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The Gun Digest Book of Firearms Assembly/Disassembly Part V - Shotguns. J B WoodЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Gun Digest Book of Firearms Assembly/Disassembly Part V - Shotguns - J B Wood

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      12. Drift out the hammer cross pin, and remove the hammer from the trigger housing.

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      13. Remove the hammer spring screw, located on the underside of the rear tang of the trigger housing. Note that the spring is not removed at this time.


      14. Insert a small screwdriver at the front of the safety sear to depress the plunger and spring, and remove the safety sear toward the left. Caution: Keep the plunger under control, ease it out, and remove the plunger and spring upward.


      15. Lift the hammer spring at the front, and remove it upward and toward the front.

      16. Push out the small cross pin in the rear tang of the trigger housing. Removal is easier if the trigger spring is slightly depressed in the vicinity of the pin.

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      17. Remove the trigger spring upward and toward the rear.

      18. Invert the trigger housing over the palm of the hand, and move the safety to free the detent ball. If it does not drop out easily, tap the housing with a nylon hammer.


      19. Drift out the trigger cross pin, and remove the trigger upward.


      20. Remove the safety toward the right.


      21. Remove the lock screw and the large carrier pivot screw on each side of the receiver.


      22. Remove the two sections of the carrier down-ward. Note that on early guns. the carrier will be a single part.


      23. The dog and its plunger and spring are retained on the rear section of the carrier by a cross pin that is riveted in place, and this should be removed only for repair. If it is necessary, drift out the pin inward (toward the left), and be sure the carrier section is well supported.

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      24. Restrain the bolt spring plug at the rear of its housing, push out the cross pin, and remove the plug, spring, and follower toward the rear. Caution: The spring is powerful and is under tension. Control it, and ease it out It is possible to also unscrew the housing (tube) from the rear tang of the receiver, but this is not advisable in normal takedown.

      25. Move the bolt back to the position shown, until the locking block latch pin is aligned with the exit cut in the lower edge of the ejection port. Insert a drift punch through the access hole in the left side of the receiver, and push out the pin toward the right.


      26. Removal of the pin will release the locking block latch from the bottom of the bolt. Remove the latch and its spring.

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      27. Move the bolt to the rear, swinging the link bar out-ward. Restrain the operating handle, and move the bolt forward, leaving the handle at the rear.


      28. Swing the link bar back inside, and remove the bolt assembly toward the front.

      29. Move the operating handle unit forward, and remove it from the ejection port.


      30. Drift out the cross pin at the rear of the bolt toward the right, and remove the firing pin toward the rear.

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      31. Push the front of the link bar upward, tipping the locking block out the top of the bolt, and remove the assembly upward. Drifting out the cross pin at lower rear of the locking block will release the link bar for removal.


      32. The extractors and their coil springs are retained on each side at the front of the bolt by vertical pins. Drift out the pins downward, and take off the extractors and springs toward each side.

      33. Remove the magazine cut-off spring screw, located on the left side at the forward edge of the receiver, and take off the spring toward the front.


      34. On early guns, the magazine cut-off, carrier latch, and shell stop are retained by vertical screws set in the lower edge of the receiver. In later guns, such as the one shown, these parts are retained by roll pins. For removal, the pins are drifted upward, and exit holes are provided inside the receiver. Use a roll pin punch to drift the magazine cut-off pin upward.

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      35. Remove the magazine cut-off toward the left.

      36. Drift out the shell stop pin upward, and remove the shell stop and its spring from inside the receiver.


      37. Drift out the carrier latch pin upward, and take out the latch and its release button from inside the receiver. Note that the carrier latch spring is riveted in place, and is not routinely removed.

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