Everybody's Book of Luck. AnonymousЧитать онлайн книгу.
PERSON.—The hand is very much lined, and there is difficulty in picking out the chief lines. The Mount of Luna is large and much furrowed.
No. 9.—The Life line begins on the Mount of Jupiter and is doubled. The Heart line commences on the same mount and is forked at both ends. The Head line is doubled and forked at one end. The Fate line is long, straight and rises from the Bracelets. The finger of Apollo is lined. The Marriage line is straight and clear.
OVERBEARING PERSON.—The fingers are square-tipped and the first phalange of the thumb is long and thick. The hand itself is rough and coarse. A short Heart line.
PASSIONATE PERSON.—The Heart line is long and the Mount of Mercury over-pronounced.
PHILOSOPHIC PERSON.—The finger-tips are square; the phalanges are all more or less fleshy and full; the thumb is large and long; the palm is comparatively small.
PROFLIGATE PERSON.—The Head line takes a wavering course, and there is a star on the thumb, close up to the nail.
RECKLESS PERSON.—The finger of Saturn is more pointed at the tip than the other fingers. The Fate line does not come anywhere near to the Bracelets.
REFINED PERSON.—The Mounts of Mercury and Luna are far more pronounced than the others; the fingers are slightly pointed, and the texture of the hand is silky.
RELIGIOUS PERSON.—The first finger has a square tip; the Mount of Jupiter is large; the first phalanges of all the fingers are decidedly long, and there is a cross in the center of the palm, close to the Head and Heart lines.
SECOND-SIGHT, PERSON WITH.—An unusual line runs from the Mount of Luna to the Mount of Mercury. It takes a circular course and much resembles the Life line, reversed. This line commences with an island.
SLEEPY PERSON.—A deeply-grooved short Head line.
SUCCESSFUL PERSON.—The Life line starts from the Mount of Jupiter and is double throughout its course. The Heart line commences at almost the same spot and is forked at both ends.
SUPERSTITIOUS PERSON.—The Mount of Jupiter is particularly well developed. There are several lines running across it; while the Head line is shorter than usual.
TACTFUL PERSON.—The hands are long and narrow; the texture of the skin is smooth and silky, and all the first phalanges are plump and, perhaps, longitudinally lined.
TALKATIVE PERSON.—The Heart and Head lines are not easily discovered, and the Mount of Mercury stands up more than the other mounts.
THOUGHTFUL PERSON.—The first finger almost as long as the second; it is pointed at the tip more than the others. A wide space is formed between the Heart, Head, Fate and Fortune (or Health) lines.
TIMID PERSON.—None of the Mounts appear plainly, while the Head and Heart lines run very close together.
UNTRUTHFUL PERSON.—The little finger is long, reaching at least to the base of the nail of the third finger. The Mount of Luna is crossed with many lines.
VAIN PERSON.—The Mount of Jupiter is fuller than the others and it is crossed with many lines. The fingers are long and rather pointed.
VINDICTIVE PERSON.—The Head line wriggles along its course. It has a fork close to the Mount of Luna.
WEALTHY PERSON.—When earned, the Mount of Luna, on both hands, shows a number of lines which all run in one direction. They do not cross at all. When inherited, the same, but there is, in addition, a cross on the Bracelets.
WITTY PERSON.—The Mount of Mercury shows up clearly. In addition, there is a curved line which runs from the junction of the first and second fingers to the junction of the third and fourth fingers. The Heart line is usually good.
Your handwriting is you; disguise it as you will, it still reveals your character. As a matter of fact, it is a sheer impossibility for an ordinary person to alter his or her writing completely. The natural hand and the purposely-changed hand will bear several resemblances, however hard the individual may try to make them dissimilar. This is due to the fact that the same character lies behind both efforts. Not only is your handwriting you, but the handwriting of your friend is "him or her." This being so, you will find it a simple matter to arrive at his or her qualities by analyzing a few lines of the person's handwriting. To become sufficiently expert for this, you will not need more than half-an-hour's study.
FIRST of all we must attend to the direction of the lines of writing, as, should these be level, a normal and calm state of mind is shown, generally reliable, and not subject to change.
When the lines slope toward the right, much energy is indicated; when the lines slope downward, a lack of energy is shown, usually from depression which may result from ill health.
If the writing slopes upward with excess, it shows recklessness; if downwards, with a very sloping inclination, it shows mental depression verging almost on loss of reason.
If the signature slopes upwards, then we may expect to find personal ambition, but if downwards, some physical weakness. If instead of the whole line ascending only words here and there will ascend, this indicates "hope," but if scattered words ascend and descend in the same line, we may read a lack of tenacity in emotions.
SECONDLY.—The lines forming the letters may appear:—
(A) Practically upright; or
(B) Sloping slightly to the right.
(C) Sloping very much to the right as if each letter were falling over the rest.
(D) Sloping to the left, and lastly,
(E) "Back-hand writing."
Between A and B might be called normal.
A Shows pluck and self-possession, and, if pointed, mathematics.
B Tenderness, but should the writing be pointed, a quick, acute mind, with no sympathy with sentiment.
C Shows indolence; if with pointed letters, mental power, but should the letters be rounded, mental and physical indolence.
D Shows a love of ease, while
E Looks peculiar and indicates self-consciousness, and, as a rule, hidden sentimentality.
THIRDLY.—The writing small and pointed, we get curiosity; if medium in size, and gradually increasing towards the end of the line, it shows an outspoken nature; should the writing diminish towards the end of the line we read tact.
If it is fine and threadlike in appearance, it shows a sensitive mind, diplomacy.
Large writing shows promptness, but if the strokes are very fine, we see appreciation of other people's work—a connoisseur.
Small, clear writing shows love of the abstruse, and if the lines are very delicate, a feeling for the mystic. If the writing is extremely small, it shows pettiness of nature, fussiness over unimportant details.
Letters of different sizes show unreliability of nature, exaggerating trifles and ignoring more important things.
Light and fine writing means delicacy of feeling, but if carried to excess it shows fastidiousness.
FOURTHLY.—The connections of the letters with each other must be judged. If the connecting stroke is long, it shows some facility in talking and expression, the power of using words well, not