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Refag. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Refag - Almaz Braev

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a new traditional elite, rulers, officials, authorities, teachers; Remid put actions for Zerefs, determine morality, laws, politics, reflection average-middle (remiddle).

      The remid’s loop – the struggle of the elite with the brightest personality, the collusion of second and third parties against the hero and the prophet.

      The Refag- person of a trading civilization in several generations, reflection is high, selfish, utilitarian-refag (re + high).

      The Zeremid is a man of the first generation of traditional elites (or city, fresh citizen), has a half-hard social reflex custom, neither the inferiority complex that wants to cover up, so invents a new ancestry, creates fine root, and it has the fancy «tail» behind. If this is a modern Zeremid, it is usually a former villager who has mastered the culture of urban life superficially, he is half urban and half rural.

      Zefa is a man from the first generation of the city with inclinations towards the market and speculation, and to trade, at least what, he was forced by circumstances.

      The zeremid’s loop – the Zeremids are approximate imitators. They imitate the elite, any idea, any direction just to be good for their families. By imitation, hypocrisy, and even fanaticism, they harm any cause, state, or idea. The hypocrisy, pharisaism, fanaticism, the adjustment of marginal strata to the existing idea and order. When the elite religious organizations from governments accumulate the Zeremids, there is stagnation and crisis. The collapse of the idea and system of Zeremids conformity inevitable. They adapt to the system for the sole purpose of supporting their family. That is, they do the same thing as the Zerefs, but for this, they want to get into the elite, the privileged stratum, or the state system, they quickly learn, master new skills, and imitate the formal standards of idea and responsibility.

      The Zelot is a superman, a hero, a prophet, the most gifted among the traditional elite. A zealot is an ambitious but disinterested person, he is a fighter against the traditional elite (Zerots), with Pharisee officials (Remids, Zeremids), with the people, if the peoples are obsessed with dark passions.

      Chapter 8

      The young and old bingo

      Bingo doesn’t fall to everyone. All lottery players know that winning depends on luck. Not everyone gets the jackpot. If you look at wealth through the eyes of a bingo player, there are many similarities. The main thing is to get rich. And how the balls rolled there or closed the contacts in the slot machine, it is impossible to trace. So, the oligarchs and corrupt officials sat down as if with young bingo players at the same table. It doesn’t matter how the win happened. The jackpot is important. Who wins, that and pan. A person with opportunities, no matter if you are a corrupt person, a fraudster, a conman, you are a pan. He who is poor is a sucker. All the people who are playing bingo are outside of morals and complex categories. Anything outside of winning is not interesting. Even the parents of young players at the game table can’t figure it out. It is difficult for parents themselves to remain authorities in their families. If no money, your kids can think of something else. They are attracted to other people’s uncles. They may be corrupt, but they won. Therefore, such young people do not condemn corrupt officials but worship them, they want to have a lot of money because they like corrupt officials.

      It had its lottery.

      The time of the so-called reforms is the time of migration of a part of the rural population to the city. All this life during the reforms can be called in one word – adaptation, but not reflection. Ordinary people «thing» in old age. In general, they think when they have time. Are they thinking or pretending? If thinking distracts from daily bread and survival, is it thinking? Those who think of old age, waste time on trifles.

      No one here needs thinkers. And the moral here is at zero. Although all the Zerefs talk about morals. For traditional people, family comes first. So, they play this game and want to get everything at once. No one thinks that corruption is a bad thing. If you translate the word corruption into feudal language, the meaning will be taking care of the family. The care of the family under feudalism and in the primitive world comes first. Screw you with your clever words. It’s not for us. With thoughts other than how to ensure prosperity, and this is how all traditional rural families behave, everyone was doomed to fall to the bottom. He who does not think, but does, is a superman. This, of course, is not the jackpot yet. But the game is already nearby, at the next table. Here, in contrast to the bingo table, you can see how they lived. So, the parents of the bingo generation couldn’t think, didn’t have the opportunity, they just didn’t have time to think.

      So, the feeble reflection of the new youth comes from the lack of educators. For them, there were no teachers because the old morality had disappeared. All the old teachers were in the trash, out of the general attention. Former Soviet slogan Mir-trud-May (peace-labor-May) was replaced by World-game-wolf! The bingo players are waiting to see what lucky numbers the host will call.

      The world is a wolf game.

      And extremely fast passion. All or nothing. Because the young people of bingo are very nervous, quick-tempered, and excitable. And also insensitive, angry, and apathetic, quickly cools down if it is not even interested in being angry. In addition, because of the primitiveness of the meaning, it most likely does not value life. From the outside, it seems that they do not value anything, but this happens simply in a frenzy and the pursuit of wealth. In fact, all young people love themselves very much. They are egoists. These young guys from traditional families imitate Western values. They see this life, total lies, and corruption. But we forgot the corruption is about taking care of the family. From the point of view of tradition, this is an excellent value quality. But it is else’s been a question. Around always sounds: «Do not worry, do not load». Nobody didn’t need to worry about anything else. If there is no gain, then life is meaningless.

      We already know why the bingo generation is brought up on the chosen ones winning. Not everyone wins. Units. Whoever is rich is a superman. That is why there are many supporters of property among young people. Bingo youth is generally market youth, all of them. The most «old» of these bingo men are people born in the 90s. They grew up in a game world, a wolf world. There is also an even older «bingo». This is bingo men from the 80s, born in the mid-80s. What can you understand in 5—9 years? Nothing. Therefore, the most» old» bingo also grew up outside the morality of under-the-fence suckers. They met 91 years later after 5—7 years. What could they understand? Nothing.

      There is also just «primitive» bingo. Just-Ice Age Neanderthals. They absolutely are not like young people bingo.

      Here you need to immediately exclude people from the Soros Foundation and the so-called oppositionists who turned out to be oppositionists. They were the same Neanderthals, although they considered themselves the reformers of savage society. They could not have imagined that with the market, traditional society becomes even more disgusting. These ignoramuses will never admit it. Man is so made. Few people can admit their mistakes.

      It is not easy to survive in the «world – game – wolves» market. In addition, we are talking about people who have received lessons in morality and fundamental categories due to their age. Those who learned the concepts of good and evil, justice and truth in the Soviet school. They would search the market for a game and a wolf, as they were taught, by day with fire. But the surface layers of reflection found positive aspects in the appeals of the democratic opposition. The power of thieves and corrupt officials is robbing the people! You can remove bad people through fair elections, let’s put other people in the place of thieves and everything, all problems are solved, the oligarch is our leader! The naivety of such a scheme hits, as they say, in the face. Drug addiction can be defeated with clean needles!

      However, the fact is that we are talking about two categories of reflexivity: Zeremids and the Remids. Some have average reflexivity, others have a semi-average one. But there are still Refags! The Refags peoples have a high reflection! It could not

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