women. Sometimes these neighbors were of the same root as the attackers. But their kin and their family are above the distant blood for the Zeref. Hence the eternal intertribal strife of the Zerefs even in modern and modern times, that is, even when the banner of civilization is developing around. As for zeremids, they are susceptible to any epithets superiority. But these epithets suggest superiority not only over the neighboring tribe of savages but on the scale of countries and peoples. Groups of remids of the second urban generation serve to provoke the crowd and instill a new idea. They give rise to the imperial idea of seizures, which

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