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1 Law 4 All - Gator. Billy AngelЧитать онлайн книгу.

1 Law 4 All - Gator - Billy Angel

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request drew a long pause from the group. Ben, the most experienced legal mind among them, took the lead. “I assume that we’ve taken this Fair and Free group on as a client.”

      Mac said, “Yes. That was the meeting you missed.”

      Juan asked, “What do you guys think? I have a short history with them already. My office is going through bullet-hole repairs. Like Jimmy said, F&F is pissing off some pretty determined people. Maybe we should rethink taking on this case.”

      Kitiona huffed. “My case was a case like this. We formed the Foundation to take on cases exactly like this. The ones no one wants to touch!”

      Jimmy contributed to solving this conundrum, “Who benefits the most from voter fraud?” He answers himself. “The minority party’s politicians and their special interest groups.”

      Kitiona speaks up, “And we, the people, are the losers! That’s not fair!”

      Ben concludes, “Sounds like we’re in. Our first job will be to research technology law. It’s a fairly new field of law. I’d like to get up to speed with its different aspects.”

      Carol said, "This may be significant. The Senate and House passed the Clean Plastic Bill last week. Carl alerted us to an interesting rider that was added at the last minute. Representatives Curt Sanders from New York City and Maxine Smith from southern Florida co-sponsored the rider.”

      “What makes this rider so interesting?" Mac asked. "Politicians are nothing more than fronts for special interests. So the question is, who or what special interest are they representing?”

      Kitiona saw the hesitation in Carol's eyes. She and Carol had already investigated who was behind this rider. She said "Both Sanders and Smith get much of their campaign donations from overseas. The sources are disguised through a variety of corporations and organizations. Let me ask you, does a medical group for managing small animal pain or a science of gay love foundation, inc. sound like groups interested in U.S. politics?”

      Mac, hanging on every word Kitiona spoke, snickered. “You’ve got to be kidding!”

      Carol added, "Many of these types of groups have earmarked donations towards these politician's re-election campaigns."

      Jimmy said, "What exactly does this rider to the Clean Plastic Bill do?"

      Carol answers, "This may be connected to F&F’s research. The rider authorizes refitting Florida’s election machines' motherboards."

      "Who’s doing the refitting?" Ben asks.

      Kitiona answers, "The refits were done in China by the Taichung Corporation. The scary fact about Taichung is that it has ties to Sander’s and Smith’s campaigns. They provide computer technology contributions. The science of gay love group is a subsidiary of the Taichung Corporation. The medical group for managing small animal pain is tougher to trace. All indications point to European money. So far there seems to be a series of direct financial connections between them.”

      Juan explains that F&F has been exploring Nanotechnology possibilities as it could relate to special computer situations. Elections are a unique computer situation that could benefit special interest money people. “So is it possible that Nanotechnology could impact what's happening in politics?"

      Jimmy asks. “Does anyone know how Nanotechnology works?”

      Chapter 20

      Sanya Phoenix International Airport met the Club’s privacy requirements. This small airport on the southern tip of China’s Hainan Island provided this week’s starting point for the Club’s yachting excursion to Mr. East’s Paracel Island estate. After each of the Club’s members landed their luxury jets and boarded Mr. East’s superyacht, they motored southward towards Paracel Island.

      Their annual Paracel Island getaway was a tradition. The Club members became acquainted with each other during a Bilderberg meeting in the early 60s. There they shared and discussed the meeting’s agenda and the speakers ideas about world economic domination. From these ideas they learned of their shared ambitions. They still faithfully attend yearly meetings. They follow the Bilderberg with their own Club meeting on Paracel Island.

      An average looking oriental at five foot, six inches, Mr. East functioned as the Club’s science and technology expert. He headquartered in Hong Kong. A refugee from Mainland China, he became a technological innovator and the retail king of Asia. While not in the top five wealthiest people in the world, he was pushing to be number six.

      Mr. East’s superyacht named Roswell Rose after the 1947 New Mexico UFO incident added a new meaning to technological luxury. His yacht was named after the source of his technological innovations.

      Early in his career, he stumbled onto technological drawings from the crashed UFO. By accident, he became enlightened while researching technological papers released through a freedom of information search. From those drawings he invented a replacement for old fashioned tubes in radios and televisions. He dismantled the information and pieced it back together to form a transistor. With transistors, he miniaturized portable electronics. To sell his new electronics, he built Asia's first online shopping center in the early 1990’s. It initially sold electronics. But once the computer code for the online catalogue framework was operating smoothly, he expanded into a complete one-stop, Asian shopping website.

      Mr. West contorted his long, lean face into a warm half-smile. His thin, frail lips, parted to comment while reclining on a cushioned deck chair. “My favorite Woodrow Wilson quote is, ‘A little group of willful men, representing no opinion but their own, have rendered the great government of the United States helpless and contemptible’. Do you feel like your great-grandfather was part of that group?”

      Mr. West is headquartered in France. His Club charge included understanding and analyzing Western hemisphere politics. His wealth came from old family money dating to the middle 1800’s. He parlayed his inherited wealth to become the world's biggest luxury goods corporation.

      Mr. East responds through a smile framed with a pair of dark, beadlike eyes and inflated-like, ‘trumpet cheeks’. “Great-grandfather realized that we are all citizens of the world. The tragedy of our times is that today’s selfish citizens do not believe this.” He sits straighter. “That’s one of my favorite quotes because it’s so contemporary. Remember, Wilson said this almost one hundred years ago!”

      A tired face, Mr. South contributes to their discussion. His deep facial wrinkles and layers of eye-bags lent credibility to his stories of old. “My great-grandfather entertained Woodrow Wilson at our Saint Tropez villa on the French Rivera before World War I. He cautioned Woodrow not to reveal the world order’s direction. After World War I, he easily persuaded Wilson to avoid another world war. He doubted some of our methods, but eventually conceded that war was ugly and needed to be avoided at all costs.”

      Mr. South, a former Nazi living in Argentina, earned his deep worried wrinkle lines in World War II. When high ranking German officers conceded that Hitler’s war was lost, many fled their homes. Mr. South did the same. On his way out, he stole millions in gold from a secret Nazi camp at St. Georgen, Austria during WWII’s final weeks.

      Once established in Argentina, he studied the stock, bond and money exchange markets. Eventually, he worked his way into Argentina's social and financial institutions. He represented Argentina at his first Bilderberg meeting. He became the best investor of the 20th Century because of his windfall mega-earnings. He earned hundreds of millions during the 1997, Club initiated, Asian financial crisis.

      Mr. East said while raising his center-angled eyebrows, “Wilson did sign the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 into law. Then he followed with this disastrous quote that hastened his ‘natural’ death. ‘I am an unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country’. That was a major coup d'état benefiting our One World Economy system plan.”

      Mr. South acknowledged. “With Wilson’s death one of his most telling quotes died with him. ‘An invisible empire has been set up above the

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