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1 Law 4 All - Gator. Billy AngelЧитать онлайн книгу.

1 Law 4 All - Gator - Billy Angel

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with Glasses. He ended the call with, “We have a situation in Florida that needs our attention.” That alerted Glasses to the importance of their upcoming match.

      Glasses, his usual bubbly self said, “No problem.” They ended the call.

      Nickolas immediately unlocked his cell phone. His nerves were on edge after his brother Frankie called and relayed Annie’s message. He taped the 'Find Me' app and saw that both Dom’s and Annie’s dots were superimposed. He called Frankie. “You see what I’m seeing on that “Find Me’ phone app?”

      Chapter 18

      Today's Foundation banter was nothing more than an extended discussion that began between Mac and Jimmy years ago at law school. As roommates they valued each other's opinions.

      Many of their discussions we’re not based in fact, but that didn't matter. They were practicing their court room demeanor. The emotion and conviction behind their arguments spurred on their interest. They would thrash out ideas towards a conclusion with both usually disagreeing but feeling closer as intellectual buddies.

      Today's banter began as Jimmy entered the Foundation’s video conference that Mac opened a few minutes before the agreed upon time. “Hey Jimmy. How's the Vegas dazzle these days?” Mac greeted.

      Response at hand, Jimmy answered “Whatever’s happening here isn’t as exciting as your world of political conspiracies. Is my favorite Don Quixote de la Mancha still fighting political windmills?”

      Mac enjoyed dabbling on the edge of the unstable conspiratorial universe, took Jimmy’s bait. "The One World Order is here. Admit it!" proclaimed Mac.

      Jimmy pretended to be a critical judge. "Based on what facts do you even come close to believing this perpetual ‘windmill’ curse of yours?"

      “Maybe a few quotes will convince you.” Mac flashed a page from the National Liberty Newsletter in front of the video camera. Then he began reading.

      “The early 1930’s New Deal was plainly an attempt to achieve a working socialism and assist in the economic collapse in America; it is extraordinarily parallel to the successive ‘Policies’ and ‘Plans’ of the early 1900’s Russian experiment. Americans shirk at the word ‘socialism’, but what else can one call it?” He took a breath. “H.G. Wells talked about The New World Order in 1939.”

      “Here’s a good one,” Mac continued as Jimmy leaned back in his chair to get comfortable. He knew the routine. “In the next century, nations as we know them today will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all, quoted Strobe Talbot in Time Magazine, July 20th, l992. He was President Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State.”

      Mac folded the page and began to smile. “You’ll love this one. ‘National Socialism will use its own revolution for establishing a new world order.’ Adolph Hitler said this during World War II.”

      Jimmy laughing said, “You’re reaching. Hitler’s a great reference. Are you trying to get the jury to laugh or cry?”

      Mac pursed his lips. “Okay, one more.” But before he could begin reading Carol and Kitiona entered the video conference. “That's so typical. Are you practicing for your jury-closing arguments? I heard the quotes. My question is, so what?" Carol blurted smiling.

      "This, whatever it is, means we need to sue someone. Who do we sue for trying to bring in this New World Order?" Jimmy piled onto Carol’s ‘so what’ attitude.

      Mac pushed his hair back, recognizing the dilemma. "If I could figure out what laws they’re breaking, I would find out who these people are. I’m still trying to figure out what's illegal about trying to take over the world's government, economy and religions?"

      Jimmy answered, “There’s no laws stopping any of these worldly takeovers. HOW (he stressed) they takeover IS where laws are being broken. That’s where you need to focus your ‘windmill’ fight. It’s the HOW!”

      "Here's the slam dunk," Mac argued. "With their philosophy, 'The End Justifies The Means', they've got to be breaking laws."

      Mac frowned thinking about Jimmy’s HOW when Kitiona jumped in. “Without any hard facts, research or damages to back up his opinions, you are left all alone with me on my favorite Samoan beach!”

      Carol looked at Kitiona sitting next to her. She noticed Kitiona’s radiant, almond-shaped eyes. “How can you resist that thought, Mac?”

      Mac loved everything about Kitiona. She could say the moon was made of blue cheese and he would support her until he died. All he could do was beam his wholesome smile.

      Kitiona said, "Look at the big picture. A One World Order means nothing without controlling the economic system. Follow the money!" Kitiona, the daughter of Samoan royalty, lived in American Samoa. The islanders’ economic security was wrapped up in the tuna industry. She was the union president of the island's tuna factory workers. “You guys need to join the high school debate team.” Then she sarcastically added, “Wait, you’re not in high school anymore."

      Ben joined their video conference smiling at Kitiona’s observation. Ben, retired lawyer, was responsible for introducing Kitiona to Mac, and Jimmy's law school study group several years ago. Along with Juan and Carol, these four created a study group while in their last year at Hastings Law School. With Ben’s help, they took on Kitiona’s plight to find her family’s killers. Ben joined this session from Seattle where he was visiting his lawyer girlfriend, Janice.

      Ben took charge. "Boys, boys, are we trying to shred the Constitution today? Guess what, nobody in Africa cares about this One World Order. They only care about where their next meal lives. Did you hear about the latest bubonic plague case? A couple in Africa ate a mascot. Who knew mascots carry the plague?” He paused looking over his multi-sectioned screen. “Where's Juan?”

      Juan responds, joining the conference looking stressed. He thought, how could I stop this totally useless discussion? He blurted out “I have a missing fiancee and God only knows who her mob father is going to blame. You really think you have problems?"

      Ben acknowledged Juan. Ben's role with the Foundation seemed to be leveling the field of emotions. "Is there anything we can do?” Juan shook his head ‘no’. Ben continued “Ok, let's get down to business.”

      Chapter 19

      Ben realized a bigger problem lay before them. They were being stalked by someone for some reason. "Has anyone been shot at or assaulted lately?”

      Mac and Jimmy were ready to pass on their stories. But Carol jumped in first with, “I’m a bundle of nerves. Someone explain what we’re doing with this F&F group.”

      Juan in his ultra-logical demeanor began describing his meeting with Lucy and Sean, the Fair and Free representatives. During that meeting, I first noticed Dominica stopped answering her messages or phone calls. “All hell broke out when they left my office.” Juan detailed the gun battle outside his office.

      Carol huffed. “You could have told us that guns were part of your ‘watch our backs’ message!”

      Jimmy’s up close and personal encounter with the Russian guy tailing him started to make sense to him. “This Fair and Free group must be upsetting some people. But who?”

      Mac being familiar with many voter fraud conspiracy theories asked Juan. “Did these Fair and Free guys hit you with an avalanche of conspiracy theories? I know I was. When I first began to investigate voter fraud, I couldn’t believe the schemes. If even only 10% of the stories are true that’s having a devastating effect on our political system.”

      Juan answered Mac, “Their first questions concerned any legal implications to their investigation methods. They've refined specific monitoring technology. Some of this technology requires hacking independent servers. Because it's untested,

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