The Gun Digest Book of Firearms Assembly/Disassembly Part V - Shotguns. J B WoodЧитать онлайн книгу.
The combination shell stop and carrier latch should be removed only for repair purposes. A small roll pin must first be drifted inward.
32. After Ithe roll cross pin has been drifted out inward, the vertical pin that pivots the shell stop and carrier latch is drifted out downward, using an aperture provided in the lower edge of the ejection port. The shell stop, latch, button, and spring are then removed inward. Again, this system should be removed only for repair.
33. Two screws retain the forend baseplateat the front of the receiver. The magazine tube is not routinely removable.
34. The rubber bultplate is retained by two Phillips screws. A 19mm socket is required for removal of the stock mounting nut. Removal of the stock will give access to the bolt spring housing. If the bolt spring and plunger are to be removed, use caution and control the spring.
Reassembly Tips:
1. When replacing the carrier spring system, do it in reverse of the takedown procedure. Engage the semicircular attachment with its recess in the carrier, put the base on the rear tip of the spring guide, and push the base forward and then into its recess.
2. If the bolt slide strut has been removed, be sure it is reattached as shown.
Browning Auto-5
Similar/Identical Pattern Guns The same basic assembly/disassembly steps for the Browning Auto-5 also apply to the following guns:
Remington Model 11
Remington Model 11B
Remington Model 11 E
Remington Model 11R
Remington 11A
Remington 11D
Remington 11F
Data: | Browning Auto-5 |
Origin: | Belgium and/or Japan |
Manufacturer: | Fabrique Nationale, Herstal, for Browning, Morgan, Utah |
Gauges: | 12,16, and 20 |
Magazine capacity: | 4 rounds |
Overall length: | 47 inches |
Barrel length: | 24 to 30 inches |
Weight: | 6 1/8 to 8 1/4 pounds |
Designed by the great John M. Browning just before the turn of the century, this fine gun was introduced in 1900. There have been tiny mechanical changes over the years, but the basic design is absolutely unchanged. At one time, both Remington and Savage made versions of the gun, during periods when the original Belgian model was not marketed in the U.S. The instructions will generally apply to the Remington Model lls, but not to the Savage, which is mechanically different. In this revised edition, the Savage is covered separately.
1. Pull back the operating handle to lock the bolt in the open position, and set the safety in the on-safe position. Depress the barrel slightly toward the rear, and unscrew and remove the magazine end cap. Take off the forend and barrel toward the front.
2. The ejector is mounted in a T-slot at the left rear of the barrel extension, and is retained by a riveted cross pin. In some models, it is solidly fixed, and in others it has an opening at the center and slides to the rear. In both cases, it should be removed only for repair. The riveted pin is driven out inward.
3. Remove the bronze friction piece and its attached spring toward the front.
4. Remove the compression ring toward the front. If the gun has been used with light loads, the ring will be found "stored" at the rear of the recoil spring.
5. Remove the recoil spring toward the front.
6. Hold the operating handle to restrain the bolt, depress the carrier latch button, and ease the bolt forward to the closed position. Remove the lock screw, then the stock screw, in the reartip of the lower tang. It should be noted that for all screws on this gun, you will need screwdrivers with very thin blades. If necessary, alter some screwdrivers for this purpose. Remove the buttstock toward the rear. If it is very tight, bump the front of the comb with the heel of the hand or a rubber hammer.
7. Remove the lock screw, then the main screw on the left side of the receiver, just above the front of the trigger housing.
8. Remove the lock screw, then the main screw on the left side at the lower rear of the receiver.
9. Remove the trigger group downward.
10. Remove the carrier spring from its post on the left side of the trigger housing. Note that on early guns, this spring will be mounted on a post inside the receiver, and must be detached at the front, then moved off its post inward for removal.
11. Move the safety to the off-safe position, tip the safety sear (arrow) forward, restrain the hammer, pull the trigger, and ease the hammer forward until its roller disengages from the tip of the hammer spring.