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phalange of the thumb twists inwards, whilst all the fingers are remarkably straight.
CHARITABLE PERSON.—A good Heart line with well-developed Mounts of Venus and Mars (particularly the Mars Mount below Jupiter.)
CHEERFUL PERSON.—A long first phalange to the fourth finger and the Mounts of Jupiter, Apollo and Mercury nice and plump.
CLEVER PERSON.—The Life line shows a cross at one of its ends and the Mounts of Apollo and Mercury are well defined.
CONCEITED PERSON.—Very plump Mounts of Saturn, Apollo and Mercury.
CONSCIENTIOUS PERSON.—A broad, thin hand, a very distinct Mount of Jupiter, and the first phalange of the thumb nicely curved.
CONVINCING SPEAKER.—The fourth finger is almost as long as the third, usually because the first phalange is long. This finger is pointed.
CORDIALITY.—The Heart line extends almost across the palm; it is straight, except at one end, which branches into a fork.
COWARDLY.—When the hand is opened out flat, the fourth phalanges of all the fingers dip or curve downwards. None of the mounts are distinct.
CRUEL PERSON.—The Heart line is almost or quite non-existing. The hand is long, but square-cornered, and the finger-nails are pointed at the base.
DARING PERSON.—The Heart line curves round to the back of the hand, while both the Mounts of Mars are fully developed.
DECEITFUL PERSON.—The Head line wavers, is not very distinct, and it has a double prong at one end. One of the prongs cuts across the Mount of Luna.
DEFIANT PERSON.—The third phalange of the first finger is longer than the third phalanges of other fingers. The thumb is large.
DISAPPOINTMENTS TO BE EXPERIENCED.—The Life line has a number of small hair lines running from it, like herringbone pattern. Some of these hair lines reach the bracelets.
DISSIPATED PERSON.—A star beside the thumb-nail and the Head line is deep and wide.
ENERGETIC PERSON.—The head line runs from side to side of the palm. It is clear throughout, while the four mounts below the four fingers are very distinct.
ENVIOUS PERSON.—On the first finger there are several clear lines; they are found mostly on the third phalange, but some exist on the second. None on the first.
EXTRAVAGANT PERSON.—The tips of all the fingers bend back and the Head line is weak.
FAITHLESS PERSON.—The two Mounts of Mars and that of Mercury stand out more clearly than the others.
FAME, PERSON DESTINED FOR.—The Fate line is more distinct than any other and no other line crosses it.
FAR-SEEING PERSON.—The palm is depressed in the middle, the thumb is well developed, strong in outline, and all the phalanges of the fingers are about as long as they are wide.
FAULT-FINDING PERSON.—A long, narrow hand, with an ill-defined Heart line.
FLIRT.—The Head line consists of a line joining up several links, forming a species of chain.
FORCEFUL PERSON.—A cross on the Mount of Apollo and small lines crossing.
FORTUNATE PERSON.—The Heart and Head lines almost touch below the Mount of Jupiter. A cross is often found between them just at this point. The third finger shows a long line running the length of two phalanges.
GOOD CHARACTER.—The Mounts of Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury are much in evidence, while the tips of the fingers are nicely rounded.
GREEDY PERSON.—When the hand is spread out the fingers bend inwards, because of the excessive width of the palm. The Head line runs across the palm almost in a straight line.
HAPPY PERSON.—On the third finger there is a deep line running the length of the third phalange. Also, the bracelets appear as a single deep furrow.
HARD WORKER.—The fourth finger has the second phalange a trifle long, while the two Mounts or Mars are well developed.
IDLER.—The Head line is very short; the Mounts of Luna and Mercury are well developed, while the Mount of Mercury almost touches that of Mars.
IMPATIENT PERSON.—The Mounts of Mars and Mercury stand well above the level of the palm and are crossed by several small lines.
INTELLIGENT PERSON.—The Mounts of Apollo and Mercury are much in evidence, while the Life line terminates in a cross.
JEALOUS PERSON.—The Head line continues round to the back of the hand, while the Mount of Mercury is more defined than the others.
JUST PERSON.—Square-tipped fingers and square nails, while the space formed between the Heart and Head lines is unusually wide.
KIND PERSON.—A star figures on the thumb, while the Mounts of Apollo and Mercury are much in evidence. The Heart line is not short.
LIKING FOR OPPOSITE SEX.—A star is seen on the Mount of Mercury or a star may appear between the Heart and Head lines.
LONG LIFE.—The Heart line curves entirely round the thumb, being plainly evident all the way, while the bracelets consist of three clear lines.
LUCKY PERSON.—See diagram of a very lucky hand.
MARRIAGE.—The Marriage line is a comparatively short line, found above the Heart line and starting from the edge of the palm, under the little finger.
If straight and well defined, it is a sign of a happy married life. (See Fig. A, p. 23.)
If curved down, there are troubles to overcome.
If the line runs down to the Heart line, money difficulties will arise in married life. (See Fig. B.)
If the line ends in a fork, there are fears of quarrels and, perhaps, separations. (See Fig. C.)
If the line runs up and touches the Fate line, marriage will bring many successes.
If there is practically no length to the actual marriage line, but a fork appears almost at the commencement, it is a clear proof that troubles will arise and prevent the owner from marrying when he or she desires it. There will be delays, postponements and other difficulties, but they will be overcome in the end. (See Fig. D.)
If there is an island where the line should commence, this may be taken as a sign that the possessor is not a suitable person for marriage. But, if the line is a good one, after the island is past, there are hopes that he or she will mend. (See Fig. E.)
If the marriage line hardly exists or does not appear at all, it is a sign of single blessedness through life.
If the marriage line on the right hand is minutely examined, short hair lines may be seen rising upwards from it. The number of these denotes the number of children of the marriage. It is usually said that the perpendicular lines represent the boys and the slanting lines the girls. As these lines are often very indistinct, it may be necessary to dust the hand with a dab of face-powder, in order to see them.
NARROW-MINDED PERSON.—The Head line is short and it wavers or wriggles its way across the palm.
NEAT, ORDERLY PERSON.—Where each finger is hinged to the palm, there is a deep crease making a badge on either side of it. The hand itself is square and vigorous in appearance.