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Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5. Вадим ЗеландЧитать онлайн книгу.

Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5 - Вадим Зеланд

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with your own shortcomings in comparison to the qualities of others has the same effect as desiring to illustrate your comparative eminence. The result will be the opposite of what you originally intended. Do not think that others around you attribute to your shortcomings the same meaning that you do. Everyone is mostly concerned with themselves, and so you can freely relieve yourself of a huge burden. Excess potential will dissipate, balanced forces will cease from accentuating the situation and the freed energy can be used for self-development.

      Rather than fighting your flaws or trying to hide them, they can be compensated for with other qualities. Charm can compensate for a lack of physical beauty. There are people who are relatively unattractive in their external appearance but who enthral others with their words. Self-confidence also compensates for physical flaws and many great historical figures were no picture to look at!

      The inability to communicate freely can be compensated for by being a good listener: As the saying goes “They’re all lying, but it doesn’t matter because no-one is listening”. Your eloquence may interest people but only to a lesser degree. Everyone, just like you, is focused on themselves and their problems and so a good listener who will let you pour your heart out to them is a real treasure. To those who are genuinely shy, take my advice; guard this quality like a precious jewel. Believe me, there is a hidden charm to shyness. When you let go of fighting your shyness it will stop coming across as clumsiness and you will notice how people begin to find you more attractive.

      Here is another example of how one quality compensates for another. The conditioned need to “be cool” often causes people to imitate those individuals who have already achieved the status of being “cool”. To mindlessly copy someone else’s script creates nothing more than a parody. Everyone has their own script. All you need to do is choose your own credo and live by it. To imitate others in an attempt to gain the status of being “cool” is like using the method of the fly beating itself up against the window pane. For example, in a group of teenagers the leader will be the one who lives according to their own beliefs. The leader is therefore free not to take advice from others on how they should act. The leader does not need to imitate anyone; they simply have a worthy opinion of themselves. They know what they are doing; they do not need to suck up to anyone or prove anything to anybody. The leader is therefore free of excess potential and receives the deserved advantage. In any group the leader is always the person who lives according to their own beliefs. When a person has freed themselves from the burden of excess potential they have nothing to prove. They have an inner freedom, are self-sufficient and have more energy than those around them. These qualities give them the advantage of becoming leader.

      Can you see where the open window is? Maybe you think that these types of dynamic do not concern you and that you don’t suffer from issues like these. Do not deceive yourself. Everyone to some degree or another has a tendency to create excess potential in the energy fields around them but if you follow the principles of Transurfing, complexes of inferiority or superiority will simply vanish from your life.

      Love to Have, Love to Hate

      “I want, never gets!” There is truth in this childhood admonition although here I would rephrase it slightly to: “The stronger you want something the less likely you are to get it”. When you want something so much that you are willing to place everything on the cards to get it, you create huge excess potential which destroys balance. Balanced forces can then throw you onto a life line where there is no trace of the object you desired.

      On an energetic level, a person obsessed with desire is like a wild boar trying to catch a blue bird. The boar wants the bird badly, licking its lips, snorting loudly and rooting the ground in anticipation. Naturally, the bird flies away. If on the other hand the boar had simply wandered around somewhere nearby as if indifferent it would have had a good chance of grabbing the bird by the tail.

      There are three types of desire. The first is when a strong desire transforms into the determined intention to have something and do whatever is required to get it. Then the desire is fulfilled. The potential created by the desire is dispersed because the energy behind it is fuelled into action. The second type of desire is inactive and tormenting and represents excess potential in its purest form. It lingers in the energy field. In a best case scenario, it wastes the energy of the suffering carrier, and in a worst case scenario attracts all kinds of unrelated problems.

      The third kind of desire is the most insidious. This type of desire becomes dependent on the object of the desire. Attaching great significance to the desired object automatically creates a dependent relationship and strong excess potential, which in turn calls into effect equally powerful balanced forces. Usually, the person’s thoughts run along the lines of: “If I achieve this, my situation will improve dramatically”, “If I don’t achieve this, my life will lose all meaning”, “If I do this, I’ll prove to myself and everybody else what I’m worth”, “If I don’t do this, I’m worth nothing”, “If I got this, it would be great”, “It will be terrible if I don’t get this”; and so on. Once you become dependent on the object of your desire you are drawn into such a violent whirlpool that you will exhaust yourself in the struggle. Eventually, when you realise that your efforts have led to nothing you will let go of the desire. Balanced forces will have restored equilibrium remaining completely indifferent to your suffering and all because of a strong attachment to the fulfilment of a desire. This is what happens when a desire is placed on one dish of the scales and absolutely everything else is piled on the other.

      Only the first type of desire can be fulfilled because desire is transformed into pure intention free of excess potential. It is a common view that there is no such thing as a free lunch and everything has to be paid for. In truth, we pay only for the excess potential we create. In the alternatives space everything is free. Since we are already using these terms, it could be said that absence of importance and dependent relationships are a kind of payment for the fulfilment of desire. The energy of pure intention is all that is required for you to transfer to a life line where the object of desire becomes a part of your reality. We will return later to the subject of intention. For now, we will simply note that pure intention is desire and action without the attribution of importance. For example, going to the shop to buy a newspaper is a pure intention because it is in no way inhibited.

      The greater an event is valued the more likely it is to fall through in some way. If you attribute huge value to what you have, sooner or later balanced forces will take it from you. If what you want to receive is hugely important to you there is very little chance of you actually getting it unless you lower the stakes.

      For example, you are mad about your new car. You blow the dust off it, cherish it, fear it may get scratched and generally worship it. The huge value you place on your car creates excess potential because in the reality of the information field its true meaning is close to nil. Balanced forces will soon find a clumsy driver to cripple your car or you may bump it somewhere by being overly cautious. All you have to do is level out your attitude towards it, treat it as the relatively ordinary object that it is and the chances of it being damaged will be sharply reduced. Treating your car as something ordinary does not mean carelessly. You can take perfectly good care of a car without idolizing it.

      There is another aspect to the dynamics of strong desire. A lot of people believe that if you want something badly enough, you will get it. This would suggest that strength of desire can bring you onto a life line where your desire will be fulfilled but that is not the case. If your desire has become dependent, like a kind of psychosis, or you are hysterically driven to obtain something whatever the cost, then somewhere deep down inside you do not really believe that you can achieve it. This creates “strong interference” in the thought energy you are transmitting. If you do not truly have faith in something, you will try really hard to convince yourself that you can achieve what you want, thereby boosting the level of excess potential even more. With this kind of dynamic there is a risk that your “life-work” could actually take you all your life to achieve. All you can do is reduce the significance your aim has for you personally and set about achieving what you desire in the same manner as you would if you were to go the shop to buy a newspaper.

      The strong desire to avoid something is a logical continuation of being dissatisfied either with yourself or with something in your environment. The greater the

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