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Pupil of magicians of a rainbow. Vadim PoperekovЧитать онлайн книгу.

Pupil of magicians of a rainbow - Vadim Poperekov

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was heard.

      Having quickly gathered, we carefully continued our rise on the mountain in the twilight. Through what – that time in the sky because of mountains seemed two moon as if two twins floating on a sky. Rise complicated the blown strong wind; it blew a body through as if there were no clothes.

      – Let’s take rest here – Bystronog showed towards imperceptible deepening in the rock – here we will hide from wind and we will have a sleep.

      I, desiccated and frozen from the wind, curled up with a cripple inside a forced place for a night out. A little warm, I went to sleep, but the goblin apparently was not going to sleep.

      I woke up from a quiet scrape of stone about a stone quite near and a formidable fish of a dozen swallows. The wall I slept at went away and had dirty, healthy kids with guns in their hands. I did not even have time to be scared, as I saw that one of these children with fangs protruding from the mouth on a green hare swung at me with some stick. My head was burned by pain and through the darkening consciousness I saw that Fast justified his name by running away quickly.

      Chapter 2. In captivity of orks

      I had a strange dream – I, tied on my hands and feet, lie in a small cave with low vaults in a pile of some cloth and watch myself as if from the outside. And here the voice – Hi the stranger behind was distributed.

      I smoothly turned back as if forcing the way through water in the pool and was stupefied with what was seen —

      In front of me stood or rather paraded a transparent silhouette of a man buried in armor from his feet to his head with an open fence. He held a transparent long two-handled staff in hand and smiling looked at me. Behind his back, he saw a cone-shaped shield, and behind his belt, a one-handed sword in knives was pushed.

      – Ghost? – reached me.

      – Yes a ghost – he grinned – Unlike you.

      – Why? How? – Pinned with fear I uttered or wanted to utter, but he understood me.

      – I am a ghost of the killed fighting magician, and you is similar, only – that the initiated young man with abilities to magic, time you appeared out of the body, and your body lies hardly live nearby. Look on yourself – what you see?

      After examining myself, I found myself dressed in my favorite earthly clothes, consisting of jeans with a ruby and shoes on my feet, but everything was a little transparent.

      – These are your habitual clothes, the image which is subconsciously taken from your head. – the magician explained.

      – But why you here? And what is your name? – I took an interest.

      – When I was alive, my name was Siuris Stongblaind or Siuris Lightning. In my lifetime, I was a second-level magician in Guild of Rainbow Magicians. Our Guild fights against powers of darkness in the person of demons, orks, the trolls, dark elves and other representatives of races worshipping the dark gods living in this world. On Centroniya at us is, and light gods as opposed to dark. And our award was created for fight against the evil in all its manifestations. I had a purpose to find and take away in these mountains a dangerous artifact from shamans of orks which is a part of the whole uniform artifact of dark god Gloom, to thereby prevent inducement of a bowl of scales towards powers of darkness. Having got to smartly arranged trap, I got beaten then I cannot far depart in the form of a ghost from the artifact supporting my existence in such look for already about two hundred years. Time to be presented to you came. – the ghost grinned.

      Having presented and having told Siuris the story of hit to this world and «hospitality» at goblins, I stopped the story on capture, apparently, orks.

      – Lyutoglaz you speak? It means all this time imperceptibly collected souls from other worlds, increasing the power. Goblins wanted to deceive to make you serve them; in fact, you would become their slave until my death

      Days and a trained magician can have a very long life. I see on your aura that you do not lie. It is long-awaited good luck I will help you Vladimir Marked and together we can get out of these caves with my artifact.

      – I agree what needs to be done?

      – Do you see this ring on a forefinger of my right hand? – Ghost took the non-existent Latin sleeve off his right hand and showed off a thick gold ring with a large diamond on his index finger. It is a projection of my artifact which teleports us in the closest citadel of my award. All problem is that only living magicians can use an artifact. When I got to a trap, could not use it because cunning shamans of orks provided this option and agitated the astral field so that it became impossible to move. Before death, I hid a ring in an astral spatial pocket, which is supported at the expense of an artifact, as well as I am after the initiation of the beginning, you spontaneously produce mana – the resource necessary to create spells. Let’s hope that you will have enough mana that with my help to call an artifact from an astral. After that, you should dress a ring on a forefinger of the right hand and to saturate a teleportation spell which projection I will create before you at the right time.

      – How will I call an artifact? And How I will saturate this projection?

      – You will understand intuitively, and now you should recover. You and so for the first time stayed long in an astral, just wish to return to the body.

      I wanted to come back and here I was pulled towards my lying body, fascinating as if a rush of air.

      – Get up the asshole, for you came – the sharp rough voice was distributed, and I felt a strong kick on edges. After that, with pain in the area of the sternum, he was stuffed and chained with blood.

      Having opened eyes, I saw two dirty orks facing me. Big big fellows, with dirty faces of greenish shade with fangs peeling from under the lower lip, were very similar to a computer game. They were dressed in an armor of rough quality, one had on a belt a bludgeon, and at another behind a belt a sword in the sheath which rusted from an old age and the wooden board behind the back fitted by a skin of an unclear animal.

      – A block look do not kill him if it does not live up to the necessary moment, then the leader learns who will be guilty of it – hissed the voice full of rage belonging to the appeared shaman of orks judging by a staff in his hands.

      – Gartran, but he’s just a pathetic man, a piece of meat, why are you so sad about him?

      – Not your mind business, the Block, you and should not think, put it on legs and conduct for me – the sharp order hail of the shaman which orks – soldiers did not dare to disobey was distributed.

      Some time we went along monotonous corridors did not appear before the massive door upholstered with iron with a bolt from this party and a big keyhole yet. Before a door couple of orks on each side in an armor stood sentinel and at weapon, it is better quality, than at escorts.

      In my head, all thoughts were about Siuris and his artifact. Where it? Where am I conduct?

      – Vladimir – quietly rustled a familiar voice in my head – the shaman can notice me, wait so far you will remain alone.

      I was rough brought inside the room opened by the guards and put on a chair in the center of the hall.

      The small room to the right of the center occupied a wide table with two benches opposite to each other. On the center a chair on which I was put and the fire which now brightly burned and roasted carcass of the unknown animal on a spit reminding a pig only was difficult at the left is larger. Over a fire the opening in a ceiling where smoke left was punched. And on corners of the room wall torches burned.

      A pangolin of snakes out the door opposite the one we walked through. A blue shade scaly skin as if a diving suit enveloped a tail, hands and the head, as at

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