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Orange vs. Brown. Fascisms. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Orange vs. Brown. Fascisms - Almaz Braev

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and just money divide all nations and every society into atoms.

      Take, for example, the Armenians, a well-known ethnic group in the Caucasus and around the world with their ancient culture. Armenian Democrats are standing on Yerevan Square today. Together with their colleagues in the shop, they shout about Russian fascism. Together with the children, they chant that the Russian president is a “dickhead” and an enemy of world freedom and democracy (including Armenian, of course). Where is the national memory of the centuries-old protection of Armenians from the genocide? Where are the culture and basic decency here? Are there any such words at all in the market? These Armenians shouting in the square don’t really care about all Armenians. They think about themselves and how much they will earn on these shares against Russia. Then they will go to Europe or relax at world resorts. I said from the very beginning: the spirit of cynicism, hypocrisy, cunning, and double standards among the Refags is high. Like all traders on all world exchanges, markets, and flea markets, the Refags will be cunning and hypocritical for the people to buy their goods on their shelves in the market row. It is business, just business. World fascism saddled not only governments through the world banking system but also put an invisible yoke on all visitors to these banks. Do you like money? Do you want to live decently? Freedom, democracy, love for the people, and patriotism are also business. Not everyone is lucky enough to get a place in the shopping aisles, but everyone can sell their goods. The world government frees any patriot businessman from true love and patriotism, no matter if he is already an oligarch or just a Maidan activist starting his scam. These loud people, mouths, legs, and hands of the young bourgeoisie are the body of world fascism.

      We figured it out.

      The new fascism is similar to the old fascism despite the differences. The new fascism, like the old one, governs the bourgeoisie: the old fascism gathers complexes from the bourgeoisie and turns complexes into the principle of superiority; that is, it gathers the bourgeoisie in one place and gives strength to its complexes at the level of the national state. Only the organization and management of complexes at the state level strengthen the old fascism. Without the support of officials, fascism cannot gather into detachments. There are a lot of angry, irritated, and dissatisfied people on the market, but this anger still needs to be collected in one place. Gathering these people is difficult and almost impossible without money and financial support. Only support from the outside can turn inferiority complexes into radical superiority; it’s like dressing the hungry and weak, feeding them, and giving them a drink. If people who are dressed well and drunk are released into the street, they will beat everyone different from them, with their heads held high, adding:

      “I’m superior to you! I am above all of you!” We are above all! —

      That’s all these old fascists want to report. And before, they tried to hide their failures. That’s how the mass complex of marginals turns into a weapon of old fascism.

      And how is the new fascism doing in this sense? NF has exactly the same situation. It gathers similar people and calls them volunteers. In terms of hypocrisy and pharisaism, NF will give OF a head start. There are not so many dissatisfied people on the streets of the 21st century, and there is not much irritation. After all, technological progress has smoothed out the contradictions of wealth and poverty, not to hurt the feelings of beggars and caste differences. Social castes receded into the background (this deprived the old communism of influence simply because workers in dirty clothes stopped appearing on the street). There are a lot of Hollywood artificial smiles, democracy, and tolerance in the modern world. Nothing is visible at all. Spiritual and physical genocide is obscured by various shows and news programs (even though all the media are subordinate to the world fascists and they designate themselves as liberal TV). These are absolutely not bloody Nazi concentration camps from the 20th century, and they are almost fashionable hotels and multi-story holiday homes of the 21st century at the same time. But behind such an attractive showcase, behind the shiny and kind packaging, there is absolutely no good content, only wormy stuffing. There is nothing so disgusting at the vaccination points – everything is clean and disinfected. Caring volunteers in white coats meet those wishing to receive the vaccine. After receiving the vaccine, all patients receive certificates. What is not humane here? NF doesn’t have a body as there is nobody in the desire of a street thief. Does desire have a body? Yes, doing has the body of a street thief. But no one sees the theft until they find it missing. Similarly, few people see a catch in vaccination points. It is required to detect a “loss” to detect the effects of injections; therefore, the NF does not seem to have a body, but a crowd of activists are shouting and fighting with the police in the name of democracy and freedom. What kind of freedom? Freedom for whom? It takes time to detect this Maidan scam. Therefore, the NF does not have a body visible again. Why can’t the NF have a body visible? Is it

      so hypocritical? World Government says one thing, but thinks about the results that are detected as theft over time? Yes, that’s right. Unlike all traders in the trading rows, the NF has no sign of superiority. Therefore, NF is hypocritical and prostrates in front of a crowd of potential buyers. Therefore, the NF is dressed in white robes and greets all patients with a smile.

      The old fascism directly declared “Deutsche uber alles” and all the “old” fascists on the escalator of evolution are doing the same now. The new fascism will never directly declare that it’s superior. The NF will hide until the end that it sells low-quality goods. What gives poison? That it wants to poison. But first, it wishes to get money from the victim. Although the old and new fascism gathers its detachments from the bourgeoisie (from the Refags), the old fascism draws strength from the patriarchal hierarchy because all traditional peoples had an elite, people with innate privileges. The new fascism has no such people, no culture of superiority.

      All traders come from the bottom. The new fascism consists of the very rich, the richest people on the planet. But these people have no roots; they have lost touch with their historical homeland. In this case, no state can turn disparate complexes and organize feelings of inferiority into the physical force of old fascism. Where did the new fascists get the desire to be superior? They also want to dominate. They also want to dominate -to rule the world no more, no less they need the whole world. By the way, the old fascism had the same world ambitions. But it relied on the superiority of the nation. The new fascism has untold reserves of money. Money, a lot of money, has never played a role in the traditional world. Therefore, the new and old fascisms collided in a world battle. While the ethnic strength of the Russian people is being tested against the global financial mafia, it all depends on how the elite of Russia organizes its young Refags against world Refags with centuries of trading speculation experience. Only after establishing a hierarchy based on the financial reserves of the elite the new fascism approaches the most traditional-imperial and red China.

      Chapter 6

      The principles of the dominance of the new fascism

      “… and you will lend to many nations, but you will not borrow, and you will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you” (Deuteronomy 15:6).

      If, for the old classical fascism, the principle of domination is an ethos, a nation, Nazism, then why do we not immediately see similar claims in the new fascism?

      On the contrary, the NF willingly supports the manifestation of Nazism among the peripheral peoples of Asia and Africa in the name of democracy and human rights. Such a shy new fascism turns out. Nothing like that! From the outside, the shy new fascism uses the nationalisms of “Asians” underdeveloped from the position of Western civilization as local actions of “useful idiocy”. This support is not only moral but also the financial support of democratic activists put on stream (it is not only pleasant but interesting for these lumpen and declassified people, first of all, national businessmen, to shout about democracy. First, it is profitable). All Asian Democrats and liberals are not only foreign bodies for their traditional autocracies but, first, a ready-made faction of activists for local fascism. Asian democrats and democracies are simply impossible! Democrats and liberals are the second inevitable wave of local plutocracy; no matter what, liberals

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