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Empire man. Zealot. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Empire man. Zealot - Almaz Braev

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ire man


      Almaz Braev

      © Almaz Braev, 2021

      ISBN 978-5-0053-3807-5

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Chapter I. Superman

      Chapter II. The Empire of the wolves

      Chapter III. The Great Man’s Tail

      Chapter IV. No Castes, No Empire

      Chapter V. The Empire is a song

      Chapter VI. Superman vs. the envious

      Chapter VII. Land and water. The Old Empire

      Chapter VIII. Who wants fame

      Chapter IX. From Tyranny to Republic

      Chapter X. Lucius Severus Catelina

      Chapter XI. The Self-confident Zelot

      Chapter XII. Coincidence

      Chapter XIII. Resistance of the medium

      Chapter XIV. Aristide

      Chapter XV. The Imperial Population

      Chapter XVI. Barbarians-builders of feudalism

      Chapter XVII. Pagan Empires

      Chapter XVIII. When the Zelots come. Spirit vs. blood

      Chapter XIX. Mitre

      Chapter XX How much did Mithras yield to Jesus?

      Chapter XI. Simple and complex empire

      Chapter XII. The beginning of degradation

      Chapter XIII. Upstarts and Opportunists

      Chapter XIV: The Modern Warrior

      Chapter XV. Sunrise and sunset

      Chapter XVI. Repression kills the Empire

      Chapter XVII. The Zelot Innovator

      Chapter XVIII. The Zelot is ahead

      Chapter XIX. The Empire is rotting by the bourgeoisie

      Chapter XXX. Nationalism. The Empire’s last attempt.

      Chapter XXXI. Colony or empire.



      The basic meaning of human existence is tradition. One grazes the cattle, the other plows the land. Each person has their own occupation. No one seems to be bothering anyone. However, even among the brothers, there is envy. And Cain kills Abel.

      That’s how it is among people. Everyone goes about their own business, and yet they interfere with each other. There is no such person who does not feel superior in another person, that is, there is no person who is not Cain.

      And yet, would it be better or worse if the conditional Abel did what all talented people were born for and realized? All the potential Abels would still be alive, and the Cains would recognize their superiority.

      How much evil and enmity has happened in the world because of envy, because people, feeling someone else’s superiority, tried to harm, hinder, intrigue, group against super Abel.

      In RevCon, Abel is a Zelot who is also a superman.

      But the book does not only deal with the mass-produced seal of Cain. Here we are talking about the mass of Cains. What are they doing? They’re jealous. Which is what all Cains are supposed to do.

      Because all people live in the name of tradition, they themselves do not know about it, they seize someone else’s cattle, someone else’s land, someone else’s space. They kill innocent people.

      So from a small capture, they get big ones, then even more, then more, finally, they get an Empire. All captures are complicated in one name. But people do not remember the victims of the aggressions, those who died, no one knows. People only remember the winners

      And after all, the winners have always been hindered. All the winners of the past were the Zelots of paganism.

      What mores, such and heroes.

      Then the super-ambitious were replaced by completely different people. And they weren’t missing anything either. They were similar to their predecessors only in their rejection of monotonous everyday life, their rejection of tradition. They were taller than the mass of identical people.

      However, the new Zelots did not come with Super Cain’s plans. They came in the name of Super Abel. The new Zelots are the innovators. Against them, crowds of small envious people were grouped at once. No, the petty envious people were respected people of the society, they were authorities. But the authorities of what? They were just the best and the imitators. They were traditional authorities or authorities of the tradition. Furthermore, they did better the other traditional people, so it was believed that the masses did represent by such an elite. Both the traditional elite and the traditional people are the same thing.

      The moment of the arrival of the innovator (the new Zelot) instead of the ambitious nobles meant the end of the growth of the empire. That’s all. From here, it was no longer the captures that began, but the universal love. The masses were entering the arena of human history. But these masses of people began to love, it seemed to everyone, in the name of tradition. In fact, they were abandoning tradition in the name of democracy and socialism. To understand all this, this book is written

      The main message of the book – learn to give in. This, in addition to biblical simplicity, has great potential for the positive construction of a new world.

      Chapter I


      The children of powerful parents often ruined their reputations. The most famous filial betrayal took place in ancient Rome. So the eldest son of Tarquin the Proud Sextus failed his father. Who was Tarquini the Proud? This is little known today, and even uninteresting. However, we are talking about the last king of Ancient Rome. All the Ancient Rome of the kings was seven. Modern historians and readers are more interested in the history of Rome when Rome was the great empire of antiquity. And it reached its highest power when Rome was headed by emperors. And what is an emperor? Or who is the emperor? Isn’t this a different version of the same autocratic version of power? When we look at a modern car, don’t we realize that this car is a modern version of an old peasant cart? It is obvious that autocratic power also underwent changes, but the principle of sole rule remained. This is most likely a requirement of the time and situation. And even more, precisely-this is the moment of triumph of the next superman. He finally defeated his rivals and began to dictate his will to everyone. Today, there are almost no such super people. Because the Zelots, which is what we will call the super people now, should not exist in the democratic world of the market. Therefore, it seems to everyone that any empire at the moment is impossible.

      You’re wrong!

      Today, a global empire is being formed.

      But the modern empire is created not by super people, but by super money. The richest clans of the planet control its fate and at the same time no one knows, except for narrow specialists, who these rulers of the world are. A conspiracy of financial elites reigns over all the peoples of the world. And several dozen people interpret this dictate according to the guidelines. But few people want to call the new system an empire. Because the concept of empire is also outdated. Even the destruction of the USSR bears little resemblance to the collapse of empires based on the principle of unity of command. Yes, yes! Empires are based on the principle of unlimited autocracy. Empires were ruled by superhumans. Well, maybe in personal terms they were nobody, not all monarchs matched the qualities of genius leaders, basically, all monarchs were ordinary people. Like all the leaders of democracy today. But that the pyramid of the empire is created in the form of a pyramid, where the tip is a zelot, there is no doubt about it. Perhaps the children and heirs of any Zelot did not fit the

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