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Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5. Вадим ЗеландЧитать онлайн книгу.

Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5 - Вадим Зеланд

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the excess potential will be. The more you want to avoid something the greater the probability that you will experience it because balanced forces have no attachment to the means of restoring balance. They simply have two alternatives which are either to draw you away from encountering the thing you want to avoid or to bring you into contact with it. It is better to consciously stop negating things in your environment so that you do not create excess potential in the first place. But this is not the only consequence of strong negative attachment. When you think about the thing you are negating you radiate energy at the frequency of a life line where that thing is present. You always get the things you love to hate.

      In reality, this is what happens when you actively desire for something not to happen. Imagine a man attending a grand reception at an embassy. The atmosphere is formal, refined and sedate. Then the man starts waving his hands about uncontrollably, stamping his feet and screaming desperately how much he would hate to be forced to leave immediately. Naturally, the security guys would appear forthwith, grabbing the strange guest under the arms. The man whines and tries to resist but is nonetheless swiftly escorted out of the building. This is, of course, an exaggerated picture of reality, but on an energetic level the dynamic of negative attachment has the same level of force and intensity.

      Let us take another example. In the middle of the night you are woken by your noisy neighbours. You really want to sleep because you have to go to work in the morning but it seems like your neighbour’s party is just getting going. The more you want them to stop the more likely the party is to go on for some time. The angrier you get the noisier the party becomes and if you start to hate your neighbours with intensity you can guarantee that late night parties will become more frequent. To solve the problem you can apply the method of defeating or stopping the pendulum. You will stop the pendulum’s sway if you choose to see the situation as a parody. You could also ignore the situation, refusing to show any sign of interest or emotion. Then the pendulum will be defeated and no excess potential is created. Take comfort in the awareness that you have freedom of choice and that you know how to use it. Soon the neighbours will settle down. This is how it works. Try it out for yourself.

      Now you can think back and recognise what things in your life you have attributed excessive importance to and what problems you came up against as a result. If things are genuinely awful, let go of the idea of their importance totally; shake loose your dependency on the situation and start transmitting positive energy right away. The worse things are now, the better, as this will enable you to assess how the technique works if you feel that you have suffered great loss. Take heart! In this situation, balanced forces are on your side because their task is to compensate bad with good. Things can no more be bad all the time than they can be good all the time. No-one can ride the wave of success all their lives. This is what it would look like on an energetic level if you were to re-attune your energy in this way. Imagine you were attacked, abused, beaten up and everything you had on you was taken, and then all of a sudden, you were shoved a bag which turned out to be full of money. The more you were wounded, the greater the amount of money in the bag there would be.


      Guilt is pure excess potential. In nature there are no notions of good and bad. For balanced forces both good and bad deeds are equivalent. The important thing in either case is to restore balance if excess potential arises. If you have behaved badly, became aware of it and then started to feel guilty (I should be punished) you will have created potential. If you have acted well, become aware of it and started feeling proud of yourself (I should be rewarded) then you will also have created potential. Balanced forces have no concept that some things should be rewarded and others punished. They simply eliminate inhomogeneity in the energy field.

      The payment for feelings of guilt will always be punishment in one form or another. If you do not feel guilty then punishment might not be forthcoming. Unfortunately, feelings of pride that you experience when you have done something good will also lead to punishment rather than reward because the purpose of balanced forces is to eliminate the excess potential of pride, whereas a reward would only enhance it.

      An induced feeling of guilt, i.e. guilt you feel when “proper” people are expecting you to feel guilty, creates excess potential squared. As well as your own conscience bothering you, you also have to bear the anger of the righteous as well. Finally, the greatest excess potential is generated by people who experience unwarranted feelings of guilt caused by an innate tendency to “always take the blame”. In this case, there is absolutely no point in suffering pangs of conscience, because the reason for the guilt was made up in the first place. Having a guilt complex can ruin your life because you will be constantly subject to the impact of balanced forces appearing in order to eliminate the bias of guilt for imagined crimes.

      There is a truth in the saying: “Impudence is second happiness”. In general, people whose conscience does not bother them are not affected by balanced forces even if they have committed a wrong doing. It would be great if God automatically punished all villains and culprits. Justice would prevail and evil be overcome. Nonetheless, there is no ‘justice’ as such in nature and so, sad as it may be, the opposite happens; decent people who have an inherent feeling of guilt are the ones who constantly face misfortune, whereas the shameless and the cynical often go through life not only unpunished, but successful.

      Feelings of guilt will always produce a script that includes punishment whether you are conscious of what is happening or not. Your subconscious follows the script and makes you pay. In a best case scenario you will get away with a few cuts or bruises, or some kind of problem will arise. In a worst case scenario, you could have an accident with serious repercussions. This is what the feeling of guilt does. It brings nothing useful or creative, only destruction. It is better to avoid doing anything that would later cause you to feel guilty than to torture yourself with a guilty conscience. Once you can say to yourself that you have not actually done anything wrong it is totally futile to continue torturing yourself with a guilt complex. The feelings you suffer will not benefit anyone, least of all you.

      The Ten Commandments are not so much morals in the ethical sense as recommendations for how to maintain balance. It is we with our basic childlike outlook who have interpreted the Commandments as if they were our mother warning us not to be naughty, otherwise she will make us stand in the corner. On the contrary, nothing is said about punishing people who get up to a little mischief. People create their own problems by destroying the balance. The Commandments are simply a warning.

      As we said earlier, guilt is like a thread that pendulums, and especially manipulators, can use to control you. Manipulators are people who act according to the construct of: “You have to do what I tell you to now because you are guilty” or “I am better than you because you are in the wrong”. A manipulator tries to impose a feeling of guilt onto their “charges”, to gain power over them, or for their own self-assertion. On the surface these people can seem very “proper.” In their view, what is good and what is bad was established long ago. They always say the right thing and their actions are impeccably correct.

      However, in fairness it should be said that not all people who are respectable and decent have a tendency to manipulate. The need to lecture and guide is a consequence of doubt and uncertainty that plagues a person’s soul. They skilfully hide their inner struggle from themselves and those around them. Lacking the inner strength that truly decent people possess, the manipulator seeks self-assertion at the expense of others. The need to lecture and control stems from the desire to strengthen their own position, which they do by belittling their adopted ward. Thus, dependent relationships are created. It would be wonderful if balanced forces could make sure that manipulators got what they deserve. However, excess potential only arises where there is tension and a build-up of energy. In this case, there is no build up of excess potential because the ward gives their energy to the manipulator creating a flow. As a result, the manipulator stands uncorrected.

      As soon as a person indicates that they are willing to absorb guilt, a manipulator will stick to that person like glue and feed on their energy. This dynamic can be avoided simply by refusing to take on feelings of guilt. You do not have to justify yourself to anyone and you do not owe anybody anything. If you are to blame for something then you can accept the punishment, as long as you do not get stuck in the position of the guilty party afterwards. You do not owe those close to you anything either; after all, you care about

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