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Empire man. Zealot. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Empire man. Zealot - Almaz Braev

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When empires had nowhere to grow in the physical sense, and empires expanded just physically, as any living organism grows, then came the natural old age of the empire, stagnation, collapse, and fall. That is, every empire should think in time on what principles it should now grow, what to eat. You can feed on land and grabs – this was the case in the past. So the earth lived for 5000 years. In this spirit, the history of mankind took place, some people, peoples seized the land of other weak peoples and fed on it almost in the literal sense of the word. The Empire should never have stopped, the seizures should have been permanent. The captured peoples, if they were fed, and shared power with the local elites, allowed them to grow, to enter the imperial apparatus, did not mind at all. If the empire continues to take over, then it is strong! So there will be trophies. This means that the central government will share both material things and non-material glory. But if the Empire will stop and cease to grow and everyone not gets a piece, and that’s when all the internal people are beginning to doubt. Local elites are seeing through their own greatness. They are looking for their way, finding their glorious past. They are just as much imperial embryos as the lost, dying empire was in the past. But on what principle all the empires of the world actually develop, we will understand in this book.

      Chapter II

      Empire of the Wolves

      Who is Tarquin the Proud, and why was he thrown off by the Roman Nobles?

      In essence and in the aggregate state of Ancient Rome, Tarquin the Proud was a military leader. But his term of office was unlimited. This is an early monarchy when all the nobles remember their origin, their root, and the reason for the rise of their current leader. For any leader, the legend of the origin of his family is important. In addition, he must perform an extraordinary act.

      His heirs can then use this glory. For all traditional people, the glory of their ancestors and their services to the people are in the first place. If the current leader, even in the status of a monarch, makes seizures (imperial actions), this leader will intimidate everyone. In addition to glory and victories, all people will receive material trophies. The nations that have glory use this glory to justify their domination over the defeated nations. In this case, it is not necessary to use force and resort to weapons, it is enough to call yourself: I am a Roman! And his opponent immediately lost the spirit and will to resist. This is the glory of the ancestors. (This is still very relevant today. To suppress the will of all traditional peoples, it is simply necessary to make a mockery of their heroes. Everyone. To have nothing to be proud of. To have a people without heroes, had an inferiority complex).

      King Tarquinius captured the area around Rome-Latium. Defeated the Sabines and Etruscans. The Romans themselves were 80% Etruscan. But the Romans were not autochthonous. They fled from Troy. The lack of a Latin root forced the Romans to first defend themselves against the natives, then attack and steal their wives. (All the peoples of the migrants still do. Migrants have no roots, so they have no choice but to attack and create a root of glory for themselves. And it is even easier to create a root for yourself, a reason for pride). So it was Rome that rose up and became an empire, not the Etruscans or the Samnites. All migrants settle in, get married, start families, and “attack”. Lev Gumilyov called this process metisation and the need for a jump, that is, before the jump. It is such passionate (energetic) people who jump, create fame for themselves. There is no reason for all Aboriginals to jump so “vigorously”. They say every time: I am a German! Or I’m Russian! This is enough to do nothing and not jump. That’s how the Etruscans were proud of their ancestors and roots, and the Romans came to visit them and captured not only the Etruscans but also the entire Apennines Peninsula. And went on.

      And when the Roman root became so large that it was enough to say “I am a Roman!”, from that moment the limit on the next captures was set. The army began to recruit savages who had no civil roots, did not know civilization but remembered their glorious ancestors. In general, all savages, conventional savages, pagans, who still remember their seven ancestors, have the potential for imperial development and land grabs. And the more they take someone else’s land, even if the peoples who had their own huge tail of glory, the more honor they will have. Someone else’s tail of glory will pass to them as ordinary trophies. So did the Germans. They proclaimed the Holy Roman Empire. Although their empire fell far short of the prototype model-Ancient Rome.

      But let’s go back to Tarquinius the Proud, who defeated the Etruscans and Sabines, but suddenly became unnecessary.


      I will tell you that even if the leader of the Bolsheviks, Lenin, instead of writing to the Congress the letter, had appeared himself at the 12th Party Congress, no one would have listened to him. And in a secret election, he would sensationally give way to Stalin. Stalin was the leader of the peacetime. When the Bolsheviks defeated all the armed enemies, no one threatened them, and they had to share power and spoils. Who needed your world revolution?! This is nonsense. No, we don’t want to. We want our spoils from the victory over the bourgeoisie and the landlords. We want our empire! Stalin took advantage of this zeremid mood. Under a plausible pretext, he quickly shot all of Lenin’s associates and especially hated Trotsky. He passed on his hatred to the people. And the people have always disliked the Jews.

      During the revolution, the Jew Trotsky could disarm the garrison of the Peter and Paul Fortress self unarmed and unguarded by anyone. No one remembered his origin, his root. But when those trapped in the wolf pit get out, they turn back into predators and prey. When the safe moment comes, everyone tries to remember to say something about their ancestors and their achievements in power. And then all of zeremids very proud of their ethnicity. By the way, this is the basis of nationalism. But the reason for this is the first defense, and then the attack in order to get trophies.

      And what did happen to Tarquin the Proud?

      De facto, his son raped a certain Lucretia-the wife of a noble and the nephew of the king. Whether there was a rape or not, this event became a peacetime occasion. When the current leader is hated. Who else are they afraid of? They are no longer afraid of anyone. All the neighbors are defeated. At this point, all the nobles pull out their family records and spread their tails.

      Tarquinius was banished. Although Tarquinia made conquests. But his power was not protected by the system. He did not have his own oprichniks, ton-ton makuts, “Lenin’s call” from the plow and the National Guard. It were not zeremids. Who are the zeremids? These are candidates for power without roots. And we already know that those who have no roots are the most energetic.

      Chapter III

      The superman’s tail

      So, for the authorities to the applicant in need of a tail. Leaving in the past the root of fame. So that the applicant can say to his opponents: And my ancestors are better than yours! It immediately becomes clear that the applicant for superman does not need to perform a personal feat and his dispute with rivals takes place in peacetime.

      If there were a war of conquest, the most ardent and ambitious pretender would have to seek victory. The applicant, even with a small tail, could immediately increase this tail. The soldiers would have supported him. Military democracy, and this is what we are talking about, implies a mass of soldiers who can be used as witnesses to the new leader. Let him have a small tail of past glory, a short root of glorious ancestors, but today his root grows with the hands of professional warriors.

      And they, these professionals, will support their commander. No one will resist but simply escape from the eternal city. Roughly so Gaius Marius fled from Lucius Cornelius Sulla and Gnaeus Pompeius from Gaius Julius Caesar. The fugitives had everything. All the Republican nobles were for them, the treasury of the republic was in their hands, just such legionnaires could defend the republic. But it didn’t help. And the valiant soldiers of Lucius Sulla and Julius Caesar, by their very appearance, by their very glory, frightened the leaders of the enemy. We can say

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