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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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1 n. cock, prick 2 n. dove

      cu li n. coolie

      cuù 1 n. owl 2 n. R sentence 3 n. blow; [football, soccer] shot

      cuø v. to tickle

      cuø lao n. island

      cuû n. bulb, edible root, tuber

      cuû soaùt v. to check, to verify

      cuõ adj. old, used, secondhand, former

      cuõ kyõ adj. old, oldish

      cuõ rích adj. very old

      cuï n. very old person; great-grandparents

      cuï theå adj., adv. concrete, tangible; concretely, real

      cua n. crab

      cuûa n. belongings, possession, property

      cuûa boá thí n. alms, charities

      cuûa chìm n. hidden wealth/property

      cuûa ñuùt loùt n. bribe

      cuûa gia taøi n. family heritage

      cuûa gia baûo n. heirloom

      cuûa hoái loä n. bribe

      cuûa noåi n. material wealth; real estate

      cuûa hoài moân n. dowry

      cuûa phi nghóa n. ill-acquired wealth

      cuùc 1 n. daisy, chrysanthemum 2 n. button

      cuïc 1 n. ball, piece, broken piece 2 n. bureau, agency

      cuïc suùc adj. brutish

      cuïc taùc v. [of hens] to cackle

      cuùi v. to bend over, to bow down

      cuøi 1 n. pulp, meat [of fruit, nut] 2 n. leper

      cuûi 1 n. firewood, fuel 2 n. cage, kennel

      cuùm n. influenza, flu; gripe

      cuøm v. to shackle, to be in fetters, to chain

      cuïm n. cluster, clump, tuft, grove

      cuøn adj. dull, blunt; rusty

      cuõn côõn adj. too short

      cung 1 n. bow; arc [math] 2 n. declaration, testimonial, evidence 3 n. palace, temple

      cung caàu n. supply and demand

      cung chuùc v. to express respectful wishes

      cung döôõng v. to feed, to take care, to support [parents]

      cung ñieän n. palaces

      cung hieán v. to offer, to donate

      cung khai v. to declare, to admit, to confess

      cung kính adj. respectful

      cung nöõ n. imperial maid

      cung phi n. imperial concubine

      cung öùng v. to provide, to answer, to supply

      cuùng v. to worship, to offer sacrifices, to make offerings

      cuøng 1 adj., v., conj. same; to follow; with, and 2 n. the end, limit

      cuøng cöïc adj. utmost

      cuøng ñöôøng adj. deadlock, at the end of a road

      cuøng nhau adv. together

      cuûng coá v. to strengthen, to consolidate

      cuõng adv. also, too; all right

      cuoác 1 v. to dig out, to dig up 2 n. ride [in rickshaw, taxi]

      cuoác boä v. to walk, to take a walk

      cuoäc 1 n. for games, parties, meetings, actions, etc. 2 v. to bet, to wager

      cuoái n. end; bottom [of list; last]

      cuoäi adj. nonsensical, lying

      cuoãm v. to steal, to filch, to swipe

      cuoàn cuoän v. [of waters] to whirl

      cuoán 1 v., n. to roll, roll 2 v.,n. to roll; roll to wrap-up

      cuoán goùi v. to pack off and to clear out

      cuoän v., n. to roll up; roll, spool [of thread]

      cuoáng 1 n. stalk, stem; stub 2 adj., v. to be panic-stricken, to be nervous

      cuoáng cuoàng adj. utterly agitated, panicky

      cuoáng hoïng n. throat, esophagus

      cuoáng phoåi n. bronchia

      cuoáng quít v. to lose one’s head

      cuoáng ruoät thöøa n. appendix [anatomy]

      cuoàng adj. mad, crazy, insane

      cuoàng nhieät adj. fanatic(al)

      cuoàng phong n. furious gale, tempest

      cuoàng tín adj. fanatic(al)

      cuoàng voïng n. crazy ambition

      cuùp v. to cut, to reduce

      cuïp v. to close; [of tail, ears] to droop

      cuùt v. to scram

      cuït adj. short; lame

      cö v. R to dwell, to reside, to live

      cö daân n. inhabitant, population

      cö nguï v. to dwell, to reside, to live

      cö só n. retired scholar; retired official

      cö truù v. to dwell, to reside, to live

      cö xöû v. to behave

      cöù 1 n. R evidence, proof 2 v., adv. to continue to [precedes main verb], to act despite advice or warning

      cöù ñieåm n. base, main point

      cöù lieäu n. data

      cöø adj. smart, outstanding

      cöû v. to appoint, to send [an official]

      cöû chæ n. gesture, attitude

      cöû ñoäng v., n. to move; motion, movement

      cöû haønh v. to be held; to perform, to celebrate

      cöû nhaân n. bachelor [degree]; bachelor’s degree, licentiate

      cöû toaï n. audience

      cöû tri n. voter

      cöõ 1 n. cycle, epoch, period 2 v. to abstain from

      cöï v. to resist, to scold

      cöï phaùch adj. outstanding, celebrity, prominent

      cöï tuyeät v. to refuse, to reject

      cöa v. to saw, to amputate; [slang] to overcharge

      cöùa v. to cut, to saw off [with a dull knife]

      cöûa n. door

      cöûa beå n. seaport

      cöûa chôùp n. shutters

      cöûa coâng n. government office/department; court, tribunal

      cöûa haøng n. store, shop

      cöûa nhaø n. house, household; housing

      cöûa oâ n. city gate

      cöûa Phaät n. Buddhist temple

      cöûa soâng n. estuary

      cöûa tieäm n. store, shop, department store

      cöïa 1 n. spur [of rooster] 2 v. to move, to stir

      cöïc 1 n. R pole [geography and physics], extreme 2 adj. to be desperately in need, suffering


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