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Case No. 666: case of murder. Дмитрий Георгиевич БоррониЧитать онлайн книгу.

Case No. 666: case of murder - Дмитрий Георгиевич Боррони

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are a lot of sins to speak about them.

      From Krapin Alexander Evgenyevich's testimonies.

      − I killed nobody. It is imagination of this madman.

      − you agree to undergo testing on the lie detector?

      − And if I refuse, you on me will hang up murder?

      − Is not present though …

      − It agrees.

      − the Lie detector of Schur did not pass. She lay, and I detained her and brought charge of murder.

      Senior special investigator R.E. Dotoshny


      − Shura was frightened of my emergence. It was in rage, having learned that it was ordered. I ask to consider this my recognition voluntary. Shura was involved in Zhenya's murder. It was there. And I saw it. It together with some woman killed some woman, and then Shura left.

      − you saw it own eyes?

      − Yes. I was one of Zhenya's guests.

      − you were familiar with it?

      − Not with it, with her father.

      − As he was called?

      − His name is Krysov Victor Vladimirovich.

      − From where you know it?

      − We − fellow workers.

      − Why you decided to replace indications?

      − I here, but me a reluctance to be late here.

      − it is necessary to Be responsible for deeds all the same.

      − I know.


      − I already said that I am not involved in Zhenya's death. And where stones? Prove that they at me?

      − you are ready to undergo testing on the lie detector?

      − Is not present.

      − Then will automatically bring you charge of murder complicity.

      − Ha! Prove that it was I?

      − we Will prove.


      − you recognize someone from attendees?

      Kozlov attentively looked at attendees.

      − This.

      The investigator specified.

      − Who exactly?

      − At the left at a window. I saw it that night when murder was committed.

      − Krysov, get up.

      Krysov got up.

      − you are sure that it it?

      − it is absolute.

      − Witnesses, undersign for the protocol of identification. And you too.

      After identification was complete, Krysov told that that night many were on the street, and here I?

      − We do not accuse you, − the investigator told. − We simply investigate murder.

      − And to you that on whom it is possible to hang up it is necessary?

      − Is not present, − the investigator said, − we are not engaged in it.

      Now, sitting in the pre-trial detention center in pre-trial detention center Korystolyubov, remembering what was then actually, he wanted to return back everything and to save it from this mistake. He considered that then it should have been handed over in police or in mental hospital. Then it did not appear in such situation. But he did not make it. And now sits here, in this camera, and expects vessels or justification. Still this witness, the devil take him. Who is he? Korystolyubov did not know it.

      The pre-trial detention center included the investigator. It was in good mood, cheerful. Having sat down at a table opposite to Korystolyubov, he strictly asked:

      − Decided to admit, or now we will carry out a confrontation?

      Korystolyubov grinned.

      − Yes you on me have nothing! − having told these words, Korystolyubov waved away. Also added: − you on me have nothing. And I demand the lawyer.

      − your right, − the investigator told. − you have a lawyer?

      − Yes.

      − it is good. You have a right for one call. To whom do you call?

      − His name is Horn Pyotr Rodionovich. He is my lawyer.

      − it is good. Now will bring you your phone. You will be able to make one call.

      The assistant to the investigator entered the camera. He brought cellular and put it on a table.

      − Thanks, − the investigator told. − you can be free.

      When the assistant left, the investigator dialed number given it by Korystolyubov and, having pressed a call key, it gave cellular to Eduard Velyaminovich. That took the device and, having leaned it against an ear, told:

      − Hallo.

      In an hour Pyotr Rodionovich Rog arrived to the pre-trial detention center and, having gained complete idea of this business, said that his client they have no right to detain more than not forty eight hours without a charge. And that is absent.

      − But, − the investigator noticed, − before the termination of this right I had hour of time.

      − It so, − the lawyer agreed, − therefore I advise my client of nothing any more to speak.

      − It that? Is afraid to tell something not that? At it is what to hide?

      − my client has nothing to hide.

      The investigator attentively looked at Korystolyubov and told:

      − And me it seems, is what to hide.

      The lawyer grinned.

      − Yes all this your unreasonable conjectures.

      The investigator looked at the lawyer and suggested it to arrange a confrontation according to the law, article No. 164 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation

      The horn consulted to Korystolyubov. Then he told that the confrontation cannot be without the second suspect or the witness.

      − Certainly.

      − This your condition?

      − Yes.

      − But who this person?

      The investigator grinned.

      − you Will see.

      Korystolyubov can and guessed who this a subject, ominous for it, which can doom him to a long imprisonment in prison. It could not allow it. Also did not want this confrontation. But the investigator was the rested son of a bitch and he insisted on the to the last. He said:

      − I have the right for refusal of a confrontation.

      − This your right.

      − Then my client is free?

      − Is not present, − the investigator said. Also the lie detector suggested it to pass.

      The horn asked:

      −, What for?

      − If it passes it, he is free. If refuses, it will automatically turn from the suspect into the defendant. To solve to you, Eduard Velyaminovich.

      The horn contemptuously looked at the investigator. He understood that that will not release his client. He wanted to accuse him and to put for long term. The lawyer said:

      − This blackmail!?

      − Is not present, − the investigator answered quietly. − It only preliminary investigation.

      − But you for yourself already solved

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