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Weathercocks. Zeremids. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Weathercocks. Zeremids - Almaz Braev

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positions, hiring out government positions in the spirit of the middle ages, where sellers and buyers do not feel anxious. On the contrary, all landlords and tenants feel good. Both sides are people of the same culture, all as if on their own ideological plate, and therefore, everyone who surrenders to the new feudal lord is traditional? Is this normal? Together, people who have fallen into submission also do not feel uncomfortable? Such surrogate serfs, who work for the benefit of the feudal mandarin?

      Those who are not ready for such a reversal simply do not understand anything.

      This is simply a traditional, and therefore necessarily deeply hierarchical society. It just can’t do without the main person in the system. It does not work without the most important, therefore respected master, boss, authority – the eldest in the family, brother, and so on. It can’t be. This art, the culture of domination of some in the name of all other blood brothers, has been cultivated for centuries, formed for thousands of years. If there is no dominance, superiority, and therefore arrogance, arrogance, pressure, I am your father, older brother (variations I am the boss and your master and benefactor), and you are my younger brother (subordinate or even slave), then both sides will feel bad. Traditional society is always in search of its elite. Another thing is that the elite is also correlated by external circumstances. Strong neighbors. This has always been the case in history. Who who is stronger in the world of tradition, who is more influential, and who is older in the world of tradition, the older brother. That is, even a modern market ski means it is a guide for the ancient ski, the main thing is that the skier (people) still, i drove, crossed, moved from place to place quietly and calmly. Although the second old ski, the ski of tradition, always comes in, “runs ahead”. Because the number of new board members is growing and they are recruited on the principle of silence. Traditional going to be first and foremost obedient. and a traditionalist and silent skier who falls into the elite should immediately find his own row, because his ski, with which he came or went to the ski track, is always more than the norm. He’s a traditionalist, don’t forget. and such obedient taciturn people with their reflexes begin to interfere with the sliding of a fashionable ski. That’s why the head of this ski track is always obliged to shake both the ski track and the skiers together. If you do not shake, then the old skis will block the reform of the ski track and everything around from progress.

      Meanwhile, after each shake, the zeref has to prove the rank again, fill the branch with himself. if he managed to “drive” higher, then he means he is higher and considers those who sit lower below, younger to himself, the lower rank that is. isn’t that why this passion gets into the clip? Get into the midst of the courtiers, approach the court of the chosen, enter the khan’s tent and slip quietly higher, higher, higher? The question is for what services?

      how do i get into the main tent?

      First of all, obedience and recognition of the system. What is a system? This is a recognition of traditional rules. Do you need to learn such etiquette to traditional people who know who is who among relatives from the cradle? Facelessness or colorlessness of course facilitates or brings them closer to the cherished place, where they can take for facelessness and for spinelessness. And above all for zeal and even fanaticism to please (the owner-benefactor). But after all, any fanatic sees around his own kind. The owner chooses from a pile of exactly the same silent competitors. Of course, who in the family had many brothers or vice versa, complete orphans will be out of the competition.

      However, if you look at society as a whole, such a society will not respond to other signals (such as freedom, democracy, or even socialism, and so on) It will obey the force. Which in turn will appear to be the master of the situation. And then the paternal system will definitely notice. It will not react to anything until someone is specifically affected by the new feudal hierarchy. And this means that someone is overtaken by the machine of the feudal inquisition or just someone caught up in the harvest of mandarin from his department.

      It’s at the top. And what’s below.

      After all, people outside the pyramid are not people, well, in the traditional understanding of a person and his meaning. a person from the lower ranks is not a person at all, but a being who is obliged to remain silent, at least when collecting taxes from the taxable population (people have always been silent). and the more people there are of such a culture, the more this society will build up the old ski to the detriment of the modern one, becoming totalitarian, step by step, term by term.

      Chapter III

      The homemakeman

      Build a house, plant a tree…

      The homemakemen are good guys. They build houses, cultivate fields (or raise cattle), and raise sons. They always fuss in the name of their offspring. The next generation does the same: cultivates the field, drives the cattle. each head of the family repeats the path of the fathers, without thinking and almost without blinking. Is there anything new here? I mean, what does each father bring to the same habit (growing crops, driving cattle)?

      Of course not the gag to get something to eat. That’s why he’s a father, not a portrait. Each generation inherits one part of the habits from the father and the other part from the traditional society, that is, also house builder. It turns out that the housebuilders do not care what is happening in the world, outside their field, far from their native steppe? I’m not saying they don’t see what’s going on in their absence. for example, on the street near the house or even in the state of housebuilders? The main thing for them is to deliver the goods to their shop and sell them more expensive, then buy all sorts of food for their offspring, and a fur coat for their wife? All this is good and beautiful from the outside. But in the opinion of the same zeref (and we are talking about traditional people, and they are universal house builders). Up to a certain point. All traditional homemake societies self-destructed, served as a fodder base for developed more than any civilization …because of… impoverishment of resources, natural and artificial if you want, but resources. Because homemakeman doubles, triples, paterae number of domostroevtsy and nothing more. Each of zeref educates himself such zeremid who lives by exactly the same laws of building. While there, the zeremid new ski still longer and more beautiful. (This is the ski of progress, do not forget – A. B.) Even what is nationalism the homemakemen actually do not understand because they do not care about events outside the house? That’s why they come up with so-called nationalists, a few pieces that portray nationalism at a time when the homemakeman and homemakemen do not care what is happening in the world. That is, the house builder is internally short-sighted, although in ways to survive he is very tenacious, far-sighted and tenacious. But not all traditional societies perished from the number, the banal physical number of house builders. In ancient times, the number of heroes still decided the fate of the battle. What about now? Who is needed, what kind of person in the management, in the building, and even in the house?

      Chapter IV

      Our branches

      Along with democracy, super, hyper, and mega – markets appeared. And former traditional people, as well as former provincials, began to shop in them.

      It’s hard to tell which one is which from that point on. The first secretaries of the party and the ruling functionaries appeared to be on a par with ordinary citizens. Of course, from now on, everyone became citizens. Can’t tell the difference. not even knowing what it meant. to use a cliche about the bourgeoisie, all former citizens of the ussr simultaneously became bourgeois.

      But we know that in the USSR there were still traditional people. Just instead of the traditional elite, there were first secretaries and other functionaries of the apparatus, and instead of community members – ordinary citizens. However, tradition is tradition, and the idea of the idea, even if the idea was jacked from the item to suit your needs “the mind, honor and conscience of the epoch” (i.e. the item above, and all others below).


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